
Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Jon Vance of the Canadian Nationalist Party on religion, sex and marriage

2:28:00  Con Opps and Jon Vance on the age of consent.  If you have an age of consent, it means you condone premarital sex.
In some countries, you have to be married before you have any sexual relations (Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia).
2:35:00  The "clear and concise" Koran
2:36:00  All successful religions contemplate war and revolution.
2:37:00  New Testament
2:39:00  The verse eaten by goats
2:40:00  A Christian revival?
2:41:00  The devil is in the detail
2:42:00  Muslims are warned against dividing their religion into sects.
2:43:00  Jihad means the struggle to enjoin good and forbid evil.
2:44:00  "The Koran is not very important in Islam."
2:46:00  The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will.
2:48:00 Are Chechens white?
2:56:00  LGBT
2:59:00  Judaism - Thesis, Christianity - Antithesis, Islam - Synthesis. Islam is the most advanced form of Abrahamic monotheism.
3:00:00  The gish gallop of Con Opps
3:05:00  Con Opps reminds Jon Vance he hasn't got a girlfriend as if that had anything to do with anything.
3:13:00  There is no son of God.
3:15:00  DANIEL SIENKIEWICZ on religion.
3:17:00  The Abrahamic faiths came from the same place.
3:18:00  Jesus was a Jew. Stellar says nonsensically that "modern Judaism is nothing to do with ancient Judaism."
3:20:00  Church of Entropy says that "there are calls to violence" in the Koran. It is true that the Koran articulates the principles of Islamic warfare.
3:23:00  "Slay the idolaters where you find them."
3:26:00  Con Opps says LGBTs are "a marginalised group" when the law says they cannot be criticised without being accused of hate speech.
3:30:00  "The Conservative reaction after the Weimar Republic"
3:31:00  The Muslim pushback against Transnational Progressivism
3:34:00  Jews celebrated when Notre Dame was damaged by fire.
3:37:00  Usury
3:39:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins and say the New Testament is obviously antisemitic.
3:42:00  Defamation
3:45:00  The impersonal God and Spinoza
Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?
Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?
3:49:00  Kant's Critique of Practical Reason
3:51:00  Moral authority
3:53:00  Idolatry
3:56:00  The Trinity
3:59:00  Jon Vance declares himself to be not a Christian.
4:00:00  "How many prophets sweated blood?"
4:01:00  How long has Stellar been Christian?
4:02:00  Stellar's experience with an Afghan Muslim
4:04:00  The denomination of Christianity Stellar is a member of
4:06:00  Does Stellar believe Christ to be divine?
4:12:00  Polygamy
4:16:00  Principles and IQ
4:19:00  Turning the other cheek
4:20:00  Manual amputation
4:32:00  Wahhabism, Stellar and me
4:33:00  Extremists tend to get their way.
4:35:00  Fascism
4:37:00  The principles of Church of Entropy
4:39:00  Church of Entropy's need to mother
4:40:00  No pain, no gain.
4:41:00  Jordan Peterson

Claire Khaw
​Morality is a system of dos and don'ts designed to protect the group. Judaism is the most successful example of this kind of morality.

