
Thursday, 15 August 2019

Why I persist with Church of Entropy despite her disgraceful association with a social retard in preference to me

I do it because she is the archetype of Western Woman and I care about both Western Man and Western Woman as well as Western civilisation which I have now made my mission to save.

The archetype of Western Man is Jay Walker who has seen fit to address me in the way that he did at when he pointedly refused to grasp the difference between a valid and a sound argument despite being fully aware of what it meant to me. I draw your attention to this because I want white people to know how hard and arduous is the path of a prophetess when making a simple and obvious point is almost impossible because of the willful blindness of almost everyone around me, apart from the noble exceptions of Jon Vance and Alex Woodrow, the world's only two Secular Koranists so far.

The video is truly disgraceful. I am bemused that my name is even mentioned in this exchange. It is  like me visiting an insane asylum and hearing its inmates discussing my ideas earnestly. The most disgraceful part of this exchange is not even Gandalf doing his usual thing of "sperging out", but the fact that Jen continues her association with him and, worst of all, proudly calls herself a "Gandalf Factory" in the live chat. Is this not enough to make you question her judgement and yours for giving her the time of day? That she prefers to go round with Gandalf when she could have me as a regular streaming partner is evidence of her alarmingly bad judgement doubtless clouded by her desire to people her cosy little circle exclusively with intellectual inferiors who are her yes men so that she continues to think she has what she calls "cult prestige". I think my playing the role of a kindly psychiatric nurse is probably the best thing to do in these circumstances.

If I do the best I can do as regards a display of unconditional love (without going against my principles of submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality) that she is always demanding together with unquestioning obedience, will that do the trick and eventually bring her to her senses?

Progress has been made in that she is now quoting from the Koran, and I am at heart an optimist that she and her race will one day be redeemed in the redemption narrative that I have already woven for the West.

Church of Entropy delights and thrills me by quoting from the Koran

The Redemption Narrative of the West: Western Man recognising the idolatry of Christianity, repenting of it and renouncing it through adopting Secular Koranism.

3:00  Unwanted advice
4:00  Church of Entropy represents all things terrible about Western Woman
5:00  Who is responsible for the now unacceptable behaviour of Western Woman?
6:00  Entitled girls
7:00  Is teaching girls morals really "oppressive"?
8:00  Female privilege is based on the sexual desirability.
10:00  The rarity of a female in the alt-right adds to their power and influence.
11:00  Slut-shaming
12:00  "Digital slut-shaming"
13:00  Illegitimacy and promiscuity
14:00  Discipline your daughters!
15:00  Daughters are daughters and sons are sons.
16:00  Marriageable daughters
17:00  Men just have to agree to restore the patriarchy and it is as good as done
18:00  Marriage, a super-majority and the elite
19:00  The elite want women to keep voting because they are more suggestible and malleable.
20:00  Guns and abortion
21:00  Gandalf
22:00  Dominatrix, introvert, extrovert
24:00  Church of Entropy calls herself an introvert.
26:00  Is Church of Entropy an archetypal Western Woman?
27:00  The most powerful demographic in the Western world
30:00  Definition of archetype
31:00  THOTs and e-THOTs
32:00  Does Gandalf represent an archetype?
33:00  Is Church of Entropy making a point of attracting marginalised men?
34:00  The pimp hand of the European man that Jen keeps saying I want to be under.
35:00  The alpha male is a leader of beta males.
36:00  Western men who have the means to go bride shopping in Russia or the Far East
37:00  Why do gentlemen prefer blondes?
41:00  "Is the Church of Entropy really a form of satanism?"
42:00  An inability to control one's emotions is a sign of mental illness or at the very least a character defect.
43:00  Associating herself with a man who cannot control his emotions does not add to her cult prestige.
44:00  Charles Manson got vulnerable young women to commit atrocities.
45:00  Jen cannot control her own emotions either.
46:00  Having the grace to apologise
51:00  Doooovid says he is "cult adjacent".
55:00  Epstein.  "The majority of men are basically Gandalfs waiting to happen."
56:00  Doooovid calls himself "the effeminate Jew".
57:00  ELLIOTT BLATT joins.
1:01:00  Norvin
1:02:00  Prison culture
1:04:00  I complain about the mortification of being rejected by Jen and replaced by Gandalf just because I am not a younger vulnerable white man and am instead an older, wiser, more experienced and educated woman.
1:05:00  Secular Koranism
1:07:00  Domingo calls Elliott Jen's "First Orbiter".
1:09:00  Domingo tells us of the time when he was first getting to know Jen.
1:12:00  "It is like they are being circus freaks on purpose."
1:13:00  The young perceive becoming more extreme as the path to power.
1:14:00  Is Jen being rational when she chooses Gandalf instead of me?
1:16:00  "Everyone's looking for attention."
1:17:00  Jen is now reading the Koran.
1:20:00  According to Doooovid, Jen and I are trading in betas in our beta trade.
1:29:00  Threats on Jay Walker made by Jen and her Entropists

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