
Monday, 27 January 2020

Religion gives us status and identity without which we are but mere cattle

If the Universe was created by a Supreme Being, was that being good, evil or indifferent to either?

Would there be any point in choosing to believe in a supreme being that is indifferent to us or actually evil? No, because it would do us no good. Believing in an evil supreme being would neither improve our behaviour nor give us comfort.

Therefore we could choose to believe in a supreme being that is morally perfect, He would be omnipotent because He created the Universe and He must be omniscient to have created the Universe.

What if such a supreme being that is the Abrahamic God does not really exist?

It would still be useful to believe in Him because a Hypothetical Supreme Being would be the final authority for every question or decision, allowing us to order our thoughts and actions according to the Word of God found in scripture.

The advancement of civilisation is the consequence of allowing belief in God to guide our actions through the rule of law.

It may be that the Abrahamic God is no more than a Noble Lie, but it is belief in God and obedience to His laws that made Jews the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. The most ancient gentile empire is China whose emperors relied on the Mandate of Heaven - an idea that contained in it a conditional grant of earthly authority, but only if the emperor gave his people good government. Jews and Chinese are peoples who have maintained their identity over the ages. In our time of dentity crises of individuals, especially transgender individuals as well as nations and empires, a well-balanced and realistic national identity would give individuals and nations the self-esteem they crave. If framed attractively, imaginatively and inspirationally, it could even herald the moral regeneration of the degenerate, provided a suitable attitude of humility before God (if He exists) could also be instilled.

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