
Saturday, 30 November 2019

Conops accuses

7:00  Mamzers
9:00  Meghan Markle
12:00  Doria Ragland
14:00  MORMONT joins.
16:00  Church of Entropy and Brundlefly have united against me.
17:00  Brundlefly understands Secular Koranism and once said it is preferable to Entropism.
18:00  Brundle wants to silence me because I criticise Christianity, but Church of Entropy is even more anti-Christian than me because she not only denies the Abrahamic God, she denies the existence of Christ and Muhammad.
20:00  I never claimed to be morally perfect.
21:00  I don't have to be morally perfect to propose that the law support marriage and family values.
22:00  The sanctity of marriage
23:00  The purpose of marriage is not known to the young.
24:00  I am described as "stunted".
25:00  I am accused of having abandoned morals.
26:00  I am a different person now than I was before.
27:00  Secular Koranism will not be imposing retrospective legislation.
32:00  I borrowed but did not take.
36:00  No fault divorce and widespread illegitimacy
37:00  Whatever my morals, Secular Koranism is still the best available solution to the social and political problems of the West.
38:00  Brundlefly and Church of Entropy are unprincipled.
40:00  Having babies without a marriage a certificate would be a sexual offence under Secular Koranism.
42:00  Illegitimate offspring
43:00  I am accused of being shill, sellout and hypocrite.
45:00  CONOPS joins.
46:00  My blog is described as "entertaining".
47:00  The definition of a slut
49:00  Extramarital sex should be a sexual offence.
50:00  The punishment in Judaism for females falsely claiming to be virgins
52:00  Illegitimate offspring would be the triggering event for the offence to be punished under
54:00  John Gischali says he has only had sex with his wife.
56:00  Aaron Amihud. Ego Dik's rape comments
57:00  Conops claims to have been in love 6 or 7 times.
1:03:00  Fornication and adultery
1:04:00  The difference between a suspected sex offender and a convicted sex offender
1:06:00  Ashley Madison
1:07:00  I am accused by Conops of threatening to sue him.
1:08:00  Defamation
1:14:00  Amanda is an antisemite who said she wanted to burn Doooovid's house down.
1:15:00  Ego Dik's rape comments
1:17:00  Islamophobes with an Islamophobic axe to grind
1:24:00  Sexual slavery
1:25:00  Slave girls working in brothels
1:26:00  from 4:25:00 at
1:41:00  Playback ends
1:44:00  Conops wants to reintroduce hanging.
1:46:00  The rape of German women by Soviet soldiers in WW2
1:48:00  Travis Patron makes court appearance on assault charges
1:49:00  Sub judice rule
1:56:00  Kyle Rowland not interested in Ego Dik comments. from 2:01:00
1:57:00  Conops claims there was an incitement to rape.
2:01:00  Who do I serve?
2:03:00  What do I serve?
2:06:00  Being grateful for our enemies
2:07:00  I am accused of being a Christ-hater
2:08:00  "Blood rituals"
2:09:00  The blood libel, male circumcision, kapparot
2:11:00  Illegitimate offspring
2:12:00  Mormont refuses to say he is Christian.
2:13:00  Mormont cannot say what I have misrepresented or whom I have harmed
2:14:00  Mormont talks about "criminal elements".
2:15:00  Shill
2:16:00  Hack
2:17:00  The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
2:18:00  More accusations
2:19:00  Deportation
2:21:00  Bedroom police. 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring would be a way not overloading the court system
2:22:00  Being chaste
2:24:00  My Eureka moments in my bath
2:26:00  Trying to save Western civilisation all by myself
2:27:00  Cholent
2:29:00  John Gischali explains his conversion to Judaism.
2:50:00  John Gischali feels he belongs here. My streams are intended to be a space space for white men, Jew and gentile.
2:53:00  Diversity is the strength of the alt-right.
2:55:00  CONOPS rejoins.
2:56:00  Regulating things that cannot be prevented ie rape in war
2:57:00  Normative and descriptive statements
3:01:00  How many men is a sergeant in charge of?
3:04:00  Comfort Women
3:05:00  The Iliad by Homer and Trojan Women by Euripides
3:06:00  It is to misunderstand the nature of war to assume the availability of courts and legal services once your country has been invaded by a foreign army. Conops in his naivete and effeminacy is guilty of this by talking about "legalising rape". The only kind of justice you will get when your country has been invaded by a foreign army is  the rough kind.
3:07:00  Ego Dik was clearly talking about a wartime situation.
3:09:00  MORMONT refuses to disclose his nationality.
3:10:00  An East Coast generic North American accent
3:11:00  Mormont gets anxious being alone with me.
3:12:00  CONOPS rejoins.
3:15:00  A general would not be in the battlefield in wartime.
3:16:00  Sergeants would be unlikely to report members of their platoon raping the local women.
3:17:00  I explain what I understood Ego Dik to have intended in his comments about rape.
3:18:00  Conops does not understand the difference between being a rapist and someone having a rape fantasy.
3:19:00  Conflating the rape fantasy with being a rapist.
3:22:00  Crazily, Conops links the Noahide laws to this discussion.

3:23:00  Women are part of booty in war.

The ancient Greeks considered war rape of women "socially acceptable behavior well within the rules of warfare", and warriors considered the conquered women "legitimate booty, useful as wives, concubines, slave labor, or battle-camp trophy".

