
Friday, 27 December 2019

The Fall Of The Alt Right

3:00  I talk about white identity all the time!  You're not being genocided. White men are now just too degenerate to even want to restore the patriarchy and marry a woman of their own race and pay for her children. In fact, they refuse to contemplate the sacrifices required for this to happen. They are too degenerate to even talk about abolishing no fault divorce because they already know they are unmarriageable. Worse, there are no white men with status or respectability prepared to make representations on their behalves. The irony is that these points are only being made by me, but, as we know, no one listens to me because I am only a female and foreigner whom everyone dismisses as mad because they hate my solutions but refuses to engage with because already know they cannot win an argument against me.

4:00  I like to ask and answer questions too. Intellectual rigour is essential if you want to avoid and solve problems.

5:00  Mark Collett's Patriotic Review - four people agreeing with each other for two hours.  You said it, Brutus!

5:30  Nationalism being run by Jews, sodomites and feminists. Nationalism need not exclude minorities, but they should certainly exclude minorities whose minority status is all about undermining the patriarchy. Only under a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.

Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married mothers who casually conceived and casually parented their illegitimate offspring who are basically responsible for the criminals and NEETs of the next generation as well as responsible for ever lowering standards of education and behaviour in your society.

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married fathers.

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried mothers.

The West is a matriarchy.

Feminism operates through bribing men with fornication to keep them quiescent in their matriarchy.  Feminism basically bribes men with extramarital sex: sodomy and fornication are categories of extramarital sex.

Jews who want to live in a Noahide nation should be welcome in your movement which must necessarily and logically be civic nationalist since there will always be minorities in every nation. The point is to treat them fairly, not kill and kick them out.  If all you do is focus on killing and kicking them out, or only fantasise about it and call it accelerationism, you will just be identified as the great unwashed whose aspirations must forever be suppressed and thwarted because you will be deemed to pose a danger to Jews (who are God's Chosen People whether you like it or not and therefore collectively indestructible), women and other minorities.

8:00  More white flight is not the solution. Anyone talking about fleeing to the country and living on a farm is basically saying: "I'm all right, Jack.",_Jack When the balloon goes up, the people fleeing the cities will be heading to your farm to take it over anyway.

12:00  I have interviewed Greg Johnson.

13:00  Monarchy is a failed system. The Chinese abandoned it about this time last century. It should be obvious by now that no one's extended family is a sufficiently large pool of political talent from which to recruit your national leader. The Chinese now have a one party state, which is obviously the best way of concentrating the political talent of the nation and nurturing it.

15:00  Millennial Woes is a girl really, him and his cosy little circle of sycophantic associates.

21:00  Finally I find out about Morgoth and his white knighting for the women (who are without exception except for me!) mediocre but distracting.

23:00  It is not safe for men to marry until no fault divorce is abolished. Western men should first abolish no fault divorce, but the alt-right can't even get their heads round this idea because they are mostly consciously or subconsciously MGTOW, hooked on the idea of only having sex with women not their wife because they already know they are unmarriageable.

23:30  White Nationalists can't make women of their own race have babies until and unless they make themselves marriageable but the alt-right are inextricably associated with low status, low income, low education and low information unmarriageable men that no rational decent woman would touch with a bargepole. White working class women already know that if they want to have legitimate offspring they would have to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim man who will at least give them legitimate offspring.

24:00  You have the laughable situation of prominent ethno-nationalists having a policy of putting gays and feminists first because both the establishment and the anti-establishment political activists are hooked on the idea of extramarital sex as a human right. This is precisely the mindset that is causing such deepening and widening degeneracy in the national gene pool.  Did you know that it was a Jew who pointed out the harm of condoning widespread illegitimacy in 1974?

He was considered Prime Minister in waiting until he made his Edgbaston speech and was expected to become Conservative Party leader after Heath lost the election. Who became leader of the Tories in 1975? Margaret Thatcher. That was when Britain formally became a matriarchy.

24:30  You don't seem too interested in discussing these issues with me either because you are always finding excuses not to be on Koraniyule.

