
Monday, 17 February 2020

Secular Koranism, Greater Israel, Larping Muslims, halal slaughter, Thucydides Trap [from 19:00]

20:00  My rabbinical communications
21:00  Ranking the four world religions in accordance to their Noahide-observance
22:00  Maimonides
23:00  Jews 0.02% of the world population
24:00  Not even Jews would claim Maimonides was not infallible.
25:00  Islamophobic Noahides
26:00  Islamophobes
28:00  Islam is Judaism Lite.
29:00  Jews have a religious obligation to gentiles.
30:00  Jews of all the peoples in the world are not allowed to acquire empire.
31:00  Greater Israel
32:00  Jews should decare Islam more Noahide than Christianity.

33:00  Greater Israel would have to be a theocracy. Assuming God is not fussy over whether it is a Torah theocracy or a Koranic theocracy, it would be rational to choose "Theocracy Lite" in the form of Secular Koranism.

34:00  Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi and Jordan could pool their sovereignty as the European nations did after two World Wars in what is now the EU.
36:00  Most people don't care who they are governed by as long as they feel that they are getting the best possible government with crime and taxes low.
37:00  Tolstoy's War and Peace
39:00  Secular Koranism is technically a theocracy.
40:00  How Muslims can incentivise rabbis into performing their religious obligations to the gentile
41:00  The supreme blasphemy of idolatrous of Christianity
43:00  The Post-Christian West whose religion is kaput
45:00  Allah is a Zionist.
46:00  Dr Abdul Wahid of Hizb-ut Tahrir said the Caliphate would have no borders.
47:00  Futile missions
48:00  Jews have a duty to exterminate the Amalek.
49:00  America is not a Noahide nation despite Education and Sharing Day.
51:00  Chabad have to point out that America is not a Noahide nation and the quickest way for them to remedy this problem is to adopt Secular Koranism top Noahidise itself.
52:00  Charity begins at home and the home of Chabad is Brooklyn, USA.
53:00  Christianity's extreme idolatry and supreme blasphemy
54:00  Dr Abdul Wahid of HT
56:00  Obscuring the truth

