
Friday, 18 October 2019

The problem with Muslims concerned about the Islamophobia and degeneracy of the West they live in


The trouble with Mohammed Hijab is the way he is so stuck up he refuses to talk to non-Muslims like me.

1)  Who do you think you are - Jews who disdain to engage with the alt-right?

2)  How do you think the alt-right regard Jews?

3)  Do you know that the wiser of the alt-right know that the only way to fight Jews is to convert to Islam?

4)  What is your view of Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad?

5)  Shouldn't you discuss Secular Koranism and direct your message at the alt-right who are obviously the victims of liberalism and is the reason why you will not fear and hatred of Islamophobes who in turn hate you?

6)  Do you consider that Muslims have a duty to non-Muslims?

7)  Do Jews have a duty to gentiles?

8)  Did the Abrahamic faiths bring with them the rule of law through the Ten Commandments, the Torah and the Koran?

9)  Does sexual corruption lead to moral corruption?

10)  Does moral corruption lead to intellectual corruption?

11)  Does intellectual corruption leads to the inability to acknowledge truth, logic and morality in order to solve and avoid obvious problems?

12)  Is the inability to acknowledge truth, logic and morality a form of dementia?

13)  Is the fact that Muslims and Jews ignore their duty to the gentile the reason why Westerners continue to practise their failed religion of Christianity?

14)  Is Christianity idolatrous?

15)  Is there a duty on the part of Jews and Muslims to point out the idolatry of Christians?

16)  Do Jews have a duty to remind and promote the Noahide laws?

17)  Do Muslims have a duty to remind non-Muslims of

18)  Is the reason why Muslims in the West never think of the duty imposed on them by because they don't care about the degenerate host population whom they know are overwhelmingly Islamophobes?

19) Can you see why Islamophobes might hate and fear Muslims and Islam?

20)  How can you demonstrate to Islamophobes that the presence of Muslims and Islam in the West could after all be a good thing for them?

21)  Is the reason why you are always fretting about your ability to keep Muslims Muslim in the West because you have no concern for the host population you live under who are suffering from a kind of dementia that can only be solved by Secular Koranism?

22) Is the reason why you refuse to discuss Secular Koranism because you do not wish to give it the oxygen of publicity?

23) Did you know that Mark Collett, Millennial Woes and Ed Dutton who are identified with the alt-right also wish to deprive Secular Koranism of the oxygen of publicity?

24)  Do you really think you can go from 0 to the 100 mph of an Islamic State without making the effort of persuading the degenerate host population of its benefits?

25)  Do you think you need to take the argument to liberals about the way govern themselves and you?

26)  Do you think you need to acknowledge the existence of the alt-right to make your point with liberals about the failure of liberalism?

27)  Is the reason why you refuse to have me on your channel because I am a non-Muslim female identified with the alt-right?

30:00  The answer to the question you ask is to have me on your show to explain Secular Koranism.

37:00  You don't need US$1M to promote Islam if you dare to consider viability of Secular Koranism with me on your channel.

52:00  People often ask me why I do not convert to Islam if I am promoting what amounts to the Koran as interpreted by me, an agnostic. Firstly, there is no requirement to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism. Secondly, if I were to convert to Islam, I would be owned by whatever mosque I go to and be told to shut up for the good of the Muslim community, wouldn't I?

53:00  Feminism is destroying the West and this will include the Muslims who live in the West if you don't engage with the alt-right on this matter. Whether the alt-right acknowledge this or not, I am in fact their ideas person. If the alt-right have a religion, it is about gathering together to agree with each other on how much they hate Jews, Muslims and non-whites and fantasising about kicking them out, and that's it really. If you want to discuss ideas with the alt-right, I am the go to person. 

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