
Monday, 27 January 2020

Idolaters fight amongst themselves on Doooovid's Week In Review

16:00  Secular Koranism

22:00  Why would anyone choose Secular Koranism rather than Noahidism? Because gentiles would rather follow their own religion than trust Jews to create a religion and try them for going against this religion, of course.

Why would anyone become a Noahide when they could have Islam after rejecting Christianity as idolatrous unless they were Islamophobes?

And if they are rejecting Islam because they are Islamophobes, then they are letting their hatred of Muslims and Islam blind them to their own interests. In any case they seem to be rather dimwitted people.

The fact is that there are 1.8 billion Muslims and only about 20,000 Noahides.

According to a Noahide source in 2018, there are over 20,000 official Noahides, and the country with the greatest number is the Philippines.

23:00  It is now that we divide religion into its two separate components: its private and public role.  Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief with so gentiles are free to be Jew-administered Noahides if that is what they wish. There will also be gentiles who would rather be Noahide-compliant as Muslims.

Judaism does not accommodate Christianity, and Christianity does not accommodate Muslims. Only Islam guarantees freedom of belief for all, from atheists to polytheists, with  The rational atheist, Jew, Christian and idolater would choose to live under a theocracy governed by Secular Koranism administered by gentiles rather than a Torah theocracy administered by Jews. I am sure atheist reasonable Jews in Israel would choose a Secular Koranist theocracy rather than a Torah one because a Torah theocracy would be regarded as too harsh by most Jews. Better therefore to have a Torah-compliant universal standard of Secular Koranism than Jews stoning each other to death for breaking the Sabbath or picking up sticks on Saturdays or honour killing their drunken and disobedient sons.

I am not sure why the Noahide laws "don't make a heck of a lot sense" to Church of Entropy. I would have thought you would have to be an antisemite to reject them just because they are Jewish. Church of Entropy lurks in corners of the alt-right in the hope of picking up vulnerable white men who would willingly scratch her back if she scratches theirs by never contradicting her ensuring that they remain in receipt of validation from a white middle class college-educated woman known to be passably attractive and charismatic.

23:30  Church of Entropy pretends not to understand my position on idolatry. Muslims already acknowledge that Jews and Muslims praying correctly could be guilty of hidden idolatry and therefore it would not be the role of a Secular Koranist State to smash the idols of idolaters, which would only provoke hatred.

Most non-Chabad Jews would not be interested in creating a religion for gentiles and administering them. What is really required of Jews is that they declare Christianity to be Noahide non-compliant while Islam to be Noahide-compliant, leaving gentiles to sort out their own religious affairs. However, if there really are enough gentiles who prefer to adhere to a religion created for them by Jews and administered by Jews, that would be their choice. Secular Koranism would not forbid this.

Once Chabad Jews make their declaration of Christian non-compliance and Muslim compliance with the Noahide laws, there would be created a chain of logic that would end in gentiles globally adopting Secular Koranism.

I predict that sensible Jews will know how hopeless it is to insist that Jew-administered Noahidism stands a chance against global Noahide-compliant Islam.

26:00  Claire Khaw, debate coach

27:00  Secular Koranism is just an idea, not a movement.

28:00  According to Doooovid, there is no point endlessly debating whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant when it is only an idea. It is like talking about the tests you are going to conduct on your future offspring that is not yet born.

29:00  Vincent complains that he has not been given sufficient acknowledgement for bringing my whole idea of Secular Koranism "crashing down".

30:00  Doooovid says it was a "dumb debate" and thinks Vincent is labouring under the delusion that he would get a definitive answer from rabbis about whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant.

31:00  Vincent rages that Doooovid liked my post on Facebook on the subject. Doooovid corrected him and said he didn't like it, but "wowed" it.

Vincent and Doooovid want me on that stream but knows Church of Entropy would not allow it because she hates and fears my well-honed rhetorical skills which would cut through her ideas like hot knife through butter.

32:00  Vincent thinks accusing me of idolatry and proving that I am an idolater would lower my standing in the eyes of the Jews whose good books he thinks I am so anxious to be in. He says he is going to take a sample of 50 rabbinical opinions and take it all the way up to the Chief Rabbinate in Israel.

33:00  Dooovid warns him that the question of whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant is a complicated question to which there will be no unanimous view from rabbis.

34:00  Vincent claims victory over Jews and me, not quite realising that Jews, like gentiles, don't listen to each other either. There is no hierarchy of decision-making or a Supreme Sanhedrin of Halachic and Philosophical Correctitude. There is also no Pope of Jews armed with the Doctrine of Chief Rabbinical Infallibility. The most Jews can do to achieve supremacy is to get enough gentiles to listen to them and support them. My view remains that Secular Koranism makes more sense for gentiles and Jews than Jew-administered Noahidism.

36:00  I have made Vincent bitter, says Doooovid.

39:00  I am described as radical by Vincent.

8:00  Vincent rage quits.

10:00  Church of Entropy: "It's not my doctrine, it's a fact!"

14:00  Doooovid to Church of Entropy: "Your 'authoritative' ruling is not going to change the way people use language." Veda means knowledge.

15:00  Doooovid doubts Church of Entropy's claim that her knowledge of the Veda is recognised by Brahmins.

16:00  Doooovid points out that how many followers a person has is more truly demonstrated by the number of people waiting for him at the airport when he arrives than him telling the taxi he had waited to get into at the airport how many followers he has.