1:00:00  Coronavirus

1:01:00  CONOPS joins.
1:02:00  Hizb-ut Tahrir
1:04:00  The Koran acknowledges tribes and nations.
1:06:00  Torah theocracy and the Al Aqsa Mosque
1:07:00  William Tyndale
1:08:00  Establishing legal traditions
1:10:00  Libertarianism
1:11:00  Why did the Ottoman Empire decline?
1:12:00  Closing the Gate of Interpretation
1:13:00  Isolationism
1:14:00  The Japanese were not too proud to modernise their military.
1:15:00  The Chinese were a stiff-necked people.
1:16:00  The Chinese experience finally discredited the system of monarchy
1:17:00  The career ladder of Chinese leaders 
1:18:00  How to Make Leaders (How Leaders are made) - Viral Chinese propaganda video [English]
1:19:00  Coronavirus
1:21:00  Keep calm on carry on.
1:22:00  The Bubonic Plague
1:23:00  Stalin
1:29:00  Methods of slaughter
1:31:00  Harakiri and Bushido
1:36:00  Millennial Woes
1:40:00  Muslim larping
1:40:30  Brutus the British/Saxon/'Insane
1:42:00  Poland was always Germany's backyard
1:44:00  The cause of British bellicosity Belgian neutrality or the Berlin to Baghdad Railway?
1:45:00  Thucydides Trap
1:48:00  Thalassocracy
1:49:00  Dreadnoughts
1:50:00  Europe destroyed itself the way the Greeks did
1:55:00  I roleplay the low countries.
1:56:00  I roleplay what Hitler would say if he could be interviewed about his most regrettable mistake.
1:57:00  Spheres of influence
1:58:00  The Koran allows only defensive wars.
1:59:00  The welfare state was to keep the returning soldiers quiescent.
2:02:00  Antisemitism
2:03:00  Antisemitism rises in proportion to how little Jews perform their religious obligation to gentiles in promoting the Noahide laws.
2:04:00 Scapegoating is a Jewish idea.
2:05:00  Antisemitism is the sin of envy.
2:06:00  Where you are on the food chain
2:07:00  Psychology
2:09:00  Self-fulling prophecies. Skin colour is the only unifying factor in the alt-right
2:11:00  The problem is status
2:12:00  Slavery
2:14:00  The perceived black problem is really a social/law and order problem.
2:15:00  Marriage is for legitimate children.
2:16:00  David Starkey claims 'the whites have become black'
2:18:00  Organised crime and crime families
2:21:00  Disorganised and organised crime
2:23:00  Offspring of married parents more likely to enjoy male solidarity.
2:25:00  Extended family
2:26:00  Postcode gangs and teen gangs
2:27:00  Moroccans
2:28:00  You are less likely to be a criminal if your parents are married.
2:31:00  Italian crime families
2:34:00  How can you change attitudes without changing the law?
2:35:00  People already want to believe in God.
2:36:00  Conops doubts if restoring the patriarchy would help because he thinks the West would become like Pakistan the moment we tried, it seems.
2:37:00  Libertarianism
2:38:00  Brown Muslims obviously did not follow their religion well enough to do better than the West, and the West could in theory follow these rules better with its advanced legal system.
2:40:00  Albania
2:42:00  Singapore and Malaysia
2:43:00  Indonesia
2:44:00  More anti-Chinese pogroms in Indonesia
2:46:00  There were always gentiles living in Israel.
Non-Jews in Israel must keep Noahide laws, chief rabbi says
2:48:00  The volcano I saw in Java.
2:50:00  Hosni Mubarak is mentioned apropos of nothing.
2:53:00  Turkey
2:54:00  Libya
2:55:00  Liberal democracy
2:56:00  Imran Khan
2:57:00  Tribalism
2:59:00  Pre-industrial societies tend to be tribal.
3:00:00  Caliph
3:01:00  Muhammad and Moses and their sons
3:05:00  Muhammad's children
3:06:00  A one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism
3:07:00  Muslims in India
3:12:00  Ahmadiyya
3:13:00  Government-approved Muslims
3:15:00  Karl Marx
3:16:00  Selling Secular Koranism to the government
3:17:00  Greater Israel

3:20:00 If European nations who fought two World Wars with each other can set their differences aside and pool their sovereignty to become the EU, then so can Arabs and Israelis.
3:21:00  Liberal democracy
3:22:00  Yoram Hazony, Rabbi Kahane and Biblical values

3:23:00  An examination in Koranic Knowledge is all that is required to start the ball rolling.
3:23:00  Bahrain and its Koranically forbidden sectarianism
3:27:00  Why Iran became Shia
3:28:00  Shah Abbas
3:31:00  Secular Koranism would have different national characteristics.
3:32:00  British Secular Koranism
3:33:00  What else other than Secular Koranism could be used to restore the patriarchy?
3:34:00  Secular Koranism has certain features that could attract it support eg 20% flat rate income tax, legal brothels, slut-shaming, defaulting on usurious loans, restoring the patriarchy etc.
3:35:00  Rabbis could give Secular Koranism their seal of approval if they want Greater Israel.
Muslims could support Secular Koranism if they want to do their dawah.
3:36:00  It is a Great Project.
3:39:00  Allah is Zionist.
3:41:00  Lebanon
3:42:00  It is only when people think it won't help them to play by the rules that civil war starts.
3:43:00  Terrorism and political exclusion
3:44:00  Charles Manson was criminally insane.
3:46:00  Men with a grudge against society
3:47:00  Falling Down

3:48:00  If Muslims commit a violent act, people assume it is terrorism. If an Islamophobe does the same thing, it is assumed to be mental illness. Have we decided whose shoes we would rather be in - that of the murdering Muslim or the murdering Islamophobe? A terrorist might well be regarded as having more moral agency than a lunatic, for it is moral agency that dignifies a human being, is it not?
3:49:00  Would we rather be murdered by a lunatic or a terrorist?
3:50:00  Islam is more potent because it combines religion with politics.

