
Wednesday, 4 December 2019

What Church of Entropy and I said about mental health before she blocked me

Grade 1 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth, Logic and Morality and are content.

You obtain success using TLM and are content.

Grade 2 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth and Logic but not Morality but are content

You obtain success through immoral means but are content.

Grade 3 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth but not Logic and Morality but are content.

You accept the loss of your possessions and loved ones but don't mind.

Grade 4 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth, Logic and Morality but are discontented.

You have got what you want  without being dishonest, irrational or immoral but are discontented.

Grade 5 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth and Logic but not Morality but are discontented.

You have obtained success through immoral means and are discontented.

Grade 6 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth but not Logic nor Morality and are discontented.

You are suffering from depression for no apparent reason.

Grade 7 Mental Health
You are not in conformity with Truth, Logic or Morality but are contented.

You are living in a fool's paradise eg a cult member.

Grade 8 Mental Health
You are not in conformity with Truth, Logic or Morality and are discontented.

You are wrong about everything and suffer for this eg You are in a catatonic state.

This conversation was in response to the above blog post.

Church of Entropy:
Calling ppl who disagree crazy is so disgusting there is no word for it

They could be disagreeing because they are lying or irrational or genuinely mistaken.

Church of Entropy:
Have fun when everyone says sk is a cult and you are insane by your own standards. Have a lot of fun w that
Now stop messaging or it’s a block

I don't call SK a cult, but a legal system which I commend to the political classes.

Church of Entropy:
It’s a cult
You are lying

A cult is a marginalised religious group. Why would I aspire to something as lowly as that?
You don't even know that cult is a derogatory term for a marginalised religious group.

Cults are associated with mass suicide. 
I am not starting a new religion because I think all the solutions are already at our disposal,

Church of Entropy:
You are a cult leader

All I am doing is proposing another school of sharia.

Church of Entropy:
*shit tier cult leader


You are just realising that you have been using the wrong word all along and this does not lead to the prestige you so crave.

There was a time when Christians were considered a cult by the Romans.

Nobody would want that for themselves ie to be persecuted and thrown to the lions for the amusement of Romans in the Games.

The door to Secular Koranism is always open to you, Jen, though the later you join the lower in status you will be to the earlier joiners.

It would be terrible if some other woman became a Secular Koranist before you!

Message not delivered because the other person has blocked you.
I want you to be the first female Secular Koranist, Jen.

Message not delivered because the other person has blocked you.
As regards mental health, I think I am in Grade 1 and you are somewhere between Grade 5 and 7.  

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