
Thursday, 31 October 2019

The teleological approach to the Abrahamic God whose chosen people were Jews

6:00  Supersessionism
7:00  God's People
8:00  Teleology
9:00  The purpose of nonsense and lies
10:00  The Greatest Invention of all time
11:00  The teleology of God
12:00  The divisiveness of the generation gap
13:00  Disowning and disinheriting recalcitrant offspring
14:00  The higher your status the more restricted your choice of spouse
17:00  Why did God choose Jews for what?
18:00  Christians tried to invent a superior religion to Judaism, but it has crashed and burned.
19:00  The abused in turn become abusers in a chain of victimhood
20:00  The Trinity
21:00  Antisemitism and Islamophobia
22:00 The perceived Jewish problem is really a problem with liberalism.
23:00  A Christian revival in our lifetimes is unlikely even if we were all born yesterday.
24:00  An idolatrous absurdity
25:00  Comparative scripture
25:00  The Council of Nicea
26:00  The Blasphemy Act 1697 and Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813
27:00  Why did God choose the Jews?
29:00  National identity
30:00  Identity crisis and larping
31:00  Echo chamber
32:00  Children and their dress box
33:00  Nihilism is a byproduct of atheism.
34:00  Parental care and instruction or lack thereof
36:00  Parental authority
37:00  The fatherless
38:00  Breakdown of the rule of law
39:00  Guru–shishya tradition
50:00  God created a logical universe.
53:00  Pairings of opposites are key to understanding good and evil.
54:00  A universal religion had to start in a tribe.
55:00  Worshipping the most powerful deity conceivable
56:00  An eternal covenant was made by the Jews
57:00  The Koran is Zionist.
59:00  The Mandate of Heaven
1:00:00  Jade/Yellow Emperor
1:02:00 The War of Chinese Unification
1:03:00  The American Civil War was a war of American Unification.
1:04:00  Will archaeologists of the future suppose that Americans worshipped their Presidents?
1:05:00  Are Jews the mechanical hare?
1:06:00  According to Pascal, Jews are evidence of God's existence.
1:09:00  The borders of Israel have already been defined by the Torah.
1:10:00  The policeman in our heads
1:11:00  The flag and flagpole
1:21:00  Nihilists

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