26:00  I crush the egg shells in my path.

27:00  The nationalist movement is like the hippy movement, officially without a leader.  It would be the people with the most YouTube subscribers who are the greatest influencers and the greatest influencers must be considered the leaders.  They are the people who exclude dissidents without even engaging with them, just like the mainstream media. These people are with no sense of honour or fair play, having had no moral education. They are basically fighters who call themselves world heavyweight boxing champions but spend all their time avoiding fights.  If they ever acquired power, they would only abuse it and see nothing wrong with so doing.

29:00  Millennial Woes, Mark Collett and Morgoth are probably ostracising you because the channels of communication between us are still open, Brutus. Maybe if you had absolutely nothing to do with me from now on, you might get a few crumbs from their table.

30:00  Women have their cosy little circles and so do Millennial Woes and Mark Collett. Real men who want to get things done need to enforce certain rules that men of reason and goodwill must be seen to observe to be considered worth talking to and listening to.

31:00  Men have now been infantilised by feminism.  Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption. Moral corruption leads to intellectual corruption. Intellectual corruption causes dementia which means the inability to use Truth, Logic and Morality to solve and avoid problems. These so-called leaders of nationalism are no more than playground bullies going round in gangs.

33:00  Muslims are indeed very good with charity because it is one of the five pillars of Islam.

34:00  Many men instinctively white knight for women they fancy. Has Morgoth got a girlfriend?

35:00  Millennial Woes won't talk to you because he thinks it is his right not to talk to you. He does not have a sense of his duty, does he? If you are a political activist, you have a duty to consider every idea being proposed to you and give reasons when you dismiss them. Millennial Woes is a coward and hypocrite for calling me crazy without ever mentioning my ideas. He is basically a snob. While he could say he does not have to talk to me because I am not white, he still has a duty to consider the debate between civic and ethno-nationalism. He won't do it because he wants to suppress my ideas under the pretext of protecting his subscribers from my ideas.  Apparently, they are so weak-minded that they will be triggered, traumatised and suffer such psychosis that they will be neither fit for man nor beast. If they really are so degenerate that they cannot face the truth, then I guess they don't deserve to get their country back, so it is absolutely right that non-white immigrants should replace them.

39:00  Big Cat Kayla hated me and refused to talk to me.

41:00  I have spoken to Stefan Molyneux twice, but he won't speak to me again even though I am not a White Nationalist.

42:00  A holistic political ideology that explains all the problems and has all the solutions: Secular Koranism.

45:00  I avoid conspiracy theories because it is hard enough trying to point out the obvious ie that slut-shaming Secular Koranism is the only way to restore the patriarchy and the patriarchy needs to be restored in order to produce enough good strong men to defend the national interest.

47:00  A code of conduct is required for the survival of the group which is all but non-existent among nationalists who lack a sound moral education. Only religion instills morality and most nationalists are atheists. They are atheists because they are ex-liberals and liberals are atheists who think people who believe in God are stupid. Are Jews stupid? Even if Muslims are stupid, they are going to have more legitimate offspring that they are going to parent properly than the antisemites and Islamophobes of white nationalism who are unmarriageable political pariahs everyone expects to suffer because they are perceived to be low status, low income, low information men no rational decent woman would marry if she wanted to a decent father for her legitimate offspring.

57:00  The Americans would take over simply because everything rides on Trump who was the only sign of a fightback against the degenerate matriarchy of the West. Could the degenerate British have produced a Trump when most of its children are illegitimate?

Men who refuse to punish unmarried parents as sex offenders represent a vested interest in continuing with the matriarchy. Feminism bribes men with fornication to keep them quiescent under their oppressive matriarchy.

Men who refuse to discuss whether the patriarchy needs to be restored also represent this vested interest.

59:00  Why do Anglin and Striker tell the British to vote Labour?

1:01:00  Jews who pretend to be white nationalists

1:02:00  Many of these antisemites have had a Jewish wife. Assuming that these Jews are sincere about white nationalism in that they want to help the gentile men of their host country deal with the problem of uncontrolled immigration, then what they are really doing is fighting a battle of the sexes ie against their liberal wife with whom they have a fundamental political disagreements.

