
Sunday, 2 February 2020

Jewish convert discusses Secular Koranism Part 1


Secular Koranism Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief with so belief is OPTIONAL.

Rabbi Singer already says Islam is Noahide.

Rabbi Mendy is indeed Chabad.

Muslim as Ger Toshav
If Muslims are not idolators, then why are they not Ger Toshav? Maimonides was of the opinion that a Muslim cannot be a Ger Toshav, because it is forbidden for a non-Jews to create a religion. He rules according to the view that any non-Jewish religious system is illicit and the only alternatives for non-Jews are conversion or observance of the Seven Laws of Noah. This ruling by Maimonides is understood by many commentators to exclude any other religious system by definition.
Although almost all achronim agree with Maimonides that Islam is not idolatry, most disagree that any non-Jewish religious system is illicit by definition. Rather than being seen as a religion in itself, most authorities hold that the Seven Laws are foundation of a proper religion.

7:00  Not everyone can be God's Chosen People, which is not what Jews want anyway.

I didn't say you couldn't criticise Muslims without having an irrational hatred and fear of Muslims. I just said if you are going to dismiss Islam out of hand as a religion for gentiles who want to worship the Abrahamic God, you probably do have an irrational hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims. You can always argue that it is never irrational to hate and fear Muslims and Islam, and I could ask you why.

14:00  I am not necessarily asking Jews to promote Secular Koranism, only to declare that it is more Noahide than Christianity.

Not everyone wants to be Jewish, and also, Jews don't want all gentiles to become Jews because it wouldn't make them special any more. You yourself told me of the obstacles that were put in your way to your conversion because they just didn't want you. So it would be easier to become Muslim if you wanted to worship the Abrahamic God as a gentile, right?

God surely did not intend everyone in the world to become Jews.

The new thing that Secular Koranism does offer is theocracy which is a society that obeys God's laws. That is pretty new, isn't it? The most important thing to understand about Secular Koranism is that it is a legal system, not a belief system.  This means Secular Koranism is not a religion and no one is forced into believing in the narrative of any religion. It is after all a one-size fits all legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists.

Do you think you will ever read the Koran?

I don't think you understand that Secular Koranism offers a theocracy for gentiles, but it is a theocracy that does not require anyone to convert to any religion. Secular Koranism is a theocracy that guarantees freedom of belief with

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