
Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Men who virtue signal to obtain greater sexual access to women act against the national interest

Men who virtue signal to sluts to obtain sexual access to them are morally corrupt and act against the long term national interest because they sacrifice male solidarity and male-co-operation to pander to vain and silly women.


34:00  She denies she is a bored housewife and says she is busy. Apparently, Jon Vance and Ego Dik have been talking about installing the Caliphate. A Caliph is a constitutional dictator, and a constitutional dictator would be better than unconstitutional one. She also complains about their views on Syria.

35:00  Jon Vance and Otto Dik were on Otto's stream talking about the Caliphate. from 2:20:00

35:30  Con Opps pretends that anyone talking about "raping the world" could say it without irony or using it as a metaphor.

36:00  Apart from saying that the discussion about the Caliphate on Otto's stream was "cringe" and "idiotic", Amanda could not remember anything else about it.

37:00  Ridiculously, she suggests that anyone who speaks of the Caliphate have been exposed to "extremists" or have been reading extremist material.

38:00  Hizb-ut-Tahrir are also into the Caliphate.

40:00  To Con Opps' implied suggestion that anyone who considers becoming Muslim must be a potential paedophile who wants to marry and have sex with 9 year old girls, I point out that under Secular Koranism only engaged couples of full legal capacity would be able to agree a marriage contract and marry.

41:00  I remind Con Opps that the Koran is silent on stoning.

42:00  I confirm I would disavow Jon Vance as a Secular Koranist if he wanted to incorporate any Hadith that contradicted the Koran.

48:00  Con Opps implies that I should be concerned about radicalism and implies that by visiting a mosque the Sunni-hating Amanda has identified as Salafist and radical, Jon is about to blow himself up.

49:00  Con Opps asks how I would feel if Jon did blow himself up and I said I wouldn't feel guilty at all because Secular Koranism does not tell anyone to blow themselves up.

49:45  Amanda admits to doing "research" on the allegedly Salafist Wahhabist mosque Jon visited and concluded that it was a Deobandi mosque and therefore a terrorist mosque, because the people in those mosques were not just Muslims, but were dressed as Muslims SHOCK HORROR. Apparently, the head of the mosque Jon visited went to the same school as the man who committed the Mumbai terror attack SHOCK HORROR

50:00 Jon Vance apparently repeats everything I say on Secular Koranism. I know I express Secular Koranism so well and memorably that people unconsciously internalise my words and repeat them when trying to explain it to others. I know even Church of Entropy does this when she mimics me using a fake English accent, and she doesn't even like me or Secular Koranism.

51:00  Jon Vance is "a sponge" and "people like him are so susceptible" and "said something about the Caliphate in Otto's chat" SHOCK HORROR

52:00  Amanda says she says hates me because I am "full of shit.

53:00  I point out that radicalisation happens online rather than at a mosque.

54:00  Con Opps acknowledges that some radicalisation takes place online but says "there is no such thing as lone wolf terrorism". Is he some sort of terrorist expert now about Muslims gathering in the mosque to plot terrorism, as he anticipates Jon soon will be if he converts to Islam?

55:00  I mock them for hysterically claiming that Jon could become both a Muslim terrorist and a white supremacist.

56:00  Con Opps speculates that Jon sometimes wants to be a sex offender.

