
Friday, 1 November 2019

Gandalf Refuses to Cuck to Claire

Conservatism means nothing without social conservatism and social conservatism is nothing without the forbidding and punishing of extramarital sex.

16:00  Slut-shaming Secular Koranism will shame the sluts you are complaining about and make them fit to be the wives and the mothers of the children of Western men.

19:00  Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.

Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to their illegitimate offspring they casually conceived and casually parented.

33:00  What's so "insane" about converting to Islam if you need to worship the Abrahamic God and see Christianity as idolatrous?

34:00  Jen has not even read the Vedas. She has a pathological aversion to reading anything.

36:00  Jen's incoherent ideas on prayer. Blind faith. Discerning faith.  Begging.  Master and slave morality.  Blah blah.

Why are you cucking to Jen who is obviously less well read than you? Because you want to have sex with her even though my ideas make more sense?

Because she allows you to hate Jews and Muslims because she is herself an arch antisemite and arch Islamophobe?

Because she appeals to your sense of racial superiority?

But she says white people are Indians who left India and turned brown.

Who is crazier? Jen or the men who cuck to her?

41:00  I am the Oprah of the Dissident Right, apparently!

42:00  Jews don't like being told that they have been ignoring their religious duty to promote the Noahide laws for centuries.

43:00  Jen is scripturally ignorant.

44:00  Inappropriate laughter

46:00  You didn't know the difference between a sound or valid argument either.

1:03:00  If we believe in God and obey His laws, then we are technically His slaves.

1:05:00  Why won't you choose to believe in the Abrahamic God that knows our hearts and minds? Has it harmed the Jews, the world's most ancient and powerful tribe?

1:10:00  Jen loathes theological discussions because she knows so little theology. If you attempt to have them in her presence, she will derail and disrupt.

1:11:00 What is this "scientific spirituality" of which you speak?

1:11:30  "Sacralising our people" - worship of the self and the race of one's self.

1:16:00  Monotheists agree with each other that there is only one god. The Abrahamic God is more powerful than the Jen God and nobody has heard of the Jen God. Why on earth do you think Jen and her echo chamber can get Jews, Christians and Muslims to give up their Abrahamic God? This belief is evidence of delusion and suffering from a delusion is going to lower you further in status, taking you further away from the moral authority you need to be persuasive to any men of influence prepared to restore the patriarchy. Obviously, they would be more prepared to listen to me because I am all those things you are not: distinct in identity, known for the simplicity and power of my ideas with a known track record of consistent political activism under my own name.

While the Jen God idea is a but a swaddled infant, mine is a fully-grown, fully-clothed and fully-armed.

1:18:00  The existence of the concept of the Abrahamic God cannot be denied.

1:19:00  No one can speak convincingly of the truth or otherwise of reincarnation.

1:19:30  The West needs to know that their religion has failed ie that Christianity is kaput because it is idolatrous, absurd and corrupt. It needs to know this because it needs to protect itself from its internal and external enemies as any society does. Why can't you understand this?

1:21:00  Self-deification = self-worship = narcissism = self-destruction

1:27:00  Gandalf's fantasies of global domination

1:30:00  Jen is a larper.

1:34:00  What do you mean by the British being "dour"?

1:42:00  I am not proselytising. I know you can't answer my questions and draw attention to the fact that you cannot answer my questions as evidence of the superiority of my ideas and that is why you feel so threatened.

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