
Saturday, 27 April 2019

Claire and Jen on evolution, usury, the components of religion and the British East India Company

1:00  Evolution
Transmission of information
Verbal and non-verbal communication

90% of animals existing overnight and 10% evolved?

Creation and Evolution hypothesis

Conservation of energy - energy can't be created or destroyed.

Quantum creation, quantum field, critical mass

37:00 "Faith is the glue of theocracy."

Emunah and bitachon - the story of Job

When Job's wife said "Curse God and die", she was displaying emunah but not bitachon.

41:00 We choose to believe.

42:00 Jen refused to be confirmed at 13.

44:00 Religion is what gives a people their sense of identity. Religion keeps a people together and apart from each other.

45:00 Jen says "There is no compulsion in religion."
46:00 Science is science, religion is religion.

47:00 My definition of morality/religion

49:00 Teleology

50:00 Judaism

50:30 Christians used Jews when they wanted to borrow money.

52:00 I inspired Jen's hypothesis that Christianity and Islam are Jewish. I am her Muse.

54:00 Imperial exceptionalism

55:00 Every war is a technological advance.

55:30 The global British Empire and the global Anglo Saxon

56:00 Jen wonders if a global wall-building programme would prevent war.

58:00 When Jen was 5 she thought there was a false theocracy in charge of society.

59:00 Jen thinks she is smarter than other people though she doesn't like people behaving as if they think they are smarter than her.

1:00:00 Was Jen hinting that she thinks I am a "submissive whore" practising "fake humility"?

1:03:00  Voluntarism

1:05:00 Jen seems to think I represent the Abrahamic faiths and accuses me as if I were its representative.

1:08:00  Jen thinks she is more karmically advanced than me.

1:11:00 Jen claims she is more spiritually mature than me.

1:12:00  Moral cripples have no wish to restore patriarchy and have no use for Secular Koranism.

1:12:30 My theory on the origins and purpose of morality and religion for tribes, nations, empires and civilisations.

1:15:00 National identity is forged in the furnace of war, revolution and political change.

1:15:30  Buddhism was seen off by a Hindu revival.

1:18:00 Europeans and Indians. According to Jen , there are more white conversions to Hinduism than Islam.

1:20:00 Jen appears to think everything about the Abrahamic faiths is a lie. Jen's mother, Kevin Grace, E Michael Jones, Catholic chauvinism.

1:22:00 E Michael Jones

1:24:00 The truth, even if spoken by no one, is still the truth.

1:24:30 Copenhagen interpretation proves reincarnation, apparently

1:25:00 The Jungle Book, the movie and the book

1:27:00 The mind is a powerful instrument of direction.

1:30:00 Survey Monkey on Secular Koranism

1:33:00 The purpose of religion

1:34:00 All civilisations have a finite lifespan.

1:35:00 Ant colonies

1:37:00 Success and imperialism

1:38:00 Post hoc ergo propter hoc

1:39:00 Jen threatening me in the last stream was my memory of it. She thought we were discussing cause and effect. History is written by the victor.

1:44:00 AM 5779 began at sunset on 9 September 2018 and will end at sunset on 29 September 2019.


1:47:00 Noahide laws

1:48:00  Is it natural to be imperialistic?

1:51:00 Jews, Europeans and usury

1:52:00 Jen thinks Jews were responsible for the fall of Rome, the British and American empires.

1:53:00 The amount you can win or lose could exceed your original stake in spread betting. Trading on margin, futures trading, fractional reserve banking.

1:56:00 Coup d'etat Brahmin style

1:58:00 Was the British East India Company run by Jews

2:00:00 Islam was invented by Jews, according to Jen. Muhammad's mother was Jewish.

2:03:00 Jen's attitude towards Jews

2:05:00 Isaac and Ishmael were sons of Abraham. The latter represents the Muslim branch.

2:06:00 Semitic peoples

2:08:00 People who won't use ideas they hadn't thought of.

2:10:00 trigger words: "neurotic hatred"

2:12:00 "Semitic death cult"


2:17:00 Why did Jen fixate on India?

2:18:00  When did I stop believing that India is the cradle of civilisation?

2:22:00 Which is more unbelievable - Christianity or Islam?

2:22:30 Jen takes to contemptuously calling Muhammad "an African warlord"?

2:24:00 Jen says God is the periodic table and has no consciousness. The Abrahamic God is believed to be omnipotent and omniscient. The periodic table is not so much evidence of God, but evidence of human organisation. Jen is being idolatrous in worshipping an idea that is obviously not God.

2:25:00 I point out that the Koran is silent on both male and female circumcision. Secular Koranism would treat FGM as GBH, but allow male circumcision on the grounds of religious freedom.

2:26:00 Jen accuses me of condoning incest by condoning cousin marriage. I point out that cousin marriage is not classified as incest and is completely legal in Canada and Britain.

Cousin marriage was practised by Einstein and Darwin.

I am not going to add to or redact the Koran or cherry pick.

2:30:00 Ban on promotion of false ideology and retributive justice does not a manifesto make.

2:32:00 Jen's methods of argumentation are known and predictable. If people don't understand what she is saying she calls them stupid. If they come up with a better argument, she will say her oral tradition rejects written authority. No person with a science degree would be allowed to join her cult because she would not want her authority challenged.

2:34:00 3:06:00 Jon Vance who answered perfectly correctly what the four Vedas were was not offering an opinion, which Jen says is forbidden to commoners. She says it is offensive to her and her tradition that he presumed to think it was his place to answer.

2:35:00 I point out the parallels between David Cameron who claimed Conservatism is about legalising gay marriage and the freedom of operation Jen hopes to enjoy by not accepting written authority.

2:36:00 Jen accuses me of persecuting and bullying her.

It has been noticed that Jen cries out in pain while she strikes me.

2:38:00 The teleological purpose of morality

2:46:00  Jen thinks religion is for shaping your civilisation and maintaining a body of knowledge.

2:44:00  I divide religion into two components:

1) the narrative
2) the rules

Religion also has a public and private function:

1) organising your society with scripture serving as constitution, defining and apportioning rights

2) rewarding the believer with a sense of well-being called spirituality when they know they are following the rules properly

Jen inspired this thought early Saturday morning or very late Friday night. She is indeed my Muse.
2:47:00 Why does Jen, who calls herself a monotheist, reject the Abrahamic God?

2:50:00 Usury

3:04:00 Mark Carney

2:58:00 Isaac Asimov's Psychohistory

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Herbert Armstrong's Anglo-Israelism and his rejection of Trinitarianism — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  March 11, 2025