57:00  GANDALF joins.
58:00  Has Church of Entropy proven the existence of God?
59:00  Singularities
1:00:00  Red shift hypothesis about the age of the universe
1:01:00  Big Bang Theory
1:03:00  It is possible to believe in the Big Bang without believing in God.
1:04:00  Saying Christ is God does not prove that God exists.
1:05:00  Spinoza
1:06:00  Idolatry
1:07:00  How does God exist outside the Universe?
1:08:00  Why worship the Jen God when you can worship the Abrahamic God?
1:09:00  Which Abrahamic faith produced the most warlike people?
1:10:00  Thucydides Trap and the Second Thirty Years War
1:11:00  War and Empire, patriarchy and cannon fodder
1:12:00  War and technological advancement
1:13:00  All great empires and great civilisations.
1:14:00  Terrorism could end empires. It ended the Austrian Empire.
1:15:00  Koranic rules of warfare produced the Geneva Convention.
1:16:00  War and rape
1:18:00  Logic and knowledge
1:19:00  What could be more powerful than the concept of the Abrahamic God? His actual existence.
1:21:00  Religion is not working because people are not following the rules.
1:22:00  Religion has two purposes: the public and personal
1:23:00  Ra and the Ancient Egyptians
1:24:00  The Zionist Ethnostate
1:25:00  You can still be an ethnostate if you have significant minorities provided the dominant race has privileges.
1:27:00  Second class citizenship
1:33:00  Human stock destroyed
1:35:00  Race mixing and "sacralising our people"
1:36:00  Narrowing the franchise
1:37:00  Gandalf proposes ending female suffrage.
1:38:00  Women should only access resources as daughters and wives, Gandalf seems to be suggesting.
1:40:00  Sparta did not produce much culture.
1:41:00  Don't get caught cottaging.
1:42:00  TWINK
1:44:00  Kant's principle of universalisability
1:45:00  Honour killing and the categorical imperative
1:46:00  Making extramarital sex a sexual offence
1:47:00  Fornication, adultery and sodomy
1:48:00  Patriarchy, matriarchy and sexual violence
1:51:00  Groypers
1:55:00  Memes
1:57:00  Richard Spencer
1:59:00  Octoroon
2:01:00  Oral Tradition
2:02:00  Curt Doolittle
2:03:00  Oral Tradition is better for preserving memory.
2:04:00  Homer
2:05:00  Bibliophobia
2:11:00  One book scripture eg the Koran
2:14:00  Violating boundaries
2:15:00  Shit test
2:16:00  NIALL joins.
2:17:00  Oral and written tradition
2:19:00  Niall's Catholicism
2:20:00  Jim Jones
2:21:00  Definition of cult
2:23:00  Subversion and heretics
2:24:00  Book burning
2:25:00  Pornography and censorship
2:26:00  Free speech
2:29:00  Clean out the catamites.
2:32:00  Jewish media
2:37:00  Priestly celibacy
2:38:00  Simony
2:39:00  Large vicarages are required for married priests. Presumably this is why the C o E is so keen on gaily married priests.

2:42:00 JUST ANOTHER HINDU joins, all guns blazing.
2:54:00  Church of Entropy has not read the Vedas.

2:56:00  "A lot of these gurus don't know a word of the Vedas."
3:10:00  Church of Entropy's unreadable blog

WHY CHURCH OF ENTROPY DID NOT JOIN from 3:17:00 because her manager, Brundlefly, forbade it.  Just Another Hindu on learning of this: "I didn't know she was that weak."

3:14:00  Catholic catamites 

4:15:00  Conops: "Muslim parents are worse parents than Christian parents."
4:18:00  The Claire boycott has been boycotted.
4:19:00  JAH complains about Brundle's attitude to LGBT.
4:20:00  Ancient Rome, pederasty, bisexuality
4:22:00  The gay accent
4:24:00  Extramarital sex
4:25:00  JON VANCE and EGO DIK join.
4:26:00  Noahide laws
4:27:00  Chechens
4:28:00  Strong man
4:29:00  Conops tells Jon Vance to blow himself up.
4:30:00  Putin
4:31:00  Sharia.  Conops mocks Ego Dik for being uneducated. Ego Dik calls him an Anglo elitist.

4:32:00  Ego Dik suggests that effete degenerates like Con Opps deserve to have their women raped.

4:33:00  Predictably, Con Opps pretends Ego Dik is saying that he wants to rape women and calls him "psycho".

4:34:00  I invite Ego Dik to clarify his position.

4:34:30  "counter-rape"

4:35:00  According to Ego Dik, "counter rape" means "doing what you have to do to get things done" ie take a more masculine approach towards political activism, "go full Balkan".

4:35:30  Conops completely ignores that and then says Ego Dik hasn't got a girlfriend and because of that the only way he can get sex is to rape. Hysterically, Conops starts calling Ego Dik "a rapist". I eject him.

4:36:00  "Risky strategy", "passive-aggressive".  Russian men fought back, Anglo men can't even defend a principle.

4:37:00  Ego Dik talks about Conops' "moralistic attitude" implying it is effeminate which also attracts Pakistani grooming gangs to move in.

4:38:00  Ego Dik repeats that he is "not advocating for rape".

4:38:30  Why was JOKER the movie so popular?