1:13:00  Self-hating Siege-reading white nationalists like Patrick Bateman who want to burn America to the ground

1:16:00  Richard Spencer is a failure.

1:18:00  Richard Spencer was against Brexit. Ditto the Absolute State of Britain.

1:22:00  Cantwell is a degenerate anyway.

1:23:00  We could discuss the Jewish Question.

1:24:00  Don't call it "white genocide", call it "white degeneracy".

1:25:00  To prevent Texas going Democrat, Trump should pass his Enabling Act, abolish representative democracy and become a one party state after winning 2020.

1:28:00  You can't win a war without a Military Industrial Complex.

1:29:00  You still don't get it that Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia, because you still have faith in the political process of a representative democracy.

1:30:00  Accelerationism - white nationalists sitting waiting for law and order to collapse after accepting the bribe of UBI from a Chinaman. They expect to win the race war and make Western civilisation rise like a phoenix from the ashes .... This is what passes for long term strategy in white nationalism.

1:31:00  Nick Fuentes, Andrew Anglin, Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch and Greg Johnson all support Andrew Yang. They must all be controlled opposition.

1:34:00  Extramarital sex must be punished with, and to encourage marriage. Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic.

1:37:00  Perhaps you should ask yourself why Christians once considered fornication a mortal sin. Bastards are products of fornication. If you are a bastard, it means that both your parents are sex offenders. This explains why most of the perpetrators of knife crime were badly parented by their unmarried mother and why these irresponsible and immoral women are responsible for the criminal classes of today and tomorrow.

1:38:00  Conservatism is meaningless without social conservatism, and social conservatism means disapproving of extramarital sex and supporting laws that punish unmarried parents and treat them as sex offenders. If you are not even prepared to discuss this, you don't deserve to get your country back from Muslims who at least knew this ages ago and live according to this precept.

1:42:00  Secular Koranism is not anti-gay. It merely makes the point that extramarital sex of either the heterosexual or homosexual kind should be forbidden in order to privilege married parents above unmarried parents who should be treated as sex offenders. Making people choose more carefully the other parent of their legitimate offspring is obviously eugenic, while not discouraging people from casually conceiving and casually parenting their illegitimate offspring is obviously dysgenic, and dysgenics leads to degeneracy leading to the decline and fall of your nation and civilisation. Jews and Muslims already understand this. Those who hate them don't, but really, in any fight between patriarchy and matriarchy, it is patriarchy that always wins because a patriarchy by definition gets a hierarchy facilitating male solidarity and co-operation leading to more effective problem-solving compared to a degenerate, irrational and immoral matriarchy. 

If patriarchy has a shape, it is a pyramid resting on its base: stable, permanent.

If matriarchy has a shape and a motion, it is an upturned pyramid spinning on its apex: unstable and about to topple over as you would expect a spinning top to do.

1:50:00  White nationalists hate Roosh because they feel threatened by him. Women of any race will find Roosh smarter, bolder, more courageous and principled as well as more charismatic than any of the white nationalist "leaders". I have spoken to Roosh.

1:54:00  It is not safe for men to marry until and unless no fault divorce has been abolished.

1:55:00  I think Roosh has been celibate for quite a while now. I can tell just by the length of his beard.

1:59:00  In a patriarchy, the alpha female is the wife of the alpha male leader. In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother. Are you getting it now about how much you have to do to restore the patriarchy, to get back to what it was before when your fathers, grandfathers and male ancestors could just accept that marriage is for the purpose of legitimate offspring and was their sole means to status and hope for the future?

2:00:00  You won't get any decent women to join your movement till you show that you are more than unmarriageable low status, low income and low information men whom no decent rational woman would consider as the father of their legitimate offspring.  It is a bit Catch 22, I know, but if you are not prepared to absorb what I have said or discuss it, do you even deserve illegitimate offspring who won't be a credit to either you or your race?

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Herbert Armstrong's Anglo-Israelism and his rejection of Trinitarianism — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  March 11, 2025