
Friday, 17 January 2020

Will Yoram Hazony, Viktor Orban, Douglas Murray and Matteo Salvini be discussing Secular Koranism in Rome?

"It is not Christianity that is the religion of nationalists, no, it is Islamophobia. An irrational fear based on koranic misreadings and misconceptions false fed to them by social media and other infidel sources linked to Zionist groups and Wahhabis.

Whenever a white Westerner reverts, he is labeled an ethnomasochist or a traitor to his own kind even though he has adopted a natural belief system of values that submits to the absolute, the intelligent design of this universe and a straightforward morality.

Every time you hear something from nationalists about Islam, it is always the same: "terrorist", "ISIS" or "pedophile". You would never hear that regarding a Christian nor a Jewish convert. Pure naive silence as usual.

For the last ten years since the BNP fell, nationalists fail to find a solution to the national interest but have mainly resorted to infantile islamophobic mania. Nationalism in Britain will fail again and again."

5:00  Leadership with Truth, Logic and Morality
6:00  Co-ed schools and an incorrect idea of what it means to be an alpha male. An alpha male is a leader of beta males.
8:00  Morality, patriarchal moral values
9:00  Idolatry
10:00  Chinese and Jews
13:00  Abrahamic faiths
14:00  Confucius
15:00  Antisemitism
16:00  Why the Chinese chose Marxism
18:00  Boxer Rebellion
18:30  Nazi Germany
19:00  Rape of Nanking
20:00  The middle class
21:00  The short-termism of an atheist nihilist matriarchy with its unprincipled morally compromised men who don't care about posterity hooked on extramarital sex
22:00  In a matriarchy, all men are lower than the unmarried mother and are afraid to criticise them  - this includes POTUS and Jewish baronets
24:00  No fault divorce
28:00  Association of British Muslims
Religions can be part of the solution for peace, not the problem, faith leaders say
35:00  Proposed joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians warning them of the abomination of idolatry
37:00 What Press TV could be doing to embarrass the idolaters and the Jews who have been chosen by God to promote the Noahide laws but who have not been doing so for centuries
"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. "
37:30  Israeli Charedi leader accuses Chief Rabbi Mirvis of ‘blasphemy’ over LGBT guide
Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch claims the British Orthodox Jewish leader was “encouraging” homosexuality by releasing guidance against bullying
38:00  Secular liberal diaspora Jew Bret Stephens and religious nationalist Israeli Jew Yoram Hazony discuss nationalism
The Freedom of Nations Conference in Rome on 4 February 2020

39:00  Hungary and Poland only two European nations able to stand up against globohomo.
40:00  E Michael Jones and the First Amendment
41:00  Secular Koranism
42:00  The First Amendment was derived from the Koran
43:00 Why shouldn't Israel be a theocracy?
44:00 WASPs
45:00  Catholic Church
46:00  Forced church attendances
47:00  The rules of natural justice and ex post facto law/retrospective legislation
48:00  Israel should be Torah-compliant if it is a theocracy or could it use a lighter kind of theocracy such as Secular Koranism? If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".
49:00  Is Israel even Noahide-compliant?
50:00  ‘Brought to Jesus’: the evangelical grip on the Trump administration
"The sooner we have Armageddon, the sooner we will get to heaven"? Is this any way to run a global empire?
54:00  The unreasoning antisemitism of the peasants who cannot believe that Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia  because everything was working perfectly until the Jews came along and ruined everything, apparently.
55:00  Secular Koranism will protect Jews and gentiles from each other.
56:00  Idolatry
57:00  The Al Aqsa Mosque is on the site of the Third Temple for a reason.
58:00   The Sadducees were the corrupt priesthood of the Israelite.
59:00  Parasitic Priesthood v Theocratic Judiciary
1:02:00 Christianity failed to save Rome.
1:03:00 The disestablishment of the Church of England
1:05:00 What is the point of having an Archbishop of Canterbury who is not even Christian?
1:05:30  The illegitimacy of the Archbishop of Canterbury
1:06:00  Charles should become Head of the Church of England after persuading his mother to abdicate, sacking the Archbishop of Canterbury, demanding a DNA test from Harry and then converting to Islam.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...