3:51:00  The reason the Americans separated the church from their state was because they were tired of Christian on Christian religious persecution.


3:53:00  Fashions of political philosophy

3:56:00  Confucius
3:58:00  Jizya
3:59:00  The defender has the psychological advantage.
4:00:00  75% chance of winning
4:01:00  Think in centuries and govern in the national interest.
4:04:00  Constitution of the Chinese Community Party
4:05:00  Constitution of the Conservative Party
4:06:00  Why two terms only?
4:07:00  Like an AGM
4:08:00  Papal Conclave Rules
4:11:00  Democracy would only work if most voters were wise.
4:12:00  Factions
4:15:00  We are a diverse community.
4:17:00  The political party should be subject to judicial review.
4:19:00  The ethno-nationalist "strategy"
4:23:00  David Cameron
4:24:00  What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
4:25:00  Industrial Revolution
4:26:00  The foundations of Western power
4:27:00  Demographics is destiny.
4:28:00  Degenerate nation
4:29:00  Germany
4:31:00  Sartre
4:32:00  Heidegger
4:33:00  Arthur Koestler
4:34:00  Feminism
4:36:00  French Revolution
4:37:00  Welfare State, the Sex Revolution and narrowing franchise
4:38:00  A one party theocracy
4:39:00  Sermon on the Mount
4:44:00  What is the difference between good and evil?
4:47:00  Interpretation
4:48:00  Slavery
4:49:00  Manumission
4:51:00  Modern Slavery Act 2015
4:55:00  My feelings for Jen are well known!
4:56:00  Impartial Administrator
5:01:00  Whores and sluts
5:03:00  Going by the book
5:04:00  I am not going to forbid what the Koran has allowed, or allow what it has forbidden.

2:23:00  CONOPS joins
2:28:00  Jen seems to think only under 10 laws and her "oral tradition" is enough to run society. Conops does not demur.
2:28:00  Morality is a set of commandments and prohibitions designed to keep the group together and apart from others.
2:29:00  Jen talks about my "central strategy" and my "predictions".

2:30:00  Restore the patriarchy with slut-shaming Secular Koranism.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.

Matriarchy is a society that priorities the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their casually conceived illegitimate offspring.

If you shame sluts with, there will be fewer of them.

Why would this not work?

"The link between criminality and bastardy is well-established."

2:31:00  Psychopath

2:32:00  The jury is still out on whether the reaction against Coronavirus was an overreaction. My position is that it is.

2:33:00  Eugenics v Dysgenics - another Jen Word Salad

2:40:00  Gandalf thinks I am a tiger in the bedroom. RAWRRRR!

2:41:00  What is good?
“…for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so”

All decisions should be based on Truth, Logic and Morality.

What you do that is true and logical eg take something that does not belong to you because you want it even if it is not yours, is not be moral. Therefore all civilised societies would have laws against theft.

It is better to live in a society that is conformity with the Noahide laws than one which does not eg a society in which you cannot expect redress if your property has been stolen because it has no legal system to administer and enforce laws. It is better to live in a civilised society than live under the law of the jungle.

The purpose of morality is stop us from hurting each other unnecessarily.

Religious commandments and prohibitions have the effect of making us help people in our group or restrain us from hurting them.

Obviously, how effective they are as a whole depends on the reputation of the group in question.

As we know, Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe from which Christianity and Islam were derived. Judaism is for Jews only and Christianity is kaput. This being true, it would be moral and rational for the West to adopt Islam or the Theocracy Lite that is Secular Koranism.

3:26:00  "Quantum entanglement of people"

"Coherent entanglement - when you have the ability to pass information between minds, that means it is coherent. So entanglement is one thing but coherent means information can actually pass so there's no physical barrier on that as long as you can coherently extend your mind to the size of the planet and you know how to psychically interfere with other people, there's really no difference to someone being right beside you and on the other side of the planet and there are some people I have had the honour to meet who are incredibly gifted in this domain."

Wow, thanks, Jen!  xxx

You do often say things about me that hurt my feelings, but I knew you liked me really!

4:42:00  Two white men talk about black people

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