
Thursday, 30 May 2019

What is "Autism"?

The jizya is a conditional tribute which can be avoided by converting to Islam. I propose that this be imposed as a percentage of the conquered country's GDP obviating the need for a poll tax.  War is only likely if the demographics support it ie a youth bulge. Over-population in the invading country and extreme weakness in the proposed invaded country would amount to an open invitation to invade.

FGM is unIslamic because women and men too of course should be given the free will to refrain from extramarital sex.

My questions for Rabbi Sacks

The belief in a Jewish conspiracy is caused by the defects of Christianity

Can the Church regain its morality authority?

What is the point of having an Archbishop of Canterbury who is not even Christian?

Does the Archbishop of Canterbury think the state religion of Britain is PC Libtardism?

I don't know if Will is aware of my answer to the Jewish Question.

The ISIS interpretation of Islam comes from the Talmud

The Koran if interpreted correctly is neither excessively liberal or excessively Conservative. Nor is it excessively patriarchal or excessively matriarchal. It encourages businesses enterprise but enjoins charity. All races are equal and its creation story resembles the Big Bang and it forbids compulsion in belief.  How the hell did the Muslims manage to mess up this great religion?  By not reading and debating the Koran and trusting their 'scholars' to do it for them, by allowing the Gates of Interpretation, closed centuries ago, to remain closed.  Otherwise, it would be the perfect ideology that is the middle way between capital and communism, the patriarchy and the matriarchy, for all humanity.

Controlled Opps mentioned the Kharijites but I don't see their relevance to this debate.
Blasphemy in Islam is impious utterance or action concerning God, "Blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad and his companions (sabb al-rasul, sabb al-sahabah)", insulting an angel or to deny the prophethood of one of the Islamic prophets. The Quran admonishes blasphemy, but does not specify any worldly punishment for blasphemy. The hadiths, which are another source of Sharia, suggest various punishments for blasphemy, which may include death. However, it has been argued that the death penalty applies only to cases where there is treason involved that may seriously harm the Muslim community, especially during times of war. Different traditional schools of jurisprudence prescribe different punishment for blasphemy, depending on whether the blasphemer is Muslim or non-Muslim, a man or a woman. In the modern Muslim world, the laws pertaining to blasphemy vary by country, and some countries prescribe punishments consisting of fines, imprisonment, flogging, hanging, or beheading.

4:44:00  I had already answered Gandalf's question (ie Why should I, a German, worship a non-German deity?) twice before I was ejected by Jen. The answer I repeated twice was "Because the rules work."


5:05:00  Autism is adults who still say "I want" showing that they are still not getting it. It is bad parenting to not tell your child not to begin a sentence with "I want." Please give up associating with people like that, Jen. Or, if you want to teach him something he really needs to learn,  come down on him like a ton of bricks every time he says those trigger words: "I want." You are a bad parent if your kid does something that reflects badly on you eg Make people think "Didn't your parents ever tell you not to do X?"

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Discussing Noahides, the Noahide laws and Hinduism with @vincentbruno2514

Wrongthink 1:00  Moral imperative Another interview with a Hindu Noahide -  @MilkTriceps  on X