
Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Questions for Morgoth on grooming gangs

Julie Bindel:

"Let us not pretend that organised pimping rings and sexual abusers are anything new. This did not start with Rochdale, and unfortunately nor will it end there."

1)  Would you be as angry about the grooming gangs if the pimps were *white* indigenous proletarian men?

2)  If the perpetrators had been white indigenous proletarian men, would you and your associates be more likely to shrug it off saying to yourselves "What do you expect with unsupervised schoolgirls whose mothers don't care where they go after school or who have already abandoned them to the care system?

3) Does Islam promote marriage and family values and does this create greater male solidarity enabling male co-operation in the sharing of information and resources for the criminal enterprise of running child prostitution rings?

4)  Do you ever wonder why child prostitution rings in the post-industrial cities of northern England are not run by the white urban proletariat?

5)  Have you noticed that criminal gangs operating in the UK tend to be foreign men?

6)  If it is the case that criminal gangs are mostly foreign, is it because white indigenous men are less criminally inclined or because they are less effective at organising criminal enterprises?

7)  It has been said that white sex predators work alone while Asian men running child prostitution rings are able to work together more effectively and efficiently. What does it say about the different kind of parenting white and brown men received?

8)  Should nationalists be concerned about widespread illegitimacy?

9)  Do you have a view on what should be done about addressing the problem of widespread illegitimacy? 

10)  Would you agree that men who have been brought up in nuclear and extended families are more socialised and more likely to work together effectively in any kind of enterprise than men who were singly parented by their unmarried mother and likely to have been the victim of child abuse?

11)  Would you say that men without wives or daughters and with no prospect of becoming husbands and fathers are less likely to bestir themselves as regards the protection of women through violence and rioting than those who are?

12)  When you say people are tribal, would it be more accurate to say that men are more likely to bestir themselves to protect their women if they are husbands with daughters?

13)  Have you heard of Gillick Competence?

14)  Are you aware that underage sex has been condoned in the UK since 1985?

15)  When you say "the problem is systemic", do you mean "the problem is feminism"?

16)  Would you say that men are more racist than women, generally speaking? 

17)  When you say "human decency", do you mean "chastity"?

18)  Is social order possible in a society that makes a point of prioritising the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their casually conceived illegitimate offspring in an environment of indiscriminate universal suffrage?

19)  The ship of Theseus paradox is not perhaps the most suitable metaphor for what is happening to society. Rather, I would say that the matriarchy that we live in prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their casually conceived illegitimate offspring and this makes moral order impossible, since no man dares now speak the truth as he sees it, which means no man will ever now defend a principle. The ship of state has been hijacked by the matriarchy who is even now steering it towards the rocks unless good strong men capable of steering the ship of state take control. Are there even ten such men in the entire West?

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