
Friday, 24 January 2020

The 21 Questions Mark Collett, Millennial Woes and Morgoth won't be answering because they are afraid of losing subscribers

1:00  John Gischala talks about Get Out - the movie
12:00  Noahide laws
13:00  Jews don't like discussing the Noahide laws.
15:00  The execution of sodomites required by Judaism
17:00  Christianity is not Noahide, Islam is.
18:00  Idolatry
19:00  Sephardic Jews are harder against idolatry than Ashkenazim.
27:00  Noahide laws are not mentioned in the Torah, but in the Talmud.
31:00  Secular Koranism which is based on the Koran is Noahide-compliant because Islam which is also based on the Koran is also Noahide-compliant.  Islam runs on sharia, and Secular Koranism is a new school of sharia to be adopted by the West to reform Islam.
"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. "

34:00  Conversion to Judaism
35:00  Labels
36:00  Religion and politics
37:00  People like to think they are too cool for rules.
38:00  John would rather not upset them by telling them otherwise.
39:00  Leave gentiles to rot in their own moral sewage?
40:00  Secular Koranism would be oppression or a dictatorship, according to John.
41:00  I confirm that pork and alcohol would not be banned.
42:00  Why aren't rules followed?
43:00  Christianity is kaput because it doesn't even maintain minimum standards of sexual morality. The West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human.
45:00  Throwing sodomites off tall buildings actually came from the Talmud.

When the Torah says “an eye for an eye”, the Talmud explains this is not taken literally but means monetary compensation must be paid for an injury.  When the Torah specifies the death penalty of stoning, the Talmud explains it meant the offender was hurled down from a high place – rather than pelted with stones. 
46:00  Stoning comes from the Torah and Talmud.
47:00  When did the laws of God change?
48:00 When did God say unmarried parents should no longer be punished?
49:00  Feminism generates widespread illegitimacy.
51:00  Islam is Judaism Lite. Judaism is already too strict for Jews.
52:00  The Chosen People of God
53:00  If everyone became Jews, then Jews would no longer be chosen.
56:00  Throwing people into the deep end
58:00  Refraining from having illegitimate offspring is only optional. You get are rewarded by the welfare system because you get more benefits claiming as a single parent than as a married parent.
59:00  Public corporal and capital punishment
1:01:00  Liberal Jew

1:02:00  ‘Do not spy on one another’ (49:12); ‘Do not enter any houses except your own homes unless you are sure of their occupants' consent’ (24:27). The Prophet has gone to the extent of instructing his followers that a man should not enter even his own house suddenly or surreptitiously. This article attempts to explore the extent of the sanctity given to the right to privacy by Islam and the kinds of privacy it recognizes.

1:03:00  Those who prefer the status quo
1:04:00  Passing the buck
1:05:00  God was said to have made us in His own image. Does this mean God was the creation of Man who was supposed to have created Man?
1:06:00  The human capacity for abstract thought
1:07:00  Not following the rules
1:08:00  Recipe
1:09:00  Standards must be upheld.
1:10:00  American would be more Noahide if it were Muslim.
1:11:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
1:12:00  Idolatry, idolatry, idolatry ....
1:13:00  Poland
1:14:00  Hungary
1:15:00  Jon Vance
1:16:00  Divine laws are more likely to be followed for longer.
1:18:00  Noahide laws
1:19:00  Idolatry
1:20:00  The prohibition against idolatry protects Jewish identity
1:22:00  Judaism is an exclusive club, Islam is a political party in a one party state. The both are not mutually exclusive and could even be said to be complementary.
1:24:00  Antisemitism and people who are antisemites who don't know they are antisemites
1:29:00  Catholics are God's People who think they have superseded God's Chosen People.
1:30:00  I am complimented on my magnanimity in contrast to the petty censoriousness of Church of Entropy.
1:31:00  My moral superiority over Church of Entropy
1:34:00  Malcolm X and the chickens coming home to roost
1:35:00  Cause and effect
1:36:00  British imperial policy
1:38:00  Thalassocracy and the Berlin to Baghdad Railway
1:39:00  The siege of Paris and the Treaty of London 1839
1:40:00  The welfare state was created to appease the returning soldiers of WW2 or there would have been a revolution with MPs strung up on lamp posts.
1:45:00  Non-Europeans are also concerned about European identity.
1:47:00 British nationalists who are too afraid to answer my questions:

  1. What is religion for? 
  2. Is Christianity kaput? 
  3. Is democracy dementia? 
  4. If Christianity is kaput, what should it be replaced with?
  5. Should Christianity be replaced with Islam?
  6. Is Islam "Judaism Lite"?
  7. Do gentiles need to be protected from Jews with Islam and Secular Koranism?
  8. Is Secular Koranism "Islam Lite"?
  9. Is it only under a patriarchy that enough good strong men will be produced to defend the national interest?  
  10. Does the patriarchy need to be restored for national survival?
  11. Could Secular Koranism restore the patriarchy?
  12. If not Secular Koranism, what else would restore the patriarchy?
  13. Do those who denounce and refuse to consider Secular Koranism have a vested in the status quo that is the matriarchy eg Mark Collett, Millennial Woes and Morgoth who only want to blame Jews because they are morally compromised slut fuckers who dare not call for the abolition of no fault divorce because they are MGTOW? (MGTOWs are men who will have sex with women not their wives but have no intention of ever marrying or becoming married fathers.)
  14. Are these men conveniently blaming Jews, Muslims and non-whites for the degeneracy caused by the dysgenic welfare state?
  15. Do these men prefer to blame Jews rather than address the social problems created by generations of unmarried motherhood?
  16. Would these men who are antisemites ever acknowledge a contribution made by a Jew such as Keith Joseph who told the truth when doing so would only alienate their antisemitic supporters and subscribers? 
  17. Are these men often the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents?
  18. Are these men also the unmarried fathers of illegitimate offspring?
  19. Should unmarried parents be treated sex offenders as prescribes?
  20. Do people deserve their government?
  21. What kind of government does a nation consisting mostly of antisemitic Islamophobic racist MGTOWs deserve to have?
1:50:00  Plausible deniability
1:51:00  Elizabeth Young

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...