
Sunday, 14 April 2019

Secular Koranism mentioned by Church of Entropy and her guest Doooovid monitoring the alt-right

15:00 Accused of being a philo-semite again, I feel I must say I actually care about both Jew and gentile equally. God if He exists created both to correct each other. Jews and Muslims should jointly declare Christianity idolatrous and not in conformity with the Noahide laws to put Christians out of their misery, like a horse with a broken back.

18:00 This  endless and quasi-superstitious obsession with Jews is disgusting and contemptible. They are just as fucked in the head as the most degenerate gentile. I am reminded of ignorant superstitious Africans and the way they fetishise the body parts of Albinos thinking they have magical qualities. The reason the West is failing is because its criminally stupid religion and political system have both failed at the same time.

21:00 Halsey hates and fears Secular Koranism and refuses to engage me now.

26:00 All of us have free will but most people are sheeple incapable of exercising their will courageously or consistently for long enough to get things done.

The people invested in predestination seem to be passive people with no firm purpose in life and who believe in nothing. The Koran is declaratory of free will. The Old Testament does not mention it. The New Testament is too primitive a document to discuss the question of freewill because it is the religion for peasants, women and slaves.

It is a subject I consider settled and not really worth discussing.

28:00 Luke is a walking talking Chillul Hashem.

37:00 I don't have baseless hatred for people, Jen. What lies have I told about you? I thought Brundle hated you because he didn't want you to regularly platform me and my Secular Koranism, but he tells me that ain't so.

42:00 Mark Brahmin

46:00 Behaving well and principled behaviour is an excellent form of non-verbal communication.

Hey Jen. How much would I have to pay you to read the Koran? Or will you never read the Koran at any price ? We will know what to think of you when you tell me you will never read the Koran at any price , won't we? It is a word you have forbidden me from using.

1:03:00 I met Jen through the very kissable Babs.

1:07:00 I have the answer to the Jewish Question and have discussed it with Doooovid who knows all about the Register and Registrar of Jews.

1:10:00 Maybe the most dangerous thing you do is to treat me more fairly than the others, Jen. You are high status because you are a graduate, white, female and possibly a Jewess in the minds of others. You embody feminine and (possibly in the mind of many fixated on Jewishness) Jewish privilege.

1:14:00 Our pre-revolutionary times

1:18:00 The Quest for Claire Khaw's Secular Koranism!

1:21:00  I was waiting for Elliott to say my name!

1:24:00 A Conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.

1:31:00 Feminists in charge of the ship of state despise you and favour the men who attack you, Elliott.

Vermin are vermin and can only be expected to behave like vermin. Who created the conditions where vermin flourish? The antisemites think it is Jews ...

1:38:00 Luke is incorrigibly sleazy and would not be allowed in any self-respecting kehilla kedosha. But we already know everyone from Jew to gentile is now hopelessly pozzed.

1:40:00 Yep, Luke is the best the pozzed alt-right have. Just think, people, we are the *cream" of the alt-right.

1:44:00 You should all be reading the Koran, of course, but you would sooner die, I know. If I offered to pay you to read it, you would say you refuse to read it at any price, because you already know how much you loathe the very idea of Muslims in your country ...

1:46:00 Doooovid is a coward.

1:54:00  Secular Koranism, my well-defined personality and Jen's husband.  I keep hoping to hear his voice saying "Honey, I'm home" while we are streaming.

Church of Entropy: "​I cannot see genuine Christians converting to Islam, just based on the beliefs." Do they even believe what they are supposed to believe?

There are no beliefs in Secular Koranism because it is just a legal system.  You may wish to use the legal system if you think it has something to offer you, but obviously, men who are not fathers of legitimate offspring anxious to parent them properly and men who have no desire or prospect of becoming married fathers would have no desire to restore the patriarchy. 'That would be the case with low education, low status white men of the alt-right who are infirm of purpose to whom it would not occur to stand up for any principle at all, if it meant them suffering expense, inconvenience or any difficulty at all. That's the fate of the West settled then.

1:57:00  Jews overreacting to criticism.

2:01:00 Can you remember which car commercial made you cry, Jen? I would like to view it to see if it has the same effect on me. If it does, would this bring us closer together as Sisters in Theocracy and you to Secular Koranism?

2:06:00 Elliott is a righteous gentleman Jew ....

2:08:00 Jews and gentiles lost their sense of humour when feminazis took over.

2:12:00 Imagine if I get vaulted into office from YouTube!

Can you give an example of my alleged vindictiveness, Jen?

2:13:00 Elliott is impressed with my detailed annotation of the last stream Jen and I had together. I believe I perform a service to viewers and signpost what I think are the more interesting parts of a usually very long conversation. It could also be a way of leaving a calling card.

2:14:00 Elliott proposes a Go Fund Me Campaign to bribe Millennial Woes to have me on his channel.

2:15:00 Elliott is tickled to see me described as a Quantum Theocrat by Jen.

2:15:30 In Jen's world AKA Planet Jen, even secular governments function as theocracies. Jen, please acquaint yourself with the Confucian concept of Rectification of Names. I come from Planet Claire.

2:14:00  Jen, you seem to be suggesting that I am keeping some of your younger and more vulnerable male followers away, like Will. In our last stream, you put it to me that I must not write about these vulnerable and immature men using words about them they will find offensive and alarming eg Islamophobic, antisemitic, racist. Some of my best friends are like that though. Perhaps you will tell these young men that it is a test of character to stand by your words. You shouldn't mother them in this way, you know.

2:16:00 Theocracy seems to be the rule of law, according to Jen. Theocracy, according to me, is a society that obeys God's laws. Jen should use words correctly, as I do.

2:17:00 My agnosticism is commented on by Jen. This will have to be my official position, whatever my inner state of mind, and the reasons should be clear by now.   

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What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno)  January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews ...