
Thursday, 5 December 2019

Church of Entropy goes about her business of trashing my reputation while plotting to sue me for libel

59:00  Am I a shill or not? Which is scarier? I fit the profile of a shill but also that of a control freak and a megalomaniacal narcissist, according to Jen.
1:00:00  Domingo says it takes one to know one. Facebook group dedicated to hatred of me.
1:01:00  My affair
1:14:00  Jen's fave TV show is Burn Notice It is really "cheesy" but she likes the Jeffrey guy.
1:16:00  Jen bases her rhetorical strategy on
1:21:00  Domingo got clipped twice by Bad Goy Productions.
1:22:00  John Gischala the Chabadnik
1:26:00  Beta Orbiter Contest being proposed by Jay
1:26:30  Unlike Jen, I am only interested in recruiting principled and courageous men who are independent thinkers.
1:31:00  I regard JON VANCE as a comrade. He is not my orbiter.
1:34:00  Secular Koranism is not a cult, but a legal system.
1:41:00  More normal than the Luke Ford/Claire Khaw group

1:46:00  Jen, a graduate in maths and physics of Ottawa University, says the default position is that nukes are fake.

1:57:00  I join the chat.

2:00:00  Jen suggests that the government may be terrified by her ideas.
2:01:00  Credibility, charisma and Claire Khaw
2:02:00  An idea should stand on its own merits whether the person is a horrible person or not. Jen contradicts her own position on ad hominem arguments.
2:06:00  Jen wants to win the contest of whose theocracy is better ie Secular Koranism or Entropism even though she knows that she cannot demonstrate that her theocracy is better.
2:08:00  Domingo asks if Jen is really saying that popularity is more important than the soundness of someone's ideas, but Jen deflects.
2:16:00  Acceptance criteria
2:17:00  Having the discipline to follow our own rules is the problem.
2:20:00  Civilisation
2:22:00  Jen as supreme leader
2:23:00  Low entropy collectivism
2:24:00  Socialism
2:25:00  Controlled opposition
2:27:00  Jen talks about "Jews shilling White Nationalism".
2:28:00  Christianity
2:29:00  Why create controlled opposition in the first place? Sadism, Jen says.
2:30:00  Jen calls the UK "a shithole".
2:31:00  Rape is a convention of war.
2:32:00  "Warcraft", armies can be greeted with open arms
2:33:00  What I was alleged to have said about Ego Dik's rape comments
2:34:00  Jen claims Indo-Aryan people never rape the women of their defeated enemy
2:41:00  Female worship
2:44:00   Judaism acknowledges prophetesses.
2:51:00  Religion is about social control.
2:54:00  Dominance hierarchy = social ranking
Don't let Jen confuse you with her nonsense.

In a patriarchy, the group is led by an alpha male leader chosen by beta males.

In a matriarchy, the group is appointed by the female preference. The average female voter is now a 40 year old single mother with a history of failed relationship with men. Under the current system, men's preferences will always be marginalised, because all political parties will pander to the female voter and minorities to be elected into office. This is why I propose a one party theocracy.

2:55:00 Jen attempts to blind Domingo with science and maths to intellectually intimidate Domingo into deference to her on such matters.
2:56:00  Jen talking about "canonical parametisers" is another example of this attempt.
2:57:00  Humourism, co-ordinates, Cartesian plane, vector space, cardinality 2, blah blah
3:01:00  Real number line and the Cartesian plane
3:02:00  Science is not philosophy.
3:03:00  Jen's text message notification
3:04:00  Jen's intent and methods
3:05:00  Voluntary submission
3:07:00  Jen calls me a "poor baby" and "a fucking cunt". She wants to sue me for libel but all I have done is express my honest opinion.

3:14:28Claire Khaw
​@small Talk LIVE! All my comments about Jen would come under fair comment
[honest opinion] anyway. I have only expressed strongly opinions Jen found offensive.
3:10:00  I am "predictable", apparently, but Jen is too afraid to even talk to me now even with a whole bunch of chaperones and orbiters in the Hangout.
3:17:00  "Slut-shaming rape soldiers"
Claire Khaw
​@LaNnY from CaNaDa Talking about rape, Jen has been known to discuss the rape fantasy in mixed company.

Claire Khaw
​@small Talk LIVE! Really? I am quite interested in Jen for some reason. I find even her hate of me endearing.

3:21:00  Rape fantasy and dominance hierarchy
3:22:00  Jen's "yogic magnetism"
3:23:00  Roofus thinks I am "bizarre" and "full on".
3:24:00  Domingo thinks I am "way more of a troll than people realise".
3:25:00  OPMS
3:27:00  Conspiracy and nefariousness

3:28:51 Claire Khaw​@small Talk LIVE! My codename is KHAWNspiracy The Erry
Claire Khaw
​@Incessant Goi 2 Jen shit talking me as usual and hurting my feelings.
Claire Khaw
​I know Jen's blocking of me is hurting her more than it is hurting me. I am her main conduit to sanity.
Claire Khaw
​You can have voluntary and involuntary submission.

Claire Khaw
​Voluntary submission sounds like seduction or the consequence of being seduced.

Claire Khaw
​Islam means both peace and submission.

Claire Khaw
​You get peace when you submit.
Claire Khaw
​This is boring, I'm going back to bed if I can't be allowed on to be in the same Hangout as Jen who is angry with me because she is not getting what she wants from me: voluntary submission.

Claire Khaw
​Jen talking about VOLUNTARY SUBMISSION is a way manipulating men into submitting to her.
4:01:00  Jen does not see the point of free speech. 
Claire Khaw
​@FellowMon Jen wants us to voluntarily submit to our free speech being taken away.

4:02:00  Roofus says we don't deserve rights we don't stand up for. Jen says it is just a human construct and then contradicts herself by saying that the only right we have is the right to life which Roofus contradicts by saying that having that right will not stop anyone from killing us. Jen says we don't really die, we just go on to our next life and that those who don't believe in reincarnation are not worthy to participate in this discussion. Roofus demands proof and Jen claims she has proven reincarnation using quantum mechanics. The burden of proof is on the deniers of reincarnation, Jen says.
4:03:00  Roofus demands to see Jen's Nobel Prize proving reincarnation.
4:04:00  Roofus asks if Jen's proof is unique. She prevaricates.

Claire Khaw
​Roofus is now about to make mincemeat out of Jen but her orbiters will protect her.

Claire Khaw
​R00K to the rescue!
Claire Khaw
​We cannot know what will happen to us after we are dead but if we want to believe in the afterlife, we must have faith.

Claire Khaw
​Jen cannot spread her ideas because they are obviously incoherent and unprovable.

4:11:00  Jen considers herself one of the masters of civilisation. Domingo asks for "compelling evidence".  Roofus implies she sounds like Deepak Chopra.

4:13:29  Claire Khaw ​The only way you can prove reincarnation is for Jen to kill herself after agreeing a password and then be born again to meet us again in 5 years to tell us what the password we agreed was.

4:14:01  Claire Khaw ​Roofus is not standing for any of Jen's nonsense.

4:14:50  jon Vance III​ God damit shes still here

4:16:26  Claire Khaw​  @jon Vance III People could make a rule never to discuss Jen's "proof" of reincarnation wasting time and energy.

4:17:11  jon Vance III  ​how dare u demand that proof you bigot

4:17:41jon Vance III  ​I'm starting to see a pattern here

4:17:53  Claire Khaw​  Jen is Mistress of Gish Galloping.

4:17:56  jon Vance III  ​that I saw before

4:20:31  Claire Khaw​  Jen manipulates men to seek status and get the attention she needs from men conscripted to be her orbiters. Is this source where she gets her bags of dicks she keeps telling her opponents to eat?

4:21:35  Claire Khaw  ​@jon Vance III Thirsty men like talking to a white middle class college-educated woman who is passably attractive.

4:23:11  Claire Khaw​  @jon Vance III It also helps when the subject is intellectual. It basically makes these men feel important that she wants their attention. It is a co-dependency in narcissistic personality disorder.

4:23:36  jon Vance III  ​why do u make absolute claims that you cant back up then go into psychoanalysis of why your opponent disproved your point.

4:24:00  Roofus remarks that he has never heard a scientific argument that sounds so much like a philosophical argument. Science, religion and philosophy

Claire Khaw
​@jon Vance III Physical attraction + challenge + willingness to accept challenge + on a matter that can never be proven = potential beta orbiter
Claire Khaw
​@jon Vance III Psychoanalysing man who disagrees with her is Jen's way of asserting dominance over the potential beta male orbiter
4:27:00  Roofus points out that Jen is on YouTube because she hasn't got her Nobel Prize.
4:28:00  Jen's orbiters try to put Roofus off his stride by asking him to mute a sound that cannot be heard.

Claire Khaw
​@jon Vance III Jen's method is effective even if you think she is just a crazy lady because being of the view that she is a crazy lady is not going to put off the thirsty beta male.
Claire Khaw
​@jon Vance III Observe how R00K is playing the role of her minder when one of her questioners become too aggressive.

4:32:00  Jen complains that no one wants to read her blog at

Claire Khaw
​Jen's blog is unreadable, and I say that as her greatest fan.

4:34:00  Manipulating people with their knowledge
4:36:00  Jen accuses Roofus of being effeminate and emotional because he is getting irritated by her for assuming an air of superiority because he hasn't read her unreadable blog. Jen accuses Roofus of being condescending.
4:37:00  Roofus says he is trying to tell Jen something, but Jen says it is "unsolicited advice" to head him off.

Claire Khaw
​Jen cannot prove the connection between physical and moral laws.

jon Vance III
​I dont think she actually looks into these things about political theory, theological history and conspiracy theories. She spouts counter points of what is known fact just to derail the convo.

4:39:00  Jen threatens Roofus with being reincarnated as a pig. Roofus says he has not accepted reincarnation.
4:40:00  Roofus says Jen's demand that we must accept her proofs first makes it sound like Christianity making Jen's ideas "so cultish".

Claire Khaw
​@jon Vance III Jen makes sure she is never alone in the Hangout with her interrogator because she wants her minder to distract and derail the conversation as and when required.


Claire Khaw
​What are the axioms? She never tells us what they are and people often don't think to ask her what they are.

jon Vance III
​jen would make a excellent establishment politican she would let in mass immigrants in to avoid unnessescary suffering

Claire Khaw
​Jay described the best test: Jen would have agree a codeword before she killed herself and be reborn to tell us 5 years later what the codeword we agreed was.
4:44:51  Claire Khaw​  Because Jen is perceived to be an attractive woman, men are happy to waste endless hours talking to her about nonsense. Imagine if she were a man. No man would give Jen the time of day then.

4:45:00  Jen says she is libertarian and people don't have to accept her ideas.
4:46:00  Jen says there are no Messiahs in her religion and talks about Daddy in the Sky coming down to spank us.
4:47:00  Roofus comments that the longer he stays quiet the crazier Jen sounds. Domingo agrees that she does sound fanatical.

Claire Khaw
​Jen is as slippery as an eel.

Claire Khaw
​I think I am more of a prophetess than Jen. At least my ideas can be understood even if people hate them.

Claire Khaw
​Nothing wrong with submitting to a supreme authority if He exists.

4:48:00  Roofus interrogates Zero and Rook who have accepted reincarnation.
4:59:00  People just choose to believe.
5:02:00  Psy-op
5:04:00  Quantum hug and quantum rape
5:05:00  "Weirdo freaks of the Luke Ford universe"

Claire Khaw
​I wasn't the one talking about rape fantasies, Jen!
Claire Khaw
​Reincarnation is unprovable as is the afterlife. Posterity is undeniable, however, and we should be working towards being honourably regarded by posterity.
5:13:50  Claire Khaw​  This is a study in the psychopathy of cult members in dealing with its challengers.
5:15:47  Claire Khaw​  Belief in the unprovable is an act of faith.
Claire Khaw
​Jen claims she has read the Koran in a past life. Does anyone believe her based on her Koranic knowledge?
Zero cannot explain why he believes in reincarnation when Roofus asks him.

5:39:00  GANDALF arrives.
5:40:00  Gandalf has lost a second friend this week.
5:41:00  Gandalf tells Domingo to leave the Hangout and asks for him to be "destroyed".
5:42:00  Gandalf appeals to Jen to get Domingo off this Hangout as a querulous boy to his mother or nanny, but it is not her stream either, she gently reminds him.
5:43:00  Gandalf refers to some mild teasing he received at the hands of Domingo in one of my streams which he said made him "look like a cuck".
5:44:00  "I am so angry with you, you'll WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!!"
5:45:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY intervenes to say "chill out on the fed posting".
5:46:00  Domingo asks Jen if there is anything in the Vedas about friendship maintenance she could point Gandalf to.

Gandalf kvetches on the hard life of a larper.

5:47:00  R00K tries to calm him down.
5:48:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY tells Gandalf a story about a Marxist girlfriend of hers of ten years to calm him down and calls Marx "a fat oily greasy sack of shit who never worked a day in his life".
5:49:00  Domingo asks: "Was she a lesbian?"
5:50:00  Domingo confirms that it was Jen's friend who preferred Marx to Jen. He asks Jen if Gandalf "inspires loyalty" and Jen replies "Definitely. He is honest and passionate" and prepared to change his mind in the face of Jen's evidence and his past, which she finds "admirable".
5:51:00  Domingo points out that Gandalf's male friends are not loyal to him.
5:52:00  We project onto others quite a bit, according to Jen.
5:53:00  Jen asks Gandalf if he is feeling any better which prompts him to sperg out about the sexual jokes he has been subject to by Domingo.
Gandalf talks about "a chain of command" and "obeying Gandalf".
5:54:00  Gandalf talks about his "cult prestige" and starts shouting hysterically at Domingo to SHUT UP.
5:55:00  Gandalf continues to shout repeatedly at Domingo "DO NOT SPEAK!"
5:56:00  Gandalf demands submission and an apology from Domingo and says he will do this for six hours.
5:57:00  Gandalf talks about a chain of command, the Vietnam War and claims he is a higher caste than Domingo.
5:58:00  Gandalf says he needs men and refers to the "H caust".
5:59:00  Gandalf demands "perfect obedience", talks about being made to "lose face" while appealing to Jen to make his hurty feelings better because he is so angry he doesn't know whether to stay or leave.
6:00:00  Gandalf says he needs people to be obedient, cannot take defiance and must have submission. He tells Domingo to submit but "but not sexually".
Domingo asks Gandalf why he doesn't command respect and why he cannot say "Holocaust".
6:01:00  Jen intervenes to protect Gandalf.
6:02:00  Gandalf talks about the chain of command and says he is prepared to take the bullet and die doing what he hopes to do, which seems to be a military coup.
6:03:00  Jen talks about the route to theocracy. Gandalf talks in a child's voice. Domingo comments on this and also talks in a funny voice. Gandalf appeals to Jen to make the mockery stop.
6:04:00  Jen advises Gandalf not to get so angry because Domingo may be enjoying the anger. Domingo asks Gandalf if he would like to be called "daddy".
6:05:00  Domingo now sounds like a woman which gets more sense out of Gandalf who thinks he "a higher caste" person. Domingo points out that Gandalf was bullied at school and cannot even drive.
6:06:00  Domingo talks about getting "sovereign power" one of these days.
6:07:00  Gandalf banishes Domingo.
6:08:00  Gandalf calls himself Daddy and talks about "losing face", prompting Domingo to ask "Do you have any face left to lose?"
6:09:00  Gandalf sentences Domingo and promises to dress Domingo like a woman and call him "Eva" and make "her" wear a scold's bridle. He claims to be "ferocious".
6:10:00  Gandalf then says he "should be slaughtered in the most vicious way in a factory farm".
6:11:00  Domingo asks Gandalf why people are turning away from him. Gandalf's response was to tell him to shut up. He is asked how "overly sensitive" he is.
6:12:00  Zero asks Domingo whose payroll he is on.
6:13:00  Gandalf calls those who reject him "selfish dolts".
6:14:00  Gandalf calls himself a one-man band.
6:15:00  Domingo reminds Gandalf of the time when he wished rape on a woman and said she should be battered with a tyre iron.
6:16:00  Jen intervenes to say that he was much provoked. Domingo points out that Gandalf "is a victim to his emotions". Gandalf admits to having been in a catatonic state because of his depression in 2012.
6:17:00  Domingo asks "How did you slip into a catatonic state and then upload a YouTube video?"
6:18:00  Domingo hints to Jen that she should teach her charge to better control his emotions and not wish rape on women he takes offence at.
6:19:00  Jen says her memory of that exchange is hazy. Domingo points out Gandalf said that woman should be battered by a tyre iron and fucked in the ass, and that she was there. He hints that Jen should be more constructive in helping Gandalf manage his anger management issues instead of always indulging and excusing him, but Jen deflects.
6:20:00 Jen says we would all lose 50% of our friends if we could read their minds and knew how they form their opinions and their motives.
6:21:00 Jen said her ex-best friend chose to leave her because of a political disagreement over Marx. Domingo points out that Jen should have known about the nature of her Marxist friend's political beliefs over a period of ten years if she was indeed Jen's best friend. Jen says it was her friend who said they were best friends, not her, and there was no expectation of "axiomatic convergence" on Jen's part.
6:22:00  Duties and responsibilities in a friendship
6:23:00  Domingo points out that a presumption of superiority ie of being in a higher caste in a society that does not have a caste system that is not acknowledged by the person against whom superiority is being asserted would endanger any relationship. 
6:24:00  Jen: "Do you really want to be friends with someone who does not acknowledge your strengths who have no idea who you are?" Domingo points out that Gandalf is in fact asserting innate and inherent superiority. Jen says Gandalf feels he has established his "intellectual prestige".
6:25:00 Domingo says Gandalf talking about being bullied at school, being in catatonic states and an intellectual bookworm makes him clearly not superior to others. He is "damaged goods". Jen says she is "not sure what is going on" for Gandalf who seems to think talking loudly and repeating himself constantly is a way of establishing authority. She only indulges him because she thinks indulging him is the only way of ensuring his loyalty. It is just as well Jen is not a mother because you can imagine her similarly indulging bad behaviour because she would be so desperate for any child of hers to love her that she would tolerate almost anything.

Jen distracts from her responsibility for Gandalf's behaviour by talking about being passive aggressive Europeans.

Passive-aggressiveness is the tactic of those who need plausible deniability ie women and low status males.

6:28:00  Gandalf demands sympathy and empathy from Domingo.
6:29:00  Gandalf says Domingo is "lower caste", "a slave" and a "sex slave".
6:30:00  Gandalf demands "complete obedience".
6:31:00  Gandalf acknowledges Rook as being worthy of special treatment because he is "in the hugbox".
6:32:00  Jen claims the society she creates will be a meritocracy when all she does is choose emotionally vulnerable and desperate men who will cuck to her in order to have a white middle class college-educated woman treat them kindly.  She impresses on Domingo that she thinks he has the capacity to be in her priesthood but he must cease and desist from mocking Gandalf.
6:33:00  Jen praises Gandalf's success in recruiting people for QST.
6:34:00  Gandalf talks about the day when the people at New Albion accept him as their Caesar.
6:37:00  Gandalf talks about his "advisers".
6:38:00  Gandalf the bachelor talks about the "stern fatherhood" he probably never enjoyed.
6:39:00  Rook tells Gandalf he needs his "bed rest".
6:40:00  Gandalf lectures on degeneracy.
6:41:00  Gandalf banishes the low-caste Domingo and Ghost.
6:43:00  Gandalf imagines the caste system he will create.
6:45:00  Gandalf talks about his Priestly Propaganda Advisers.

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