
Thursday, 27 February 2020

White Nationalism + Islam = Secular Koranism?

0:48  Richard Spencer: "Islam has its advantages too."

When Spencer talks about ethnocentrism, he really means group solidarity and for that to happen it male solidarity is required and this requires what the Victorians called moral restraint. In other words, the shaming of sluts and slut-fuckers with

1:00  Spencer: "Is Islam the last hope of the West?"

 2:00  Spencer: "The virtues of Islam"

Dutton bores on about IQ neglecting to mention that Western IQ has fallen 14 points over the last 100 years.

Having a religion that promotes patriarchal moral values creates group solidarity because it creates shared values greater and wider than that of physical attributes eg race, youth, beauty. Group solidarity can ultimately only be achieved by male solidarity and men competing against each other for the sexual favours of capricious and immoral women not their wife while failing to parent their legitimate offspring properly will only cause anomie and atomisation and the decline and fall of their civilisation.

By group solidarity, we really mean male solidarity against sluts who bribe men with fornication to take their mind off what is actually happening to their civilisation. Bribing men with even more varieties of recreational sex is a way of taking their minds off the indignity of this low status.

In a matriarchy all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother and this includes POTUS who has not so far criticised the root of the problem: widespread bastardy.

Britain has been a matriarchy since 1974 when Jewish baronet Keith Joseph criticised the morals of unmarried mother and had to watch a woman take his place as leader of the Conservative Party then go on to become Britain's first female Prime Minister.

If you wonder why no male politician will stand up for a principle any more, the reason was first what happened to Enoch Powell and then Keith Joseph. The principle in question was that of governing in the national interest, in case you were wondering.

13:00  Keith Woods talks about the Bosniaks and Serbs. Of course the principles of Islam cannot survive in a liberal democracy because such a democracy is a matriarchy and as such would be force-feeding its citizens sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. For Islam to work in your society, it would have to be a theocracy ie a society that governs in accordance with the laws of God. Otherwise, you would be like someone complaining that the engine in his car won't start  because the engine has already been taken out. 

14:00  Richard Spencer asks "How does Islam increase ethnocentrism? How does Christianity not do it to such a degree or maybe the opposite?"

By ethnocentrism Spencer really means group solidarity. Group solidarity can only be achieved by shared values ie a moral system effective at ensuring that people do the right thing to keep the group in existence and apart from others.

All religions are moral systems. The golden thread that runs through all five world religions is that they support patriarchal moral values ie marriage and family values which go to creating a stable society where life is reasonably predictable, moral laws enforced and criminal behaviour punished. Group solidarity means male solidarity and male solidarity is only possible if sluts and slut-fuckers are shamed. LGBT forms of recreational sex to cheat the system would also be forbidden.

Christianity is now indistinguishable from Liberalism. In the 21st century, Liberalism means nothing more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting and the degeneracy caused by the failure to see to it that most parents are married parents.

In the UK, most parents are most definitely not married parents.

Tolerance of unmarried parents and a culture of fornication is clearly linked to lack of racial homogeneity and lack of male solidarity.

Basically, societies that don't tolerate unmarried parents have children who do a whole lot better at school than societies that have normalised bastardy.

14:00  Dutton seems unaware European royal families perpetuated themselves by cousin marriage.

16:00  FMG is not mentioned at all in the Koran and this disgusting practice originates from Africa.

18:00  Ridiculously, Dutton talks about the "permanent erection" of Islam. I do hope people will actually read the Koran for themselves instead of believing in the sensationalist nonsense of the IQ-obsessed Dutton which is one of the badges of right-wingery these days which include racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia. Sadly, the alt-right don't actually know how low IQ they are, which is probably why they think Dutton is so very clever, because they don't know any better.

25:00  Keith Woods has heard very strange things about Muslims in Qatar that I have not heard of. Wahhabism described by Dutton but I urge everyone to take this with a large pinch of salt.

30:00  Spencer: "Religion determines who we are."

No religion, no group identity. It also tells us not to be a society of sluts, slut-fuckers and bastards.

"In terms of religion being separate from politics, I find this ridiculous. Religion is part of politics. It is part of how a population understands itself or an empire governs. We need to be willing to think in these terms of how religion affects the way we think politically."

The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference. Islam accepts the logic of your laws reflecting your chosen moral system. The real "religion" of the early 21st century West is the practice of sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting.

Islam also accepts the logic that a moral rule is more likely to be obeyed if it is the law and that any law is more likely to be obeyed for longer by more people if it is perceived to come from a Supreme Being that is omnipotent, omniscient, created the universe we are a part of, knows our hearts and minds and occasionally answers prayers who is also perfectly moral and cares about us individually.

Even if God were only a creation of Man, He was created for a purpose, that of assisting Man in his government, politics, law and spirituality. It would be a waste not to use this infinite and free resource to correct our previous mistakes, which only happened as a consequence of not obeying His laws.