4:39:00  Angry young men of the West brought up in a culture of degeneracy, defining "the West"

4:40:00  If the West is merely the matriarchy it has now degenerated into, it is not worth defending.
The counter-culture and insurgency of the day would be the restoration of the patriarchy.

4:41:00  If Western men allow their women to behave like sluts, then they shouldn't be too surprised if they are routinely raped by foreign men. The effete attitude of Western men suggests that they will not be defending their women and this encourages foreign men to try their luck with Western women.

4:41:30  Niall pointed out that these females were in fact children.

4:42:00  Conops calls Ego Dik "the rapist", calls him "disingenuous" and says he will time-stamp this exchange. Conops says he is "against rape" to imply that Ego Dik is for rape.

4:43:00  Jon Vance calls Conops "libellous" who calls him an "incel" saying he doesn't "want to rape" to imply that Ego Dik does.

4:44:00  I say I accepted Ego Dik's clarification of his position.

As I understand it, Jon Vance and Ego Dik  were saying Anglo men deserve to have their women raped if they continued virtue signalling in their passive-aggressive way. 
The virtue signalling Anglo men are actually inadvertently signalling that their women are ripe to be raped and that they are now too weak, frightened or degenerate to defend them.  

I feel I must do my best to prevent Western women from being raped by foreign men believing that they are ripe for rape because of their degenerate passive-aggressive virtue signalling men, by calling out degenerate passive-aggressive virtue signalling men like Conops who are very skilled at flattering vain and silly women like Church of Entropy for their own selfish purposes that will be nothing to do with serving the long term national interest.

4:49:00  Con Opps claims to be "reasonable about rape".

4:50:00  I tell Ego Dik that Con Opps will probably be falsely accusing him of being a rapist until he takes legal action or for as long as he can get away with it as an anonymous troll.

4:51:00  Ego Dik points out that even Niall understood his point while Con Opps will be accusing him of being a rapist until the end of time if he can get away with it. This is because he is such a spiteful little bitch.

4:51:30  To be weak is to invite attack.

4:52:00  Anglos are known for their hysterical virtue-signalling. This is because of the peculiar effeminacy and degeneracy of Anglo men, I imagine.

4:53:00  Conops is a liberal. I suggest that the virtue signalling is to designed to acquire sexual access to impressionable women.

4:54:00  Ego Dik points out that men in a long term relationship have been known to rape women who are not their established sex partners.

4:55:00  Ted Bundy

4:56:00  CONOPS rejoins and spends the next hour pretending not to understand any of the above and repeating the same false accusations that Ego Dik is a rapist.

4:57:00  Conops virtually says Muslim men  are rapists. I acknowledge that a patriarchy that raises the price of sex will make sexual access to women more valuable, and valuable things tend to get snatched. For these reasons, patriarchy would make men "rapier" but this is the price women have to pay for social order.  Conops suggests Ego Dik has a speech impediment and for that reason alone should not be listened to because he is "a fucking handicapped person".

 4:58:00  I say Conops and Church of Entropy are snobs and dismiss people because of their class and accent. Conops says Islam makes men want to rape and pillage. I point out that non-Muslim wignats fantasise of the day when they can go raping and pillaging like Vikings which is why young men have always been the best cannon fodder.

4:59:00  Conops says Jon Vance and Ego Dik are no different to wignats but does not give a reason. I reiterate the explanation Ego Dik gave and Conops again ignores this.

5:00:00  I say the mixed messages sent out by the matriarchies of the West encourage more illegal immigrants to come take advantage of the cheap and easy Western women that they are looking to rape.

5:01:00  I point out to Con Opps his virtue signalling is the cause of this mixed message which encourages more illegal immigrants to come and take advantage, but he immediately pretends that I am for rape by declaring that he is "against rape". He then says he wants to hang rapists.

5:02:00  Con Opps pretends that Jon Vance and Ego Dik are potential rapists and implies that he would like to hang them high for no particular reason.

5:03:00  I repeat the position that I thought Ego Dik was taking. Con Opps says he wanted to have a go at "Vancey boy". I point out that Con Opps was constantly derailing the conversation by accusing them of rape like a hysterical woman.

5:04:00  I repeated what I thought Ego Dik was saying again.  Con Opps asks why there is no taboo on rape in Muslim cultures. It is news to me that Muslims do not think rape is a shameful crime.

5:06:00  Roosh

5:07:00  Con Opps falsely claims that Jon Vance was "laughing at rape again".

