
Saturday, 13 April 2019

Theology, Patriarchy and Nationalism with Church of Entropy

7:00 Secular Koranism would be neutral about abortion ie it would not criminalise abortion.

1:00  Yay! Jen says Christianity is ideological, Islam is pragmatic.

1:30  My problem with Jay is he insists the Sermon on the Mount is better than Sharia to run society while refusing to read the Koran.

3:30  The spiritual terrorism of Christianity and its corrupt bargain.

4:00  The problem with white nationalists is that they don't want to marry women of their own race. Jen disagrees and says women are more commitment phobic. MGTOW

6:00  Jen says I shouldn't legalise morality by framing these rules as laws.

9:00 Corporal punishment of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring for unmarried parents

10:00 Jen's position on abortion, suicide and reincarnation

13:00 Reverse psychology

Christianity and the killing of priests

17:00 Harm, morality, standpoint, religion, nation, empire, national identity

Law is the algorithm of human behaviour.

Patriarchy and Matriarchy are the only two main ways of organising society.

21:00 Jen says I am too much of a utilitarian with my legislative proposals. I explain my methods and the meaning of ceteris paribus.

Beliefs and laws are the algorithms of human behaviour.

25:00 Which rule of law should we adopt? Divine law is the logical and moral choice now that I have conceived of Secular Koranism and gifted it to the White Man.

27:00 My axiom of "Judaism is divine ethno nationalism and Islam is divine civic nationalism" is challenged, unsuccessfully in my view.

If Islam is Judaism Lite, then Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.

If matriarchy is the problem then patriarchy must be the solution.

If patriarchy is the destination then theocracy must be the vehicle.

Following the eternal and universal laws of the most powerful God conceivable prevents us from having to relearn the painful lessons of history again and again when empires which rise in patriarchy decline in matriarchy.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies; all primitive, declining, extinct or soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies.

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents.

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents.

Marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions.

Only in a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest.

In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the immoral unmarried mother.

A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.

A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of immoral irresponsible unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their usually variously fathered illegitimate offspring.

What is worse than being an immoral unmarried mother?

Being a man afraid of immoral unmarried mothers.

What is worse than being a man  afraid of immoral unmarried mothers?

Being a man afraid of men who are afraid of immoral unmarried mothers too degenerate to restore the patriarchy by using slut shaming Secular Koranism.

Such men deserve to be invaded and enslaved.

What is worse than being men thus enslaved?

Being a slave no one wants to buy.

Dual morality

The best system is the fairest system because there can be no peace without justice.

30:00, 48:00, 52:00, 1:31:00, 2:41:00, 3:48:00 Jon Vance, the first male Canadian Secular Koranist of North America. Will Jen become the first female Secular Koranist? The thought of it makes my heart beat faster!

33:00 Chinese ancestor worship

37:00  Periodic Tablism and the Claire Khaw Debate Rubric

"It work work because because nobody understands your ideas and it's just not practical and no one can prove reincarnation and science cannot prove morality."

38:00 You can't prove a negative.

39:00 Jen is too afraid to publish her manifesto.

40:00 11 dimensions

41:00 Free will and determinism

Empiricism and rationalism

Empiricism uses inductive logic, rationalism uses deductive reasoning.

42:00 The Koran explicitly states that God has given us free will. The Old Testament assumes we all have it. The New Testament being a mish-mash of unbelievable stories, is too primitive a document to discuss it. Christ only ever talked to the lowest of the low which partially explains why Christianity is so stupid. Muhammad was a successful revolutionary but Islamophobes prefer to idolatrously worship an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of God knowing that God has already forbidden idolatry as an abomination in the Ten Commandments. These morally and intellectually corrupt idolaters only ever won theological arguments against Jews and Christians using violence and state intimidation ie the Crusades and the Inquisition, blasphemy laws punishing people for denying the Trinity and burning them at the stake.

47:00 Isaac Asimov and psycho-history and Jen's reading habits

49:00 Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

51:00 Jen admits that her ideas are "not potent enough".

52:00  Jen admits I do say nice things about her. I think I would love her even more as an olive-skinned Jewess because of the perceived status and rarity of Jewesses ...

57:30 Jen accuses me of blogging "in a catty and vindictive manner" about her on my blog. I think the worst I have ever done was repeat gossip and speculate on it. I tell her I do like her.

1:01:00 Jen falsely accuses me of wanting to persecute idolaters and making offensive comments about non-Abrahamic faiths.

She is also offended at Islam > Hinduism

1:04:00 Jen discusses her alleged Jewish identity.

1:06:00  Elliott Blatt spins a good yarn.

1:07:00 Jewdar

1:08:00  "The sting is still there," Jen tells me, about the pain I have caused her .

1:09:00  Jen calls me "a barking dog".

1:13:00  Our joint cult prestige would be increased if we formed an alliance to promote Secular Koranism together.

1:16:00 Jen says reading is "degenerate".

1:17:00  I remind Jen that Doooovid says I am more high IQ than her.

1:18:00  Will seems to be complaining about me.

1:21:00 Test your ideas to destruction by submitting them to Claire!