4:43:00  Defamation
4:45:00  Is Stellar also a potential terrorist after visiting a mosque?
4:46:00  One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
4:51:00  "What if Jon Vance blew himself up etc? Therefore you should disavow him and Secular Koranism."
4:53:00  Virtue signalling
4:58:00  "Canada is not a real country and is going to break up."
5:02:00  "Christianity is dead."
5:03:00  Thomas Jefferson drafted the First Amendment based on 2:256 of the Koran.
5:07:00  Enlightenment principles
5:14:00  Slave and master morality
5:15:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
5:16:00  Church of Entropy explains her Greatest Jewish Conspiracy of All.
5:24:00  Church of Entropy says Jon is just like me.
5:26:00  All roads lead to Rome.
5:31:00  Marriage contract
5:33:00  Marital rape
5:36:00  "Friend of the Marriage"/Marriage Counsellor/Arbitrator at the Matrimonial Disputes Tribunal
5:38:00  Women have to slut around to remain in the market.
5:39:00  Motherhood and apple pie = marriage and family values = married motherhood
5:40:00  Wanting to become a married father
5:41:00  Polygamy
5:42:00  Better a few minutes of alpha than a lifetime of beta.
5:43:00  Going by the book
5:44:00  Jealousy
5:45:00  Concubines in harems
5:46:00  Theocracy
5:48:00  Status and polygamy
5:51:00  Forcing people to be free
5:55:00  Divorce
5:56:00  Religion and marriage
5:57:00  Relationship counselling
5:58:00  Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
6:08:00  Pervasive Ecology
6:12:00  An appropriate marriage
6:15:00  Inconsistent views on Islam and Muslim
6:16:00  Jon Vance is probably inwardly Muslim.
6:18:00  Islamophobia
6:19:00  Jon Vance is ashamed I talk to Church of Entropy and all the other alt-right losers [From 2:18:00]
6:20:00  Jon Vance on Islamophobes so unprincipled they cannot remain true to their Islamophobic principles
6:23:00  Jon Vance is quality.
6:24:00  Principles
6:25:00  Martyrdom
6:27:00  The worst thing Jon Vance said to Jay
6:30:00  Muslims are the most visible, hated and feared group of immigrants.
6:32:00  Rejecting Secular Koranism while acknowledging that Christianity is kaput and being unable to think of anything better is Islamophobia.
6:36:00  Doooovid
6:37:00  Jay says his god is impersonal.
6:39:00  We are all unmarriageable degenerates.
6:40:00  The spirits would help Jen find me a husband, apparently.
6:42:00  "She won't be retarded or anything."
6:43:00  Unrealistic expectations
6:44:00  A human need to be fulfilled by religion
6:45:00  Swimming in the sea with me and God
6:46:00  Platonic relationships
6:49:00  Male friendships
6:51:00  Opposite sexes are more forgiving for each other.
6:55:00  What makes us happy
7:02:00  Why Jay got triggered by Church of Entropy
7:15:00  The Dalai Lama
7:16:00  Helping Claire with her hatred
7:17:00  Spinoza
7:19:00  The Koran 424 pages in the Penguin N J Dawood translation
7:20:00  Claire Khaw Wallpaper
7:21:00  Radio Khaw
7:23:00  Church of Entropy says even she objected to verses it wouldn't change my mind about Secular Koranism.
7:26:00  Sexual arms race
7:27:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
7:28:00  All women want to marry men like their fathers, and all men want to marry women like their mothers?
7:30:00  Sex predators
7:31:00  Peaceful revolution through men declaring an official marriage strike
7:32:00  Marriage is the most important partnership of our lives.
7:33:00  JQ
7:34:00  Secular Koranism
7:35:00  Guilt by association
7:37:00  Does talking to Claire Khaw mean we are endorsing Secular Koranism?
7:39:00  OV abusive and ungracious


Secular Koranism will take on Canadian characteristics if adopted in Canada.
​Secular Koranism will take on Dutch characteristics if adopted in the Netherlands.
​Secular Koranism will take on American characteristics if adopted in America.
​Secular Koranism will take on Israeli characteristics if adopted in Israel.
​Secular Koranism will take on Chinese characteristics if adopted in China.
​Secular Koranism will take on New Zealand characteristics if adopted in New Zealand.
​Secular Koranism will take on North Korean characteristics if adopted in North Korean.
​Secular Koranism will take on South Korean characteristics if adopted in South Korea.
​Secular Koranism will take on Japanese characteristics if adopted in Japan.
​Secular Koranism will take on Australian characteristics if adopted in Australia.
​Secular Koranism will take on Fijian characteristics if adopted in Fiji.
​Secular Koranism will take on Mauritian characteristics if adopted in the Mauritius.
​Secular Koranism will take on British characteristics if adopted in Britain.
​Secular Koranism will take on Mexican characteristics if adopted in Mexico.
​Secular Koranism will take on Russian characteristics if adopted in Russia.
​Secular Koranism will take on Indian characteristics if adopted in India.
​Secular Koranism will take on Singaporean characteristics if adopted in Singapore.
​Secular Koranism will take on Vietnamese characteristics if adopted in Vietnam.
​Secular Koranism will take on Thai characteristics if adopted in Thailand.
​Secular Koranism will take on Polish characteristics if adopted in Poland.
Secular Koranism will take on Hungarian characteristics if adopted in Hungary.
Secular Koranism will take on German characteristics if adopted in Germany.
​Secular Koranism will take on Danish characteristics if adopted in Denmark.
​Secular Koranism will take on Swedish characteristics if adopted in Sweden.
​Secular Koranism will take on Norwegian characteristics if adopted in Norway.
​Secular Koranism will take on Mongolian characteristics if adopted in Mongolia.
​Secular Koranism will take on Italian characteristics if adopted in Italy.
​Secular Koranism will take on French characteristics if adopted in France.
​Secular Koranism will take on Portuguese characteristics if adopted in Portugal.
​Secular Koranism will take on Spanish characteristics if adopted in Spain.
Secular Koranism will take on Romanian characteristics if adopted in Romania.
​Secular Koranism will take on Belgian characteristics if adopted in Belgium.
​Secular Koranism will take on Venezuelan characteristics if adopted in Venezuela.
​​Secular Koranism will take on Malaysian characteristics if adopted in Malaysia.
​Secular Koranism will take on Pakistani characteristics if adopted in Pakistan.
​Secular Koranism will take on Qatarish characteristics if adopted in Qatar.
​Secular Koranism will take on Sri Lankan characteristics if adopted in Sri Lanka.
​Secular Koranism will take on Costa Rican characteristics if adopted in Costa Rica.
​Secular Koranism will take on Chilean characteristics if adopted in Chile.
​Secular Koranism will take on Argentinian characteristics if adopted in Argentina.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #4

AI fun with Secular Koranism and @RealVinBruno #4.3 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 6, 2025 [Re...