
Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Unprincipled behaviour means the breakdown of the rule of law and the collapse of your civilisation

2:00  Principles and the rule of law

3:00  Is Church of Entropy a principled woman?

5:00  Following the principle of self-preservation while submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality

6:00  Americans indifferent to the abolition of the First Amendment

8:00  Jaw-jaw, war-war and the law of the jungle


10:00  The Unitarian Church, the Socinian heresy, Christian-on-Christian religious persecution

12:00  The Pilgrim Fathers were victims of Christian-on-Christian persecution

13:00  The historical illiteracy of Church of Entropy and others of her ilk

14:00  Impossible to reason with them because there is no shared knowledge of a historical event

15:00  The Trinity of Truth, Logic and Morality

16:00  Reciprocity


18:00  Marginalisation and failure

19:00  Religious principles

20:00  Abolition of the First Amendment

21:00  The shame Western men feel about their matriarchy

23:00  YouTube bums

24:00  Church of Entropy and her ideas

25:00  Theocracy

28:00  My theocracy is better than the theocracy of Church of Entropy

29:00  My Quantum Consort

30:00  Why not worship the most powerful God conceivable?

31:00  Deism/Matriarchy/Impersonal God v Theism/Patriarchy/Personal God

34:00  The Abrahamic God is a divine ideological resource.

35:00  A magic invisible friend

36:00  Christianity is kaput.

37:00  Jay agreed with me that Christianity is kaput and then changed his mind again.

38:00  The mortification of Western Man

39:00  Jon Vance, canon law, ecclesiocracy, theocracy

41:00  Judiciary

42:00  Blasphemy Act 1697


46:00  Norvin Hobbs sounds like Gandalf.

47:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz and Gandalf


49:00  Cousin marriage

51:00  Birth defects

52:00  European royal families

53:00  Romanovs

54:00  Habsburgs

55:00  One party state.  Liberalism.

56:00  John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham, Utilitarianism

57:00  Kant's principle of Universalisability

58:00  Liberal principles as I see them

59:00  Liberalism has no official handbook.

1:00:00  The Hadith should be ignored where it contradicts the Koran.

1:01:00  Moral authority

1:03:00  I am a product of the British Empire.

1:04:00  Globalism and Transnational Progressivism

1:05:00  British identity

1:06:00  Western culture is the most culturally appropriated culture.

1:07:00  Immigrants are more protective of their traditions, progeny and descendants than the locals.

1:09:00  Crisis of confidence in the West

1:10:00  Gay childless leaders of nations

1:11:00  Motor neurone disease

1:12:00  Too much patriarchy could lead to ruinous militarism.

1:15:00  Eugenic pairings

1:16:00  Usury and property prices

1:17:00  The best time to default on your debts is after your revolution.

1:18:00  Boris Johnson has no principles.

1:20:00  Boys and their toy soldiers

1:23:00  Pax Romana, Pax Britannica, Pax Americana

1:25:00  Khums

1:26:00  Church of Entropy is a siren.

1:29:00  Church of Entropy has the excuse of being Canadian for being so casual about the First Amendment.

1:30:00  Church of Entropy: "I've got half the people in Claire's channel blocked."

1:31:00  Church of Entropy's personality particle

1:33:00 CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.

1:40:00  The personality defined

1:43:00  Archetypes

1:45:00  The Four Humours


6:30:00  Thoughtcrime

6:39:00  The Prophetess of the Abrahamic Faiths

If I wanted to turn Secular Koranism into a religion, I would invite people to believe that I could be an incarnation of Solon.

6:44:00  White Sharia

6:47:00  Legal principles

6:50:00  Law and physics, sound and valid arguments  GANDALF joins

6:52:00  Sophistry

6:53:00  Submitting an application

6:54:00  An objective measure of the correctness of an argument is the difference between a merely valid argument and a sound argument


7:03:00  Noahide laws

7:05:00  Idolatry

7:06:00  The Abrahamic God

7:07:00  Secular Koranism

7:08:00  Islamic imperialism

7:11:00  God if He exists is Darwinian

7:12:00  The Third Temple should not be built.

7:15:00  Register of Jews

7:17:00  One party state

7:18:00  Patriarchy in the Western way

7:19:00  The franchise will be narrowed to taxpayers only.

7:20:00  Repealing all thoughtcrime legislation eg affirmative action, feminist


7:22:00  Bait and switch

7:26:00  Abrogation

7:27:00  I ignore the stories and promises.

7:29:00  Canadian Nationalist Party

7:32:00  Who is a nationalist and what is nationalism?

7:35:00  Ummah and Islamic imperialism

7:37:00  The political classes

7:38:00  My holistic and morally based solution

7:39:00  Walrus pretends he would support Secular Koranism if I were Muslim.

7:42:00  My alleged incentivisation of converting to Islam

7:43:00  My alleged preference for Judaism

7:44:00  Islam is Judaism Lite.

7:46:00  If forced to choose a religion, I would choose Islam because it is lower maintenance than Judaism. I wouldn't choose Christianity or Hinduism because it is idolatrous. The scripture of Buddhism is too weak and vague.

7:47:00  Jews are God Chosen People and therefore have a higher status in theory than gentiles, in the eyes of God.


7:53:00  Gandalf seems very confused about his beliefs which is a mixture of pantheism, panentheism, monotheism and polytheism. He is also prepared to believe in a personal God.

7:57:00  Gandalf is saying because the universe exists, God exists. This is because the Universe is defined as everything that exists.

8:03:00  Pantheism

8:07:00  DOOOOVID joins. Jewish identity and Luke Ford's principles are discussed.

8:11:00  "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

8:15:00  "You almost make me want to become a Jew."

8:19:00  The process of conversion

8:20:00  Who is a Jew?

8:29:00  Definitional games

8:33:00  Confusing race with nationality

8:34:00  Pilpul

8:37:00  Is Doooovid guilty of idolatry?

8:40:00  Is Gandalf German?

8:44:00  Is God personal?

8:55:00  God if He exists is Darwinian.

8:58:00  Good and evil

9:00:00  What is commanded by God is good, what is forbidden by God is evil.

9:01:00  The Fall of Man

9:03:00  Principles

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...