
Friday, 24 January 2020

Tradition, marriage, families, religion and national identity

Tradition is what we do to please our fathers, even after our fathers are dead.

People who have never had a meaningful relationship with their father won't get tradition. They are even less likely to understand the nature and purpose of tradition if they are atheists.

Tradition is about group identity and the smallest unit of humans is the family. A family is a mother and father with their offspring. Without the practice of marriage, families will break up sooner rather than later. If most people come from broken families brought up by their unmarried mother, society will descend into a hell of barbarism and criminality. Our paralysed matriarchy full of feminised slut-fearing men brought up by their unmarried mothers will be fiercely denying this of course. Those who inwardly accept it will remain silent out of fear of upsetting the men and women who will hysterically deny this, or of upsetting their own unmarried mother.

The refusal of Western governments to support marriage or even discuss the subject of restoring the patriarchy will precipitate a New Dark Age.

This is because the entire West is already a matriarchy, and a matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers who casually conceived and casually parented their illegitimate offspring. In a matriarchy, all men are lower than unmarried mothers, even POTUS, and even Jewish baronets like the late Keith Joseph whose ambition to become Prime Minister was destroyed when he dared to criticise unmarried mothers in 1974. Margaret Thatcher took what everyone thought would have been his and became the first female British Prime Minister after becoming the first female leader of the Conservative Party in 1975. If Joseph had refrained from talking about the "human stock" of Britain being "destroyed" by unmarried mothers, he might have become Prime Minister.

British nationalists only talk about Enoch Powell daring to speak the truth, but never acknowledge Keith Joseph. This must be because they are antisemites who would never give any Jew any credit for anything, however well-deserved. It may also be because they are mostly the children of unmarried parents or are unmarried parents themselves.

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