
Friday 28 February 2020

China should apologise to the world for overreacting so people can keep calm and carry on

1:00  Richard Spencer on Islam
2:00  The HardKhaw Prawn

4:00   Cause and effect
5:00   Rabbi Mizrachi
A list of 13 non-kosher rabbis to avoid

The possibility of a 14th rabbi being added to the list of 13 non-kosher rabbis

6:00  God
7:00  God stamping His foot
8:00  Atheism
9:00  As Ministrix of Truth for the Chinese and Western governments, I would say ....
11:00  The Chinese are a nation of one-child parents and this must have exacerbated their panic.
12:00  Emunah and Bitachon  -  The difference between Emunah and Bitachon: When Job's wife said "Curse God and die," she was displaying emunah but not bitachon.
13:00  "[Atheist] Chinese people pray for a bright future for Wuhan"
14:00  Chinese social conditions and demographics
15:00  Biological arms race and musical chairs
17:00  The Chinese government should apologise for their overreaction so all governments who similarly overreacted will just tell everyone to calm down and carry on.
18:00  Trump bounced into overreaction too.
19:00  19:00  Is the Coronavirus a blessing in disguise that will destroy the matriarchy of the West?

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