
Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Questions about Christianity

1) Do Christians really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

2) How many confirmed Catholics are there in the world?

3) How many confirmed Anglicans are there in the world?

4) Are you Christian if you don't believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

5) Is Trinitarianism idolatry?

6) Was Christianity a failed attempt to subvert and supersede Judaism?

7) Should you be concerned that Christianity is idolatry if you believe in the Abrahamic God?

8) If you really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God, are you perhaps too credulous?

9) If you are only pretending to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God so that you can enter or remain in the priesthood, are you corrupt?

10) What is the purpose of religion?

11) What is the least your religion should be doing for your society?

12) Is Christianity fulfilling its purpose of maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality?

13) Which is the odd one out?
a) Judaism
b) Christianity
c) Islam

14) Should William Tyndale have been burned at the stake?

15) Should Michael Servetus have been burned at the stake?

16) If Judaism is the original and Islam the final version, is Christianity the rough draft that can now be discarded?


Jshalet said...

Islam is not the answer the west's problems

Neither is Christianity, nor Paganism, nor even Judaism

Only Noahide Nationalism will save the whites


Also see this article

Jshalet said...

Also, I'd love to chat sometime

Claire Khaw said...

You know how to get in touch for a chat.

Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

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