5:08:00  I take Con Opps to task for deliberately ignoring all the clarifications given.

5:09:00  Con Oppos claims that I threatened to sue him.

5:10:00  I point out that Con Opps egged Jay on in the defamation of Jon Vance while remaining hidden behind the cloak of anonymity, which was why I dared him to say the defamatory things he said about Jon again but this time using his real name. Predictably he backed down and as far as I was concerned, the point was made.

5:11:00  Con Opps accuses me of blackmailing him. I deny this and say he is womannish. He pretends he is protecting women and says he will time-stamp our exchange.  I say he is not protecting anyone at all but is behaving like a spiteful little girl.

5:12:00  I point out that he is distorting what was actually said to be a spiteful nuisance, just because he can. He pretends that my ejecting him temporarily meant I was ejecting him for "countersignalling rape" when in fact he was preventing me from clarifying the situation with Ego Dik by making hysterical accusations of rape against him.

5:14:00  Con Opps dishonestly claims that Ego Dik and Jon have made "pro-rape statements".

5:15:00  I call him a "malicious liberal bitch" and he calls me "granny", "an edgy granny", "tedious", "bored and recruiting these semi-rapist men".

5:16:00  A patriarchy would be more "rapey" in the sense that the price of sex would be higher and sex seen as a more valuable commodity and therefore more likely to be "snatched". However, a sexually-liberated matriarchy where sex is cheap to free would have the disadvantage of confusing men into mistaking something that is merely cheap with what is actually free attracting rape accusations. He claims again that "patriarchy means the raping of women" and refers to the "sewer of my ideas".

5:17:00  I point out that he is not prepared to make the sacrifice of restoring the patriarchy whereupon he equates the restoration of the patriarchy with condoning rape and cries rather hysterically "Death to rapists!"

5:18:00  Con Opps clearly wanted to inconvenience me into taking the stream down for fear of repercussions and I call him "a spiteful little bitch". He mentions my expulsion from the BNP over being "an edgelord in favour of infanticide". I merely said that I would reject any severely disabled infant I had. Unofficially, infanticide already takes place anyway.

5:19:00  Apparently, virtue-signalling is a 4chan meme. I say he is being more PC than anyone else.

5:20:00  He accuses me of victim-blaming and of condoning the rape of children. I ask him for further and better particulars and he says the fact that I said women should be more careful was victim-blaming.

5:21:00  Are child-prostitution rings also "rape gangs"?

5:22:00  Con Opps changes tack and pretends that Jon Vance saying little girls shouldn't be dressing as sluts meant that he approved of the rape of these girls.

5:23:00  I call him "a virtue signalling bitch" and he appears to expect me to show indignation over rape in the effeminate and hysterical way that he was doing. He says that because I am a "beta Asian female" meant that I received insufficient attention from men when I was younger. "The ultimate BDSM  revenge strategy" for me would be to propose that white women more attractive than me should suffer corporal punishment for having the sexual attention that I never received for which I was envious of them.

5:24:00  We all die alone. Technically, all women who have premarital sex are sluts.

5:25:00  Virgin brides are a rarity now in the West.

5:26:00  On the one hand I am "going nowhere", on the other my radical solution contained in Secular Koranism  is the "gateway drug" to  theocracy.  "Unstable men" would find my ideas very attractive, apparently. He suggests that Jon Vance is unstable and "not the rational type".

5:28:00  No virgin schoolgirls in secondary school any more, let alone virgin brides.

5:29:00  I said I was uneasy about hanging all men convicted of rape and mentioned Julian Assange who in my view had probably been arrested on trumped up charges.

5:30:00  Under Secular Koranism, anyone who has sex outside marriage is a sex offender.

5:31:00  Definition of virtue-signalling

5:32:00  I point out that Con Opps is virtue-signalling as a feminist.

5:33:00  Con Opps retreats from his position of death to all rapists and talks mysteriously of "regretful sex". He probably meant regret rape.

5:34:00  Con Opps says he would like to hang Jon Vance, presumably for incurring his displeasure by visiting a mosque and openly considering conversion, and claims he has "the instinct of a rapist".

5:35:00  Con Opps says Jon talks about rape too much. I point out that it was Con Opps who wouldn't stop talking about it because of his neurotic need to earnestly virtue-signal to make himself seem trustworthy to women.

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