THE VOICE OF REASON Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
Saturday, 1 February 2020
People need order, order needs hierarchy, hierarchy needs patriarchy, patriarchy needs theocracy.
0:30 The matriarchy is egalitarian. Egalitarianism causes conflict and chaos while hierarchy gives order and progress if it is not too rigid.
1:00 Imagine an army run on an egalitarian basis.
2:00 Patriarchy is an organised society.
3:00 Facebook is better for having political debates.
4:00 We should be told exactly what is hate speech but the owners of social media platforms are really not clear about this themselves.
5:00 I intend to persuade social media platforms of the error of their ways and how they could make the world a better place by facilitating free speech along the lines I recommend.
6:00 There is no requirement for me to be morally perfect to discuss morality and suggest ways of raising standards of morality in general.
7:00 Even if I were morally perfect, they would use my moral perfection as a stick to beat me with.
7:30 I am the most knowledgeable person in the world on the theology of the Abrahamic faiths, probably.
8:00 I am an agnostic arguing for a theocracy.
9:00 God is the policeman in our minds.
10:00 Patriarchy needs the protection of God, raising the status of your nation/empire/superpower.
11:00 Was it matriarchy that made the West great?
12:00 Worshipping the most powerful entity conceivable has served the Jews - the world's most powerful and ancient tribe - well.
13:00 Failing to worship the most powerful entity conceivable would leave the patriarchy subverted and matriarchy would simply return human civilisation to a pre-civilisational state of primitive matriarchy.
14:00 Having a Hypothetical Supreme Authority would assist us in our politics and government.
15:00 I am prepared to acknowledge that I am also a sinner in order to curry favour with the peasants to make them love and trust me.
16:00 How emunah and bitachon would have helped the Chinese deal with their coronavirus flu bug more sensibly
17:00 5 Million Cases Worldwide, 650,000 Deaths Annually: The Seasonal Flu Virus is a “Serious Concern”, But the Wuhan Coronavirus Grabs the Headlines
19:00 Dietary restrictions are for the protection of Jews and Muslims.
20:00 Corona virus a Darwinian test of our fitness to survive
21:00 A Chinese explorer and the disadvantages of isolationism
22:00 Nationalism will balance free trade with protectionism, the interests of married fathers and married mothers, the young and the old, the rich and the poor while having a civilised relationship with non-citizens and minorities.
23:00 Stupid people will always be in the majority.
24:00 Are parasites higher or lower in the food chain?
27:00 Usury is a behavioural addiction like gambling and shopaholism.
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