
Saturday, 2 November 2019

Larping with Church of Entropy

18:00  The state is downstream from religion/political ideology. What should our state ideology be now that we know Christianity is kaput and democracy has been destroyed as a sustainable form of government?

40:00  "Europeans were subverted by Jews."

So you are saying Jews are not Europeans. Which continent do they belong and which continent would you like to confine them to if you could?

48:00  What do you mean when you talk about "farming empathy"?

49:02  You say the sun god archetype is "the supreme ideal of masculinity". There are a number of solar deities. Which one were you thinking of?

I have never heard of masculinity being represented by a sun god.

Masculinity is a state of the mind of a man prepared to define patriarchal moral values which seems to be virtually extinct in the West now.

49:16  "I'm still sad about something that happened 1000 years ago." Aren't you guilty of that when you claim the victimhood of Indians as a white Canadian woman larping as the Hindu sage Dayananda Saraswati?

50:00  What are these draconian laws you accuse me of wanting to introduce?  Do you mean my proposal to shame sluts by lashing unmarried parents 100 times per illegitimate offspring? Why would you call this "draconian" if that is the only thing that would work? Are you in the dishonourable hypocritical and cowardly position of wishing to wound but being afraid to strike?

52:00 "I see myself as taking command of a large amount of land .... "  How do you envisage this scenario coming about? The central bankers voluntarily handing over you their keys after they become sufficiently frightened by your sub beta male orbiters organising against them?

57:00  "I'll just continue with my larp." = I'll just make believe I am your theocratic leader. I really love my game make believe! Come join me and make believe with me!

1:17:00  How would you define the national interest?

1:20:00 Even if you hate yourself so much you want to be someone else, is this a sustainable strategy if no one acknowledges the identity you claim to have?

1:28:00  All these "larps" are like you asking yourselves what you will do when you get to another habitable planet in another galaxy light years away when you already know that you will never get to board a space-worthy vessel, let alone one that is capable of travelling at the speed of light.  The nearest galaxy to ours is Andromeda and it is 2.537 million light years away.

1:46:00 Jen lies about my position. Everyone knows me as a civic nationalist yet Jen accuses me of being some kind of white supremacist just because she can, based on nothing. I am not even white.

1:50:00  WLL2PWR actually avoids people if he doesn't think he can win the argument. He avoids me like the plague.

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

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