
Monday, 9 December 2019

Why I embrace my Chosen Woman with open arms, even her visceral hatred of me

Claire Khaw
​@Walrus Lolbertarian Slut-shaming Secular Koranism is the only way to restore the patriarchy, but it seems Western Man is too degenerate to even want to make the sacrifices for this.

Claire Khaw
​The story behind the bath pics, as I remember it, is that Jay asked me to prove I was in the bath, so I did.

Claire Khaw
​Did anyone watch WiR? It was so boring I hated myself for watching it.

Claire Khaw
​Jay, you were begging to stream with me last week. Have you forgotten?

Claire Khaw
​Everyone should remember that Jay is not even Christian and has never been confirmed.

Claire Khaw
​I am the International Woman of Mystery. It doesn't matter what I do, people will hate-watch me.

Claire Khaw
​Jen's streams are mostly still full of nothing except when I appear.

Claire Khaw
​I am now psychoanalysing the alt-right.

Claire Khaw
​Which is more frightening? (a) I am mad (b) I am sane, but you are all mad.

Claire Khaw
​@Walrus Lolbertarian Who will look after the patients in their asylum if I leave the West?

Claire Khaw
​Sexual immorality can be measured by the illegitimacy rate. The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents.

Claire Khaw
​The Noahide laws would be regarded as motherhood and apple pie, if you are not an antisemite.

Claire Khaw
​I don't hate Jesus, just the idolatrous doctrine of the Trinity and the morons who cannot get their heads round this concept and acknowledge that Trinitarianism is idolatrous.

Claire Khaw
​@The Citizen Reporter 3 I never said I hated you. You should know by now not to believe everything Jay says because he is so dishonest he doesn't even know he is lying to himself.

Claire Khaw
​"Heading for the sewers"? I already know that politics is a dirty business.

Claire Khaw
​Brundle has no moral authority to pronounce on anything any more. As leader of the alt-right, I am clearly the most principled of all of you.

Claire Khaw
​@It's ok to be a self hating jew Nothing that happened to Jesus would have happened to him if he had not been a Jew.

Claire Khaw
​Is there an idea bigger than slut-shaming Secular Koranism?

Claire Khaw
​There is only one truth.

Claire Khaw
​It is the unconditional love that I express for Jen that drives her mad because she knows that it is through her that I express my care and concern and love and affection for white people.

Claire Khaw
​All my streams have at least one takeaway point and as long as I keep doing that, I know I am on track. The quality of my content is really second to none.

Claire Khaw
​Nothing is obvious until it is pointed out, again and again and again.

Claire Khaw
​I prefer to stream with principled people or people who have some idea about the nature and purpose of principles ie people who have received some form of moral education eg Jews and Muslims.

Claire Khaw
​Sexual immorality is basically having sex with anyone else that is not your spouse.

Claire Khaw
​Politics is about telling people who disagree with you how to live.

Claire Khaw
​@Doctor MENGELE I prefer people who know what I am talking about when I mention principles.

Claire Khaw
​Politics is about deciding what to do for the best for yourself and the people whose interests you claim to represent.

Claire Khaw
​Liberals and nhilists like Conops who won't become married fathers want no one want to talk about raising standards of sexual morality so they are comfortably low and degenerate.

Claire Khaw
​We know your hissy fit is all about jealousy of Jon Vance, a courageous and principled young man not afraid to go where TLM takes him.

Claire Khaw
​I am going to go where my principles of TLM take me. That is why my narrative is so compelling and why you will continue to hate-watch me in spite of yourselves.

Claire Khaw
​@The Citizen Reporter 3 I probably think like a Jew. Jews are always the first to take an idea and run with it.

Claire Khaw
​@James Fountain I think Jon Vance makes more sense than all of you put together. He at least acknowledges that Christianity is kaput and must be replaced for the preservation of Western civilisation.

Claire Khaw
​How sad that the morons of the alt-right have not yet noticed that Conops is a liberal who feels threatened by Islam and therefore Secular Koranism. He is shit scared of SK.

Claire Khaw
​@The Citizen Reporter 3 I will engage with anyone who will help spread my message, including Jen who hates me with a visceral passion which I find rather arousing.

Claire Khaw
​@Walrus Lolbertarian It is only natural that you should hate and fear the cure to your addiction to extramarital sex and your right to have it.

Claire Khaw
​@Jewel Citizen You should know by now that I only submit to TLM. You run away from it.

Claire Khaw
​@Ster Ling Plenty of people who have not read the Protocols believe there is a Jewish conspiracy.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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