
Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Daniel Sienkiewicz the left ethno-nationalist condemns me for entertaining antisemitic views even if I do not accept them

What follows has already been posted in response to

Claire Khaw continues to sponsor directions which are beyond abject irresponsibility, to what is outright egregious misdirection for White people.

Exactly what is the nature of this “outright egregious misdirection for white people” you are accusing me of?

My definition of the alt-right is “those who believe that mainstream Republicanism/Conservatism will not be enough to deal with the social and political problems created by half a century of liberal, feminist and socialist legislation”. I do not think that antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism is in fact compulsory since I myself associate with people who to a greater or lesser extent identify as alt-right without myself hating and fearing Jews, Muslims or other races.

Why is it wrong to associate white nationalism with antisemitism? It would be dishonest to deny the presence of antisemites in the alt-right. I am aware that it is the antisemitism of the alt-right that also attracts antisemitic Muslims to it, even as they know that Muslims are hated and feared by the non-Muslim white Western gentile who is also Post-Christian.

Claire is apparently not troubled by this stuff as it was not over 50 million of her people who wound up being killed by it.

I am not sure what “stuff” you are referring to other than the understandable desire to protect one’s society and nation to expel or exterminate a group whom you sincerely (even if mistakenly) believe to be causing you and your group deliberate and active harm.

I hope you will acknowledge that I have been saying for some time now that the perceived Jewish problem is really a problem with Liberalism and President Putin helpfully pointed out this June that Liberalism is “obsolete”.

If most Jews are Liberal, it is only because Liberal Gentiles are responsible for the Liberal Jew.

If Liberalism is a problem, then it is time for us to examine the problem of Liberalism. Unfortunately, the alt-right are not known for their powers of political analysis and my attempts to discuss this were met with the insuperable obstacle of being unable to find anyone prepared to discuss this with me in an honest, rational or focused way. What a shame that you too share this characteristic because you refuse to consider my proposed solution of a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism in a way that is honest, rational or focused.

While I would be only too happy to discuss such matters with public intellectuals, there seems to be a deliberate policy on their part not to engage with me. Fortunately, honest and intelligent Jews do not really believe me to be either antisemitic or a Nazi, even as you try to paint me in this light.

Those flag and gun photos I had taken were part of a publicity stunt designed to associate me with nationalism, which I define as government in the national interest. I am arguing that the desire that our governments govern us in the national interest is in fact a universal desire, and it is the task of public intellectuals to discuss what constitutes the national interest in an honest, rational and focused way.

I had assumed that my contention that it is impossible for me to be a Nazi since I was not even an antisemite would be accepted after I was given a chance to explain myself, but it seems that the liberal media are not interested in reporting the truth, only in smearing those they perceive to be their ideological opponents, especially if they are capable of formulating rational arguments against liberalism and asking questions they cannot answer honestly without losing the debate.

If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then then Islam must be divine civic nationalism.

If Islam is “Judaism Lite”, then Secular Koranism is “Islam Lite”.

It is regrettable that your autism and communication problems makes you incapable of having a rational discussion with me on the question of problems and solutions. What a shame that Western intellectuals all over the world seem to be suffering from your problem though!

1 comment:

The Citizen Reporter said...

Again Claire you refuse to educate yourself and merely look okay the surface of all situations. Thereby pushing the lies and propaganda that is controlled by the Communist international Jewish bankers. Until you dedicate yourself too digging deeper into all these issues, for example who were the people or groups that created and funded the liberal movements, you will always be a tool for those people who are using you and will toss you away when you're no longer useful. You will continue to be unimportant, uneducated, unreliable and remain in obscurity because you and those like you are a dime a dozen. You do not stand out as someone who is looking for the betterment of mankind but rather as someone who pushes the status quo who hopes to be noticed by the ones in control. Today will never happen tho because they could give a shit about you. You're just another tool to be used.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...