
Saturday, 22 June 2019

Architecture, dating and the sex trade are discussed amongst other things

3:00  Antisemitism
7:00  Church of Entropy is our favourite YouTuber.
8:00  The price of sex
9:00  The importance of the female orgasm to the man
11:00  Marriage to deceased wife's sister and consanguinity
15:00  My answer to the Jewish Question
18:00  The purpose of exorcism
19:00  Christianity in the Far East
23:00  Arian heresy
24:00  The doctrine of the Trinity
26:00  Book of Common Prayer
27:00  Life of Brian
28:00  William Tyndale
29:00  Bishop Williamson of SSPX
33:00  Farm Street
34:00  Monteverdi
38:00  The Catholicism of the south of Holland
39:00  Communities and cults
44:00  Wingnuts
52:00  Nigel Farage
53:00  The matriarchy radicalises its victims through its indifference to their grievances and the exercise of censorship.
53:30  Having the courage like Margaret Thatcher to not be boring - it has been said that Jew Keith Joseph was the one who supplied Thatcherism with its ideas.
55:00  National Front and the working classes who have now become the welfare classes of Britain who no longer have contact with the middle class who now only interact with immigrant labour
1:02:00  The one party state
1:08:00  Russia is a liberal democracy with a Liberal Party.
1:08:30  Francis Fukuyama's End of History
1:09:00  Shura and plebiscites
1:10:00  The Irish referendum on gay marriage
1:13:00  83% of female MPs voted for gay marriage while only 48% of male MPs did. What does this say about feminism?
1:17:00  Shopping for a religion and making the most rational choice
1:19:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system.
1:20:00  Khums = flat rate income tax of 20% and the constitutional right not to pay more than that to prevent the creation of a parasitic class
1:23:00  Doooovid
1:24:00  Jews are the aristocracy of humanity because they are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
1:26:00  White Nationalists envy Jews.
1:26:30  The Normans are no longer in existence.
1:27:00  E Michael Jones, Jen Scharf and the people of Catholic Irish-German stock who have a chip on their shoulder about the Anglos who regarded them as inferior and wouldn't marry them
1:29:00  Why people tattoo themselves and have piercings
1:32:00  The tribal identities of Mods and Rockers
1:33:00  Football hooligans
1:34:00  Male solidarity
1:34:30  Debating societies
1:36:00  The intergenerational co-operation of Jews and Muslims compared to the leaderless antisemites and Islamophobes who hate them who have mostly never met their fathers singly parented by their unmarried mother, made mentally ill after being sexually abused by her series of lovers, attended a sink school who have been abandoned by their political classes too embarrassed to acknowledge their existence and their role in creating a shiftless and criminal class fit only to claim welfare until the end of their days
1:38:00  Fantasies of violence derived from video games and despair of ever arriving at a peaceful political solution
1:40:00  Mass suicide by cop
1:51:00  Running amok
2:05:00 Elliott Rodger
2:08:00  All things being equal, it is easier for a woman to acquire experience than a man.
2:10:00  Transgenderism
2:11:00  Lady boys
2:12:00  Lombok, Indonesia
2:13:00  Sarong kebaya
2:17:00 The multi-racial and multicultural nature of empire
2:17:30  The Chinese wars of unification
2:20:00  Thames Town, Shanghai
2:21:00  Architecture
2:24:00  How to make an attractive city
2:25:00  Gaudi
2:30:00  Senate House, London
2:32:00  Albert Speer
2:32:30 Fascist architecture in Italay
2:35:00  The enclosing embrace of St Peter's Square, St Paul's of London, the Pantheon of Rome
2:40:00  The sex trade
2:42:00  How feminism undermines marriage
2:51:00  Dating
3:16:00  The Fisherman and His Wife
3:20:00  Women on the Pill Choose Less Manly Men
3:26:00  My proposed friendship cafe

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