
Saturday, 22 February 2020

How I intend to bribe Post-Christian degenerate losers to support Secular Koranism

Is Christianity the most unprincipled religion in existence? It seems to me to consist of a corrupt bargain: affirm that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God and we won't burn you at the stake in this life or the next.

Is it any wonder that it has now failed?

And will it be any wonder that the West will soon fail? Its failed religion with its corrupt and incompetent politicians that are the product of its failed religion are running everything down and warehousing people for extinction.

Worst of all are those anti-establishment anti-immigration parties who refuse to engage with me on what they think religion is for because they already know that all religious discussions lead to Secular Koranism the way all roads led to Rome. These ethno-nationalists who talk about blood and soil are mostly illegitimate and do not care about the degeneracy that afflicts them or the deterioration of the national gene pool. This they demonstrate by pointedly refusing to discuss my proposal to restore the patriarchy with the practice of marriage and the shaming of sluts and slut-fuckers with Secular Koranism. Christians refuse to have any discussions with me at all because they fear the monster that is Secular Koranism devouring the absurdity of their Trinity.

If you are atheist, you will slide into nihilism and childlessness. Nihilists are people who do not care what happens when they are dead and do not plan to make any sacrifices for the next generation because most of them either hate their badly brought up children or have no children at all to hate.

The chief difference between an atheist and one who believes in the afterlife is by how much they are prepared to postpone pleasure. If you believe you are about to die, you will do anything that would gratify you: usually having sex with people not your spouse and killing people. The warning that comes with a condemned prisoner walking to his place of execution is DEAD MAN WALKING. The warning is intended to warn prisoners within range of attack to beware because you do not know if he will kill you just for the hell of it, because he has nothing more to lose.

An exclamation warning people in prison that an inmate who is on death row is walking by and caution should be taken since they wouldn't hesitate to kill someone, seeing as they are already dead.

Is the West this dead man walking when it keeps walking into its Thucydides Traps?

I suppose I could bribe these atheist nihilist degenerates to publicly support Secular Koranism by putting them on a Roll of Honour of Atheist Nihilist Degenerates Who Repented. The first childless atheist to publicly declare in favour of Secular Koranism would be the most honoured amongst atheist degenerates who have misspent their lives, and there will be the second, third, fourth etc. Discreet and tasteful brooches could be made for them once I am in power.

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