Claims have to be quantified and validated, Doooovid says.

17:00  Church of Entropy accuses Doooovid of "blatantly promoting falsehood".

21:00  Vince returns after rage quitting.

38:00  Prostitution not necessarily a gangbang, says Doooovid.

39:00  Church of Entropy is snippy at Vincent.

40:00  Church of Entropy says Vincent should respect her more.

41:00  "Righteous prostitutes"

42:00  "Sacred prostitutes" "Ritualistic temple sex"

44:00  Prostitution is a special act of divine service, according to Vincent.

50:00  Only chaste/married sex is allowed.

53:00  The difference between a run of the mill prostitute and a divine prostitute

54:00  Deities that require humans to have sex in front of them rather than animal sacrifices

57:00  Church of Entropy: "How come you're not sucking my dick, Vincent?" Vincent giggles. She continues "Shouldn't you be down on your knees praising me?" "I wouldn't want to do that as a form of worship," replies Vincent. "You're not a very good temple prostitute, let me say," to which Vincent giggles.

58:00  Church of Entropy: "Welcome, Gandalf, who is better at licking my balls than you are, bud."

Doooovid interrupts the proceedings by talking about Vedic cosmology.

1:08:00  Vincent is not the only person who finds Church of Entropy's blog unreadable gibberish "hard to understand".

1:10:00 Vedanta is the end of knowledge.

1:15:00  Vincent calls Church of Entropy "crazy".

1:16:00  Gandalf licks Jen's balls.

1:20:00  Gandalf claims he has an IQ of 150, but he is a university dropout.

1:22:00  "I've been streaming for eight months and I know more than most people in universities."

1:23:00 "It's good to be sceptical."

1:24:00  Unified Field Model

1:27:00  Doooovid very reasonably points out that being a member of the Church of Entropy Fan Club does not give one moral and intellectual authority.

1:29:00  "You just have a blog" (and that ain't the scripture you claim it is, Jen)

1:30:00  Insanely, Gandalf claims that "is very well-structured". He claims Jen is "basically right".

1:31:00 Gandalf: "80% of [] seems damn right to me."

1:32:00  The less you know, the more you know, says Jen.

1:33:00  Gandalf: "The Big Bang is obvious crap."

1:34:00  Church of Entropy could well be a charlatan.

1:35:00  When praise [by a fool] can be an insult.

1:39:00  Vincent requires a physicist to validate Jen's theories.

1:40:00  Vince asks Gandalf whom he would find authoritative. Gandalf prevaricates.

1:42:00  Church of Entropy: "Gandalf has the respect of many people in this community and lots of accomplishments as well as intellectual pursuits."

1:45:00  Church of Entropy claims she is peerless and will not subject herself ot peer review. She is hardly going to claim on her blog that her ideas have been endorsed by Gandalf, a non-scientist and intellectual prostitute who has been certified by Jen to be better at "sucking her balls" than Vincent, a self-proclaimed homosexual. In fact, Gandalf is such an intellectual prostitute that he did not even protest at being introduced by Church of Entropy as someone who sucks her balls.

1:46:00  Vincent reads the Rabbi Schulman's response to him.

The fact that Secular Koranism is clearly being promoted as secular seems to put it outside the category of the Noahide Code. The Noahide Code is given by God with divine commandments and therefore is non-secular by definition.

1:47:00  Church of Entropy wants the endorsement of Brahmins.

1:49:00  Who else agrees with Jen and Gandalf?

1:50:00  What qualifies someone as an authority?

1:51:00  An objective measure of authority is one's position on a hierarchy. There must be a supreme authority, and this supreme authority must be the Abrahamic God, if only in theory.

2:00:00  "You hate your own karma" [of being poor], Doooovid tells Gandalf.

2:01:00  Were Brahmins traditionally poor, as Jen claims?

2:02:00  Doooovid to Gandalf: "You hate your own failure."

2:03:00  A story of a troglodyte who murdered another out of jealousy

2:07:00  You need money if you are going to take care of your family.

2:09:00  "Money is a reality of society."

2:10:00  "Money is a distraction from spirituality," says Church of Entropy.

Actually, spirituality is the good feeling you get when you know you are following God's laws properly. Jen will never get that feeling because of her infinitely flexible "oral tradition" she uses to trick vulnerable men into believing she has moral or intellectual authority. She tricks or bribes Gandalf the college dropout into endorsing her because she offers him what he so desperately craves: female validation from a white college-educated middle class woman, but only so long as he "licks her balls" better than a gay Hindu, which he proceeds to do on his knees, eagerly and desperately prostituting himself, either knowingly or unknowingly.

2:12:00  Being "karmically insincere"

2:13:00  The Kabbalah is a Unified Field Model

2:16:00  Jewish ideas are better because they control the money, while Entropists control nothing because they are poor.

Gandalf's economic policy

2:18:00  Is Entropism being perpetually broke?

2:29:00  Authority

2:31:00  Corona virus

2:33:00  Gandalf says he would deal with the corona virus better than the Chinese.

2:35:00  Doooovid is more concerned that the corona virus will be blamed on Jews.

2:40:00  Doooovid keeps sentencing people to three months of streaming with me for some reason.

2:55:00  Scaremongering over the corona virus to promote political agendas eg nationalism and isolationism

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