
Sunday, 16 February 2020

Two white men talk about black people

22:00 Otto tells a story about African scrounging

26:00 Christianity does not forbid alcohol, but Islam does. It has been said that Christianity and Hypocrisy march hand in hand. Can you think of a reason for this traditional association?

28:00 The origins of corruption are cognitive dissonance. Christianity is a religion of cognitive dissonance and the chickens have now come home to roost.

34:00 Time to take democracy out with the trash and bury its stinking rotten corpse. White men should have the courage to discuss this with me.

44:00 You would expect young men to be over represented in criminality and militarism because young men like to fight and feel they have to fight and take risks to prove themselves.

1:00:00 Slavery is an institution like marriage and prostitution. Institutions should be regulated rather than criminalised. Slavery could also be an alternative to the welfare state.

1:34:00 "China is the model."

2:26:00 More people like Chinese food than they like German food.

2:27:00 Kevin's Sinophobia is well-known.

2:28:00 Luke Ford is basically unwatchable most of the time because Luke's streams are just Luke's streams of consciousness. Luke only wants background noise, not a proper conversation and has just a little more content than Zero's streams. Luke might have the occasional guest on to show off his contacts as a narcissist, but he is not really interested in a dialogue at all. He does not have a position to defend, only topics that he regularly rotates to pander to the ancestral hatreds and current grievances of his subscribers. Guests are made to feel like they are minor actors waiting backstage listening for their cue and do not even get their avatar displayed, while the whole time the camera is trained on the looming face of Luke the Narcissist who is clearly more into the 12 Steps and his former career in porn than the religion he has converted into for status reasons. I am not even Jewish but feel a vicarious sense of outrage that someone like Luke is actually allowed to call himself a Jew, to speak and behave as he does and not be expelled from his community again.

I had hoped to be able to have a series of conversations with Luke after his parting of ways with Kevin, but Luke is basically into the same old format and does not feel at all comfortable about having a conversation with me about his beliefs, because he has none at all apart from that of being a shameless and robotic sociopath with no principles that he cares to either state or defend.

2:30:00 I don't think James needs to fear Kevin becoming a regular on the Otto Show. Kevin was clearly uncomfortable with being corrected and contradicted by Otto when he was back on his knee-jerk monologues of "Aren't non-white people corrupt and backward compared to us good wonderful white people because they are genetically/culturally inferior" theme.

My advice to Kevin would be to do his own show and interact with the chat a bit more and of course discuss Secular Koranism with me and why it will be the legal system of the West very soon. Or not. I know he won't be able to bring himself to do that, because he is too full of hatred and neurosis to do that. One of the people who utterly convinced me that Christianity was kaput is Kevin, and it would be useful to discuss it with him to advance the cause of Secular Koranism. Sadly, Kevin is one of those white people who want to go to their graves without being seen to lose the argument instead of feeling he has a duty to discuss what needs to be discussed to guide white people away from the road to perdition.

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