1:23:00 Jen's idea that all the Abrahamic faiths are "Jewish" and should therefore be rejected on that basis while practising idolatry is part of a belief system of a significant number of antisemitic white nationalists.

1:24:00 I am accused of being philosemitic. My theory is that God  created Jews and gentiles to police each other's behaviour and God will use gentiles to punish Jews and vice versa.

When they both see the light, they will become Muslim after which idolatrous and kaput Christianity will drop out of the picture.

1:31:00 Jewish conspiracies

Jen: "A lot of people have strong feelings about me."

My feelings for Jen seem to be growing stronger ...

1:34:00  Measuring suffering

1:41:00 Jen accuses me of being "stuck in BDSM" because I invited her and OV to score marks out of ten for a slap in the face.

Men won't know about the pain of an abortion or childbirth but women won't know about the pain men feel about a woman aborting their child, but we have all been slapped, I assume.

1:47:00 If abortion is allowed, why not infanticide?

1:53:00 Jen and OV read each other's minds when they think of each other.

1:55:00 I don't think I will propose inflicting 100 lashes on women who have abortions.

1:56:00 Qatari sociologist's demonstration video of "wife beating" demonstrated on his giggling son.

1:58:00  If we are serious about reintroducing corporal and capital punishment, we should discuss the proper conduct of these things without falsely and maliciously accusing each other of having a fetish for public humiliation. Properly conducted, these punishment are more intended to cause humiliation than inflict pain.

2:03:00 Psychedelics

2:27:00 Jen and I "are together in the Spirit Realm. If we focus on that enough the physical realm wouldn't separate us."

2:28:00 Claire "is an archetype" of what?

2:31:00 OV: "The internet makes people far away feel close and people close feel far away."

2:35:00 Pain and suffering

2:39:00 Jen says no one is fairer to me than her. She says I am drawn to her the way she is (but she stops herself from saying she is drawn to me.)

2:42:00  Jon Vance is a courageous, serious, consistent and principled young man with political convictions as well as a job. I would be proud to call him my protege if he is prepared to be called my protege.

2:48:00 Moral laws are derived from physical laws, according to Jen. She has not demonstrated this.

2:49:00 Jen accuses me of wanting to persecute idolaters again. She fears Muslims becoming the majority eventually and kicking idolaters around.

2:55:00 A one party theocracy  would be more likely to govern in the long term national interest as a moral and rational patriarchy compared to our liberal democracy that is a matriarchy hooked on short term pleasures of sex and shopping and its cult of youth.

2:56:00 The Personal Abrahamic God v The Impersonal Hindu God

3:00:00 I explain how God was constructed by Man.

3:04:00 You can tell Jen is tempted by my description of the morally perfect, loving and personal Abrahamic God.

3:20:00 Replacement Theory and Supersessionism

3:23:00 Physical laws are different to moral laws

3:25:00  The purpose of morality

3:25:30  Idealism and why Jews are the Chosen People

3:26:00  White Nationalists are not prepared to make the sacrifices required to restore the patriarchy.

3:28:00  Jen: "I don't need evidence."

3:29:00 Why Christianity failed

3:30:00  Jen accuses me of bullying spiritually and educationally impoverished white nationalists desperate for national identity into agreeing with my irrefutable axioms.

3:31:00 I respect white nationalists enough to tell them the economic, political and social reasons why nobody cares about them and brave their hatred of me because I dare to tell them the truth. My dear late grandmother always explained to me she only criticised me because she cared about me and said the people who were friendly to me would probably be laughing at me behind my back.

3:32:00  Islam is a better religion to protect the degenerate white gentile male from his women and his minorities by banning usury, repealing feminist thoughtcrime legislation and abolishing no fault divorce.

3:33:00 Apparently, I have offended all the religions. My saying Jews are God's Chosen People makes them feel under pressure to shine their light unto the nations and these days they are too degenerate and divided to contemplate doing any such thing and they will feel dismayed and demoralised at their inadequacy. I particularly want the ones who converted to Hinduism to feel truly ashamed of themselves for their idolatry.

Christians should be ashamed for 2000 years of idolatry.

Muslims have been misinterpreting the Koran for centuries.

I may not be a Prophetess of God, but I could be Prophetess of the Abrahamic Religions.

3:36:00 Secular Koranism offers marriageable men and women of all nations, races and religions stable marriages and families.

3:38:00 I love Jen's Claire Khaw Debate Rubric.

3:40:00 Jen is "disgusted" with me.  It is better to be talked about than not talked about at all.

3:41:00 Jen suggestively puts it to me that I would like to get my hands on her manifesto ...

3:42:00 Jen tells me I have "a perverse mind".

3:43:00 Jen calls me "a horrible person".

3:44:00 I behaved better towards Durgidas than Doovid and Will. In fact, I had a very enlightening conversation with him about immigration in New Zealand after the Christchurch mosque attacks.

3:45:00 Jen forbids me from using certain words.

3:47:00  Jen calls me a "tyrant".

3:49:00 Jen praises my stamina.

3:50:00 Jen and I agree most people are not fit for politics.  Crypto Censor Cult Claire Khaw.

Ad hominem fallacies are censorship, according to Jen.

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...