
Tuesday, 10 December 2019

There is no need to "normalise rape" in war

What follows has already been posted in response to

It is a sign of the times that the cushioned Western Man of the 21st century already in middle age will have grown up with not even an accurate perception of war nor a suitably masculine attitude towards it.

I have no idea what you mean when you say that I and my associates have made some sort of attempt to “render Islam”. Although I knew for a while that one can be rendered speechless,  the first time I came across the term in technical terms was in the context of slaughterhouses.

As for “normalising rape”, I did no more than say that rational and realistic people would expect women to be raped if their country has been invaded by a foreign army.

No rational or well-informed adult would deny that rape is normal in war and can even be said to be a convention of war ie a practice of war, and even the purpose of war since women are part of booty, which the Koran acknowledges.

It is not just the Koran that says this, as any well-informed Westerner would know from the history of the founding of Rome or who has visited Florence.

Even the Americans acknowledged this in a well-known musical starring the late Howard Keel, in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

While I cannot speak for you and your associates since you are assumed to be autistic because of your communication problems, suggests that gamers attempting to act out their rape fantasy in the context of playing video games in virtual reality is now more or less normalised.

If the article at doubts the extent to which Vikings raped and pillaged the ancient Britons, historical opinion remains that they did enough raping and pillaging to deserve their reputation.

I believe it protects the right of the parties more if institutions are regulated than for the chauvinistic and infantilised to pretend that their own soldiers could never be guilty of crimes that are universally acknowledged to be universal by informed adult men and women with any experience and knowledge of war. It is for this reason that I think slavery and prostitution should be regulated by the state in peacetime.  As for what happens in wartime, the invaded country would be at the mercy of the leaders of the invading army.  All things being equal, I imagine the inhabitants of an invaded country would suffer far less if the leader and soldiers of the invading army felt morally obliged to observe the rule in  than if they were allowed to do as they pleased or were only obliged to follow a rule that they knew they could in practice flout with impunity. gives an account of the history and trajectory of the conversation taking place between Conops and Ego Dik.

Judaism also has scripture dealing with the treatment of women whose men have been defeated, but you disapprove, assuming in your infantilised way that white soldiers of white Western countries would never ever do such a mean thing as rape the women of a country they have invaded.

Was My Lai just one of many massacres in Vietnam War?

Conops is a liberal and an Islamophobe who feels threatened by Muslims and Islam as well as by any practicable solution that would require sacrifices to be made on his part. Liberalism in the 21st century means nothing more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting . Since he has already declared an intention never to be the father of legitimate offspring, he would understandably want to price of sex to be comfortably low for bachelors like him and for the degenerate culture of casual fornication to continue. Married sex is of course the most costly form of sex for men and gay sex the cheapest. For men who want no-strings sex, prostitution gives them an up-front price before the transaction is completed. The casual fornication that Conops prefers to continue for his benefit would pass the cost on to society and the next generation which bears the cost of unmarried motherhood and child sexual abuse. The bad parenting of illegitimate offspring casually conceived by immoral women causes degeneracy with the result that the next generation will be mostly drug-, drink- and sex-addicted mentally ill underachievers who will constitute a growing parasitic class unless the problem is addressed with the decisiveness and urgency that is required to minimise harm to society.

It saddens me that you are virtue-signalling almost as hysterically as he is. May we know when was the last time you had a relationship with a woman, Daniel?  It is my belief that a middle-aged bachelor with little experience of women because of his communication problems and autism would instinctively virtue-signal to gain the approval of women to whom he wishes to gain sexual access. In short, you would also instinctively adopt the stratagem of Conops and this seems to be borne out by your attempt to traduce me, Secular Koranism and the courageous and principled young men who have declared themselves to be Secular Koranists.  As I see it, Ego Dik was doing no more than giving virtue-signalling liberal men like Conops some well-intentioned advice to think and speak in a more masculine way to more firmly discourage foreign sexual offenders from attacking their women. Since he admits to being Canadian, he is doubtless concerned that his women would also be attacked by foreign sexual offenders his government appears to have no intention of discouraging. As I see it, he was advising liberal virtue signalling “Anglo” men to cease and desist currying favour with entitled women disposed to go on slutwalks with the intention of gaining sexual access to them. By condoning the degenerate practice of allowing scantily clad and tipsy Western women to totter the streets of Western cities on New Year’s Eve, they are only attracting potential sex offenders of both the foreign and indigenous kind to come and pick this low-hanging fruit.

It saddens me that you are have deliberately closed yourself to my repeated clarifications on this matter because you wish to discredit me and Secular Koranism which you hate and fear because of your rejectionism of the Abrahamic God. Clearly, you have suffered some childhood trauma as a consequence of your parents’ attempt to indoctrinate you with Catholicism. It has come to my notice that the alt-right is full of traumatised ex-Catholics who now reject the very idea of an Abrahamic God because of the failure of Christianity eg OV, Gandalf, Jen Scharf and of course yourself. Worse than that, they perceive Jews to have either subverted Christianity or inflicted Christianity on them.  As for Muslims, they are seen with increasing hysteria as invaders who want to behead them. It is surely time that you adopted a more measured approach to understanding why it is necessary to have a religion that maintains minimum standards of sexual morality, which is one of the Noahide laws that you also reject.

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