
Tuesday, 26 November 2019

On mental illness in the West generally but especially in the alt-right

Mental illness comes in two forms:

1) not being able to apprehend reality accurately eg seeing things that aren't there, voices in your head
2) feeling emotional distress because of your interpretation of events eg paranoia, delusion

6:00  Jewish problem
8:00  Travis Patron is vigorously fighting the charges being made against him.
10:00  Ideas
11:00  Degraded state of alt-right thinking
12:00  The motive of demonising Daily Mail readers
14:00  I identify myself as a Secular Koranist
15:00  Third Position thinking
16:00  Noahide laws and antisemites, Secular Koranism and Islamophobes
17:00  If there are Jews, there are going to be gentiles. God meant them to live together.
21:00  Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia.
22:00  The alt-right only fantasise about pogrom.
23:00  Church of Entropy
24:00  The Trinity
25:00  Punishment for unmarried parents during the Grace Period would be inflicted on volunteers who will acquire a higher status than unrepentant sex offenders.
28:00  Brothel inspectors and Slave Visitors
29:00  An unholy alliance between anti-Christian Church of Entropy and Brundlefly
30:00  Conservatism - Theocracy Lite
31:00  Political prisoner
32:00  Jon Vance
33:00  Secular Koranism - The Three Musketeers
34:00  Mental illness.  Richard Spencer
36:00  The degraded state of the West and my clarity and consistency in promoting Secular Koranism to replace kaput Christianity and demented democracy
38:00  Free DNA test for every married father every time his wife has offspring
40:00  What happens when your religion and political system are kaput
42:00  Slavery is an institution like marriage and prostitution.
44:00  Displays of mental illness are part of the narrative of redemption.
47:00  Secular Koranism with Chinese characteristics
48:00  The alt-right are even more morally corrupt than mainstream politicians.
49:00  Damaged ex-Catholics who hate the Abrahamic God
50:00  Aaron Amihud is also afraid of Secular Koranism.
51:00  Why the CIA objects to the one party state
53:00  Category errors
55:00  Telling oneself lies and believing in them can exacerbate pre-existing mental illness.
1:01:00  Delusions caused by narcissism
1:04:00  Keeping up one's self-esteem with lies that will eventually drive you into error and disaster
1:08:00  Jon Vance, a principled and courageous young man

1:09:00  STEVEN YANG joins.
1:10:00  Chinese ancestor worship
1:15:00  Prosperity gospel
1:16:00  Chinese statecraft
1:16:30  Buddhism
1:17:00  Chinese ancestor worship is the Chinese way of getting an heir and a spare
1:18:00  The Worshipped Ancestor and the Hungry Ghost
1:19:00  The Month of the Hungry Ghost has been abolished in China during the Cultural Revolution
1:20:00  Male offspring produced to be the cannon fodder of the imperial wars of the Chinese
1:22:00  Confucius
1:22:30  Patriarchy
1:23:00  Matriarchy, the difference between matriarchy and matrilineal
1:25:00  Slut-shaming
1:26:00  alt-right men are mostly unmarriageable and so would be hoping to have sex with women they are not married to for free rather than hire prostitutes.
1:28:00  Marriage is a sacrifice the alt-right are not prepared to make.
1:31:00  alt-right men accusing of being Jews or feds
1:32:00  Jews are considered the aristocracy of humanity.
1:33:00  Assimilated liberal atheist Jews
1:34:00  The Torah does not envisage the existence unobservant Jews
1:35:00  Christian theocracy
1:36:00  Judaism, Christianity and Islam come with the rule of law.
1:37:00  The Christian is supposed to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and Abrahamic God, which is obviously absurd.
1:39:00  The European Wars of Religion
1:41:00  Do not reject all the Abrahamic faiths till you have read the Koran.
1:42:00  The perceived Jewish problem is really a problem with Liberal problem.
1:43:00  The American Republic was intended to be the antithesis of pre-revolutionary France.
1:44:00  Virgil's Aeneid
1:45:00  The Thucydides Trap's_Trap
1:49:00  The slaughter of pagans in Europe was conducted by Christians rather than Jews
1:50:00  Forcible conversion of Edomites by Jews to Judaism
1:51:00  The Abrahamic God keeps the Jews in existence.
1:52:00  If Jews were allowed idolatry, they would have assimilated themselves out of existence like the Normans.
1:53:00  The Vestal Virgins
1:55:00  If Islam in existence for the Romans to convert to, would Rome have lasted longer? We do not have the same excuse as the Romans for not doing so.
1:56:00  Idolatry would not be punished in a Secular Koranist State.
1:57:00  Shintoism
1:58:00  Muslims in different Muslims countries interpret the Koran differently.

