
Saturday, 22 June 2019

What White Nationalism has to offer the West

The narrative, scripture and doctrine of Christianity are antisemitic.

This makes the Christian doctrinally antisemitic and it should be noted that this hatred has been passed down over the centuries like a genetic inheritance so potent that even loss of belief in Christianity cannot erase this simmering ancestral hatred.

The narrative is that Jews killed Christ, the prophet of Christianity.

The New Testament is blatantly antisemitic and an exhortation to reject Judaism and Jews who killed Christ.

The Doctrine of the Trinity that asserts that Christ is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God is undeniably idolatrous. However, Christians will not engage on this subject because they already know they cannot "win" the debate without their historic ability to use state violence and intimidation to persecute you thereby preventing you from raising the subject in the first place for fear of being accused of blasphemy and being burned at the stake once convicted, as Michael Servetus was at the behest of John Calvin, the man who approved usury for Christians.

Do Christians really believe in the absurdity that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of God? Only if they hate Jews and Muslims so much that they feel they must stubbornly insist that their blatant idolatry is better than the monotheism of Judaism and Islam.

If you are really indifferent to the possibility that you may be guilty of idolatry, you cannot be said to believe in the Abrahamic God whom you must already know has explicitly and specifically forbidden idolatry in His Ten Commandments.

If they cared one jot what the Abrahamic God felt about idolatry, they would not be doing something that they knew would incur the death penalty if practised by Jews whom they resent as God's Chosen People.

What is so bad about idolatry? Its danger is that you end up making a god of your appetites, emotions, inclinations and opinions and worship them instead of God. This has undeniably happened.

The truth is that White Nationalists feel rage and humiliation that their ancestors have been tricked for 2000 years into worshipping what they now call "a Jew on a stick". Since they also hate immigration and hate Muslim immigrants most of all, they will not be adopting the religion of the people they hate. Indeed, many of them regard all the Abrahamic faiths as "Jewish" and, because they are deemed "Jewish", must be rejected on that ground alone.

Assuming that white nationalists get their way and manage to kick out all the Jews, Muslims and non-whites they want to kick out, they will return the West to a pre-Christian state of civilisation, red in tooth and claw, of savages who painted themselves blue to fight the Romans.

This is what the neo-paganism of White Nationalism has to offer the West.

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