
Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Church of Entropy and me talking about religion on Dennis Dale's channel


1:25:00  Did the Comanche practice patriarchy?  "In most Native American cultures, nearly all adults were married, yet marriage was not seen as permanent. It was recognized that people would be together in a married state for a while and then separate. Divorce was accomplished easily since the couple did not own property in common. Each partner simply picked up his or her personal property and left."

1:27:00  Thinking like Jews and interpreting suffering as punishment for disobeying God's laws

1:29:00  God created Jew and gentile to punish each other for their sins.

1:32:00  Protestantism which I believe is an expression of national independence from the Pope with Rome, eventually replaced Catholicism.

1:33:00 Henry VIII


1:37:00  Book of Common Prayer

1:39:00 The Sermon on the Mount

1:40:00  Jen tells me off for not accepting and adopting her position on quantum mechanics proving reincarnation and forever holding my peace on Secular Koranism.

1:41:00  There's not that much in the New Testament.

1:42:00  Conservatism now means gay marriage.

1:43:00  Jen accuses me of being racist.

1:43:30  It would be rational to worship the most powerful God.

1:44:00  Usury

1:46:00  The subconscious cannot distinguish negation, forbidden fruit, haram and halal.

1:47:00  Barbaric

1:47:30  The Abrahamic faiths v The Non-Abrahamic faiths.  The devil is in the detail.

1:48:00  It is impossible for me to produce evidence that Secular Koranism has worked because it has never been tried. I can only come up with arguments as to why it is more likely to work than other religions.

1:50:00  Secular Koranism is the ultimate Third Position thinking being neither Communist nor Capitalist.

1:53:00  The eternal and universal laws of God ie theocracy

1:55:00  Chief of Secret Police of Tudor times

1:57:00  Once the laws of God are enforced, belief in God will follow.

1:58:00 Three million Jews at Mount Sinai witnessed God handing over the Torah to Moses.

1:59:00  The proof of the efficacy of Judaism is the existence of Jews as the most powerful tribe in the world.

2:00:00  Jews have had the use of the Abrahamic God to reason with since antiquity.

2:01:00  Jen says a terrible thing about what she would do to the Buddha!

2:02:00  The British are more invested in Holocaust Denial than the Jews probably, because they had to pretend they lost their empire over something worthwhile.

2:16:00  Romanian levels of antisemitism are really off the scale. I know because I have Romanian Facebook friends. Jen calls my ideas "very dangerous and toxic". Jen feels she has a duty to try to discredit me.

2:18:00  Jon Vance is courageous young man of conviction.

2:23:00  You can be Muslim and still keep your national individuality. It espouses international nationalism.

2:25:00  Islam is not Communist!

2:29:00  The Abrahamic God is more powerful than Jen's impersonal deity.

2:37:00  Jen's views on Buddhism

2:38:00  Wotan

2:53:00 Mitchell Porter:

Hello Jennifer Scharf and Claire Khaw. I ran across your online dialogues a week ago, and despite having studied many extremes of human thought over the years, I found the two of you, both individually and together, to be a unique and arresting phenomenon: two women, alt-right-adjacent but with imperious and idiosyncratic intellectual agendas, fighting it out in an almost unnoticed corner of philosophy Youtube.

I've tuned into two or three streams by now, I made a few comments in the chat, but I wanted to get in touch in a more formal way. As well as hello, this email is a step towards goodbye, because I do need to return to my own intellectual universe. But I felt that it is more civilized to send a personal communication, rather than just slip away as an anon.

I feel that my most substantial remarks are for Jennifer. I hesitate to make them, since they are a criticism of her physics, which to a great extent seems to be the jewel in the crown of her intellectual pride, and it might be a net loss if she were to suspend her philosophical barnstorming, because of doubts about her personal theory of everything. Nonetheless...

I read "Quantum Chemistry Teaser" in an attempt to see what your point is, regarding the periodic table. What I see is that you have a kind of combinatorial scheme, which serves to generate a number of types of "atom", matching the the number of elements in the periodic table.

However, the variety of atoms in the world already has an explanation, in terms of possible electron wavefunctions, indexed by four quantum numbers; and there are specific reasons why those numbers can take the values that they do. I simply don't believe that your explanation is remotely compatible with that other explanation; and that other explanation is part of a larger framework which can, for example, explain the emission spectra of atoms, in terms of energy differences between orbitals.

What I believe you have done, is attempt to prematurely forge a connection between physics and metaphysics. Such a connection provides a qualitative and intuitive interpretation of physics that is missing from any purely calculational framework. But you're doing this in a way which negates large and verified parts of the calculational framework. Never mind skepticism about the standard model; despite your use of quantum notation, what you're doing appears to be something already inconsistent with the kind of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics that describes orbitals.

I never yet heard of someone who made a seriously deviant personal theory of physics, and then abandoned it for orthodoxy. At least, I can't think of any such person. I suppose one reason for it is the mathematical difficulty of advanced physics. If you really want to know the truth, but for whatever reason aren't willing to spend however long it takes to learn gauge field theory and similar formalisms, it must be tempting to just keep finetuning your own creation.

So, as a bridge between your efforts and the kind of physics that any actual university lab utilizes in order to understand Bose condensation and a hundred other phenomena, I would like to point out the work of Michael Atiyah on "complex geometry of nuclei and atoms" and "geometric models of helium". Atiyah was a very eminent mathematician who died earlier this year, and who in his final years, very sensibly decided to go for it, and began to speculate much more than in his previous works. Although physics contains a number of examples of surprising alternative descriptions of the same thing, I think it is very unlikely that this work of his actually connects to reality; but perhaps it will be stimulating for you to investigate.

And as for Claire... I regret that I have much less to say to you. As your interests are political and practical, they don't face the same kind of critique as a new theory of nature, and frankly my political thinking is not as evolved as my scientific thinking. I guess all I will say is that I think I understand your motives, and that secular Quranism is an ingenious attempt to use the material provided by humanity's historic civilizations and the current western situation, to restore patriarchy; but it probably has the most chance of being successful, in the places that need it the least.

One more thing, for you both. Are you aware of This is the free-for-all twin of, a site where academic physicists, computer scientists, and biologists post preprints of their papers. vixra was started by physicists who were being excluded from arxiv, but has since expanded to accommodate papers on all kinds of subject matter. Essentially anything can be posted, so long as it is not a work of libel or plagiarism. If either of you wishes to codify part of your thought in the form of a PDF, it could be another medium to use.

Best wishes to you both,
Mitchell Porter

2:57:00  Scientism

3:01:00  Jen: "There is no greater power than timing."

3:02:00  Chinese ancestor worship

Too many people think Islam would make every nation the same and everyone dress as Arabs. I invite you to imagine how different each state in America would apply and interpret the Koran if they were all given the freedom to interpret it as it wished.

Please also search for an image of the Great Mosque of Xian. It is nothing like any mosque you have ever seen.

3:14:00  The one party state is the best place to recruit the next national leader.

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