
Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Is Millennial Woes now a civic nationalist?

3:00  My Facebook debate with someone who refuses to support Secular Koranism
6:00  Millennial Woes' shocking civic nationalism
9:00  Narcissistic Personality Disorder
10:00  My principles protect me from the moral degeneracy of the alt-right
12:00  Sodomite Greg Johnson and the fact that sodomy is a category of extramarital sex
13:00  Secular Koranism
14:00  The infantile alt-right made up of men feminised by their matriarchy
15:00  Globohomo, Sodom and Gomorrah
16:00  Only a patriarchy would produce enough good strong men to defend the national interest.
17:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
18:00  Rectification of the Names
19:00  Jews
20:00  The alt-right are Post-Christian atheists or pagans.
21:00  Millennial Woes is afraid of losing the argument to me which is why he refuses to engage with me at all. I think he has a policy of banning anyone who even mentions my name and has instructed his moderators to do the same. 
22:00  The so-called Christian nations of the West are cursed by God for disobeying God's laws, just as Jews were in Deuteronomy 28.
23:00  Why Western men won't restore the patriarchy
24:00  Morally Compromised Slut Fuckers are too unmarriageable to take a wife and too cheap to hire prostitutes. That is why they are being bought off with globohomo after being warehoused for extinction by their political establishment who have no further use for them. Since the working classes have become mere clients of the welfare state about to mutilate their sex organs and voluntarily sterilise themselves, they can be bribed with Universal Basic Income to keep them quiescent in their matriarchy.
25:00  Race and Culture are different things by Brutus the Saxon
28:00  The White People of Briton 
29:00  IC race codes
30:00  Clothes, tattoos and piercings
32:00  The lower intelligence of the lower classes
33:00  Category error
34:00  Hitler's Category Error
35:00  OV is a larping Nazi. 
36:00  Is a streaming a behavioural addiction? 
37:00  Larping v Political Activism
38:00  Abuse of power
39:00  Millennial Woes and Mark Collett don't want to talk about restoring the patriarchy.
40:00  Culture comes from your society and the culture of your society is what your religion, politicians and laws allow.
41:00  The alt-right and the time machine they cannot create
42:00  The infantile and insane alt-right and their magic white skin
43:00  Jews and Muslims are higher status than the low status indigenous
44:00  Pogrom
45:00  Every class has a purpose. The working classes were once called the labouring classes whose purpose was to use their labour, but they no longer work and only claim welfare and wait to be bribed by Universal Basic Income led by Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer. 
46:00  The sacred cows of the alt-right: sluts, democracy and the welfare state and their religious services held on the channel of Mark Collett. He is Chief Priest and the others are his junior priests. All they will be doing for two hours every stream  is agreeing with each other and clocking up their superchats.
47:00  The liberal media together with Mark Collett and Millennial Woes conspire to suppress my ideas.
48:00  Parasitic class suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder
49:00  Decline, death and extinction
50:00  Passive-aggressive
51:00  It is only a matter of time before Jews and Muslims will be selling Secular Koranism on my behalf.
52:00  Christianity is kaput
53:00  Civic Nationalism and Ethno-Nationalism
55:55  Peasants' revolt and Wat Tyler
56:00  Millennial Woes' civic nationalism
58:00  Judaism is dvine ethno-nationalism.
59:00  Jews are the aristocracy of humanity, being God's Chosen People.
1:00:00  The British way of life
1:01:00  Charity
1:02:00  A woman's prerogative
1:03:00  Mark Collett, formerly of the BNP, favours Civic Nationalism
1:11:00  The leaders of the French Revolutionaries were middle class.
1:13:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
1:14:00  Infantilised men and women cannot have an honest, rational and honourable debate about anything without retreating into abuse and threats. 
1:15:00  Infantilised men who cannot face the truth cannot even understand the concept of the national interest, let alone govern in national interest.
1:17:00  Confucius and theocracy
1:19:00  Why Labour is being accused of antisemitism
1:20:00  Are Jews smarter or stupider than gentiles?
1:21:00  The purpose of religion is to protect your society from becoming a matriarchy.
1:22:00  Antisemitism is old as the sin of envy. 
1:23:00  Confucianism v Legalism
1:24:00  The argument for a theocracy
1:25:00  The Mandate of Heaven
1:26:00  Dr Kevin Barrett talks about the Mandate of Heaven being withdrawn from the American Empire.
1:27:00 Liberal Jew v Nationalist Jew
1:28:00  Jews and Chinese
1:29:00  When China became an empire
1:30:00  Knowing who you are and what you are supposed to do
1:32:00  Coming of age and corruption
1:33:00  Intellectual corruption leads to neurosis, psychosis, dementia and catatonia. 
1:34:00  Advising and warning
1:35:00  Who deserves to live in a civilisation?
1:36:00  Civilisation v Survivalism
1:37:00  Uncle Phil/Tifa the YouTuber
1:38:00  The one party state
1:39:00  Sharia in Iran
1:40:00  Secular Koranism for the Chinese too.
1:42:00  Xi Jinping as Caliph of the Chinese Secular Koranist Party?
1:44:00  Politburo Standing Committee
1:50:00  Confusion over whether US troops are being withdrawn from Iraq
2:00:00  Shawls for men

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AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

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