1:59:00  Idolatry
2:00:00  The House of Saud
2:05:00  Catholics have more children than Protestants.
2:06:00  The Abrahamic God, the rule of law and empire
2:07:00  Scripture

2:10:00  Brundlefly (an antisemite married to a Jewess with Jewish offspring who is "Manager" of Church of Entropy). Church of Entropy who denies the existence of Christ and Muhammad and says Christianity and Islam were invented by Jews to monopolise the market in usury so they can exploit the gullibility of gentiles. These two have their unholy alliance against me: Brundlefly because he is Christian and wants to stop me saying Christianity is kaput. Church of Entropy because she already knows that my theocracy is better than her theocracy as mine comes with the Rule of Law, a concept that she is totally unfamiliar with because she hates reading and learning about any idea that undermines hers. Her malign influence has caused Gandalf to also refuse to read the Koran and instead promote his ridiculous QST which is just a cookie-cutter version of Entropism.

2:11:00  Secular Koranism is designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists while guaranteeing freedom of belief with while protecting and restoring the patriarchy.
2:13:00  Creating a new religion
2:14:00  Islam is the most advanced version of monotheism.
2:16:00  Christian nations now promote globohomo.
2:17:00 The Catholic Church - the world's most powerful Church - is dying on its feet and is now synonymous with paedo priests
2:21:00  China was polytheist and is now officially atheist.
2:22:00  Pagans would  wage war against each other to take each other's land etc even if there were were no Abrahamic faiths. It was Christianity and Islam which created stronger more organised and advanced nations capable of conquering pagan lands.
2:24:00  Israel and liberal democracy
2:25:00  A one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism
2:26:00  Slut-shaming would be enough to reimpose moral order. There is no need to hound women out of public life.
2:27:00  MGTOW
2:28:00  Paul Elam and Mike Buchanan are not interested in abolishing no fault divorce but in being rude to women.
2:29:00  Valley Girl  Valleyspeak
2:32:00  Josh Neal from an Irish Catholic background hates my English accent so much he actually said he would like to strangle me until I am dead in a stream by Church of Entropy.
2:35:00  Ethno-nationalism
2:37:00  Why white men are failing to organise themselves against the matriarchy
2:38:00  Jay Walker and why we always go on the same merry-go-round of debate until I decided not to join him any more. His recent attempts to undermine me by his constant lies and abuse is his reaction to this rejection.
2:39:00  A slut-fucker with a Tinder account. "You can't fuck sluts if you shame them."
2:41:00  Jon Vance and Alex Woodrow
2:42:00  Secular Koranism is the happy medium between accepting the status quo ie globohomo and pogrom.
2:43:00  Church of Entropy's rival theocracy offers a priesthood of her specially chosen space junk of orbiters who know never to offend or challenge her.
2:44:00  The alt-right aren't interested in political activism because they are under-educated degenerates who already know they are unmarriageable low status men thought to deserve their misfortune of being marginalised political pariahs. Why would anyone with anything to lose risk anything to acquire the support of NEETs who are basically narcissistic disloyal buffoons?
2:46:00  Jon Vance and White Sharia
2:47:00  Marriage is the pivot upon which true gender justice lies.
2:48:00  "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"
2:49:00  Steven Yang is a proud VOLCEL and virgin.
2:51:00  Shacking up with someone for convenience and economy
2:52:00  Rushing into a relationship
2:53:00  Emotionally damaging first relationships
2:54:00  Not having sex with your proposed spouse will give you a clear head about their defects of personality and character.
2:55:00  The imperative of abolishing no fault divorce is one small step for Western Man towards making marriage a good bargain for men again.
2:56:00  An official marriage strike declared by men is a peaceful and legal protest to make instead of blaming Jews, Muslims and non-whites for the double whammy of the failed religion and failed political system of the West
2:57:00  Paul Elam and Mike Buchanan refuse to talk about abolishing no fault divorce because they feel they have to pander to their supporters who are unmarriageable low status men.
3:00:00  The benefit of getting dislikes
3:04:00  Mark Collett, paganism, animism
3:05:00  Mecca a centre for pagan pilgrimage and the Satanic Verses
3:06:00  Muhammad was a successful revolutionary as well as a political and military leader.
3:07:00  Reincarnation
3:08:00  Jews who believe in reincarnation
3:09:00  Wasting time
3:11:00  Limited immortality
3:12:00  Faith in God and wanting to honour posterity should give us the courage to embark on onerous undertakings that may not be completed in our lifetimes

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