"Islam is here. It is a hugely popular religion. Islam can inspire men to take up arms, to fight, to dominate, to engage in political activities. Therefore we need to seriously think about it in evolutionary terms. We are the descendants of religious doctrines."

Jews are the descendants of the religious doctrines of the Judaism based on the Torah.

Muslims are the descendants of the religious doctrines of Islam based on the Koran.

Do Christians even exist any more? If Christians are defined as those who believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God - considered by both Jews and Muslims to be blasphemous and idolatrous - are there any believing Christians? If you believe in this absurdity, you are too credulous. If you only pretend to believe in it, you are corrupt and are either a member of a corrupt priesthood, or wish to enter it to benefit from the status and income being a member of this parasitic class would give you.

It has been said that Christianity and Hypocrisy walk hand in hand. This is because while on the one hand Christians know that the Ten Commandments forbid idolatry and blasphemy, they practise it themselves while condemning it in others. Not only to do they practise idolatry and blasphemy, their idolatry is Supreme Idolatry and their blasphemy is the Ultimate Blasphemy.

What could be more offensive to God and blasphemous than to have Mary called His mother and her illegitimate son confused for Him?  Yet, because Christians who have been practising this idolatry and blasphemy for 2000 years think they can continue to get away with flouting what He has specifically and expressly forbidden since Mosaic times. This must be because they are really atheists who don't believe in any of this nonsense at all. They are only pretending to do so because they think it makes them better than us, but now that they know they are only despised for their hypocrisy, they are in denial of the extent and depth of their depraved blasphemy.  If they really did believe in God, they would fear His wrath. After all, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. It seems that two millennia of believing in this blasphemous absurdity (or pretending to) has utterly rotted their minds and morals.

If you point out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christian worship with the accompanying obscenity of pretending to eat the flesh and drink the blood of God Himself that Christians call the Eucharist, they will look at you with apparent incomprehension. If you finally get them to take your point, they will shrug their shoulders indifferently because they are obviously more invested in their idolatry than the correct worship of God, heedless of the divine prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy in the Ten Commandments, and say "So what?"

32:00  The important thing to note is that religious people who follow their religious principles don't have bastards. Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic. Religious people have a moral system that maintains minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are not parents of bastards while sexuallly liberated atheists who are also nihilists don't think a degenerate next generation is a problem because once they are dead, the actions and character of their badly parented bastard offspring - if they have any at all - is not their problem any more.

33:00  The people with the right to have sex and legitimate children in a patriarchy would be marriageable men and women while it is a free for all in our degenerate matriarchy.

35:00  Atheists are nihilists who decline to make themselves marriageable or make any sacrifices to bring up the next generation. They will tend to be Green Party supporters who are more or less told it is OK to mutilate your sex organs (thereby sterilising yourself and destroying any chance of becoming a good parent of legitimate offspring) in order to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex) before they are adult. The parent most likely to support such a course of action would be the unmarried mother who will not have to contend with the objections of her illegitimate offspring's father in a society where fathers have been denuded of their rights.

36:00  Dutton:  "For society to remain healthy, 90% of it must not breed."

40:00  Dutton talks about the Christian duty to "understand God's revelation". The best way to understand the nature and purpose of God is to acknowledge the wisdom of His laws. Dutton should be informed that the New Testament says nothing about science, but the Koran does.

47:00  As well as his bizarre stories of Muslims in Qatar believing God has arms and legs, Keith Woods says "Judaism does not have a concept of an afterlife". Obviously, he has not heard of the olam haba.

Even more bizarrely, Keith Woods seems to think that Jews came after the Greeks because he says Jews got the idea of the soul from the Greeks. What else will he say next? That the earth is flat? 

51:00  Western identity is a fundamental problem.

53:00  The Reformation was basically European monarchs asserting their independence from the Pope.

59:00  Unwin on sexual repression to maintain civilisation

1:00:00  Richard Spencer invites us to consider if Islam could win and whether it has any virtues.

1:03:00  Feminism and White Sharia

1:05:00  Spencer would like a dialogue with Muslims. He could dip his toe in the waters by talking to me first.

Richard Spencer:

We might need to adopt some of the virtues of Islam if not all of it in order to survive.  It is a kind of natural reaction against the ultimate consequence of Western ways of thinking which is if it feels good do it to satisfy your empty soul with material goods and that something like Islam is ultimately necessary. for a discussion about this. The mulishness of Morally Compromised Slut-Fuckers should be an eye opener. Men who want to be married fathers and who want to parent their legitimate offspring properly should of course ignore the naysayers who refuse to express remorse and who refuse to repent by supporting Secular Koranism, preferring to blame Jews and Muslims for the consequences of condoning fornication and unmarried parenthood - the primary cause of degeneracy and the decline and fall of Western civilisation.

Remember, Mark Collett is not a married father and Millennial Woes probably has no prospect of becoming a married father either because he is so incorrigibly neurotic with his weak character, flabby morals and inability to discuss the purpose of religion with me even after admitting that it was an urgent and important topic in 2019 at

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