3:27:00  To avoid your women being raped, govern your country properly.
3:28:00  Incels and cannon fodder
3:29:00  Sexually-sated men become risk-averse women with penis extensions.
3:30:00  Canadian peace-keep soldiers have been reported to rape the local women.

3:34:00  How ironic that I, a woman, have more ability to imagine the realities of rape in wartime than virtue-signalling men Conops and Mormont prissily talking about the legality of rape in war.
3:35:00  I have more understanding of military realities than prissy virtue-signalling men Conops and Mormont.
3:37:00  Military discipline
3:38:00  As I see it, Ego Dik was giving well-intentioned but incoherent advice about how to deal with invaders/illegal immigrants who rape your women.
3:39:00  Quebec and its problem with Muslims
3:41:00  I refuse the invitation of Mormont to declare that rape is wrong.
3:42:00  Public standards of modesty and sobriety are linked to complaints of sexual assault and rape.
3:45:00  Mormont threatens to leave unless I bring Conops back on.
3:46:00  Conops compares me to Al Qaeda and ISIS because I am so scary.
3:49:00  Conops links Secular Koranism to rape. My view is that Koranic rules of warfare are intended to deal with this problem.
3:50:00  Conops' view on the Japanese practice of Comfort Women
3:51:00  is inconclusive.
3:52:00  Military discipline in the fog of war

3:55:00  GANDALF joins.
3:58:00  How many men are you in charge of if you are in charge of men in the Army?
4:13:00  My slogan for election: "CLAIRE KHAW: Getting straight to the core of the problem."
4:17:00  Gandalf has made a good impression.
4:21:00  Trump and Chabad
4:27:00  Gun-grabber
4:28:00  US constitution and Ilhan Omar
4:29:00  Gandalf spergs out.
4:33:00  Bridge collapses
4:34:00  Natural American Spirits
4:35:00  Slut-shaming
4:37:00  Narrowing the franchise and depriving "40 year old roasties" of the vote?
4:38:00  Legal brothels
4:40:00  Gandalf's political position of fairness
4:42:00  Lying
4:55:00  The Koran is an example of good legal drafting.
4:58:00  Gandalf is not one of the wild animals of the alt-right, according to John Gischali.
5:01:00  UNCLE PHIL joins.
5:08:00  "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
5:09:00  Liberal bullying
5:12:00  Ethnostate
5:13:00  Peaceful separation and Balkanisation
5:15:00  Sexualisation of children, transgender indoctrination at primary schools
5:24:00  Capitalism and the US political system
5:25:00  Secession and Balkanisation inevitable?
5:26:00  Our political freedoms eroded by sexual freedom

5:27:00  JON VANCE joins.
5:29:00  White flight
5:33:00  Boomers
5:34:00  The Swinging Sixties, Sex Revolution and sex and drugs and rock and roll - is this the West?
5:36:00  Christianity - "Christians can agree that paedophilia is wrong."
5:37:00  Town and country
5:38:00 "Open satanists"
5:39:00  "People blackmailed into corrupting themselves", woman and a meritocracy
5:46:00  Revelations
5:51:00  The Trinity
5:54:00  How Muhammad spread Islam
5:55:00  Ten lost tribes of Israel
5:58:00  Exodus
6:00:00  White Naturalist
6:02:00  Are Armenians white just because they are Christian?
6:03:00  The Russian attitude towards Christianity and Liberalism
6:09:00  Chechnya
6:14:00  Go our own way
6:17:00  The nature of war
6:20:00  Polygamy and King Solomon
6:23:00  Countries with low birth rates are easy to invade. Marriage and family values
6:24:00  Condemnation by females
6:25:00  Men who stab each other in the back at the behest of women without question even when they do not expect to have sex with the woman in question
6:26:00  The sex drive
6:27:00  Bros before hos
6:28:00  Up to men to make the rules that will control the behaviour of men and women.
6:29:00  Men who are demigods
6:30:00  "If there is no God, then there is no objective morality."
6:31:00  The imperative to sexually reproduce to remain in existence as a species
6:33:00  The New Testament is too ambiguous, vague and extremist.
6:36:00  The power of prayer and trusting in God as it says on the dollar bill.
6:38:00  Taking the Bible too literally.  Jude
6:39:00  The wildly different interpretations of the same Biblical verse
6:40:00  Christians need the concept of teshuvah.
6:41:00  Wearing the cross is idolatry?
6:44:00  Vincent Bruno as Just Another Hindu and his views on oral sex not being regarded as sodomy under the Noahide laws
6:45:00  Fag hags
6:52:00  "We are just a collection of choices."
6:53:00  Belief in the idea of progress
6:55:00  Our vulnerability makes us creative in the ways we control our environment.
6:57:00  Gene editing
7:03:00  Hemp
7:08:00  GTA
7:10:00  Doom and Zelda
7:11:00  Mario, Star Wars, Nintendo 64
7:12:00  James Bond
7:21:00  Atheism and degeneracy
7:23:00  Is the definition of misogynist and sexist a man who expresses views feminists hate?
7:28:00  AIDS
7:30:00  "Religion could be wrong."
7:31:00  The Mormon look
7:37:00  Wisdom
7:40:00  Free will and independent thinking
7:41:00  Give each man his due.
7:42:00  Fair dealing#
7:43:00  Usury and cheating casinos
7:49:00  Virtue-signalling for status
7:55:00  We embody our genetic inheritance, which is millions of years old.
7:56:00  Slut-shaming
7:57:00  Virtue-signalling men and cheap sex
7:59:00  Choosing our associates carefully
8:01:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

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