
Wednesday, 4 December 2019

The Khavian Gradations of mental health

Grade 1 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth, Logic and Morality and are content.

You obtain success using TLM and are content.

Grade 2 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth and Logic but not Morality but are content

You obtain success through immoral means but are content.

Grade 3 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth but not Logic and Morality but are content.

You accept the loss of your possessions and loved ones but don't mind.

Grade 4 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth, Logic and Morality but are discontented.

You have got what you want  without being dishonest, irrational or immoral but are discontented.

Grade 5 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth and Logic but not Morality but are discontented.

You have obtained success through immoral means and are discontented.

Grade 6 Mental Health
You are in conformity with Truth but not Logic nor Morality and are discontented.

You are suffering from depression for no apparent reason.

Grade 7 Mental Health
You are not in conformity with Truth, Logic or Morality but are contented.

You are living in a fool's paradise eg a cult member.

Grade 8 Mental Health
You are not in conformity with Truth, Logic or Morality and are discontented.

You are wrong about everything and suffer for this eg You are in a catatonic state.

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