
Tuesday, 18 February 2020

What is the difference between a political activist and larper?

I call myself a political activist, because I go about the business of political activism propagating my message.

Can a political activist also be a larper?

LARP is an acronym for Live Action Role Play which an adult version of make believe. Children have their dressing up box with their costumes so they can pretend to be fairies, leprechauns, princesses, Superman, Gandalf, cowboys, Indians, cops, robbers etc.

It is my contention that political activists can also be larpers if their political goal is so unrealistic as to be nonsensical.

I used to think that this phenomenon was the preserve of the alt-right who larp as Nazis, characters from J R Tolkien's fantasy novels, but what is even more alarming are rabbinical and Muslim larpers.

Examples of religious larpers:

Chabad rabbis who see their role as promoters of Jew-administered Noahidism who labour under the delusion that gentiles would ever in sufficient numbers submit themselves to having their religion created and administered by Jews when there is already Islam, without a war of conquest

Muslims who promote a Caliphate without borders eg Dr Abdul Wahid of Hizb-ut Tahrir

Mind you, my own mother calls me a crank. Even so, I would argue that my goals are realistic in that I only want my questions answered by some public intellectual with an opposing view to me. The fact that no one will engage with me either from the establishment or those who are opposed to the establishment ie the alt-right would suggest that my argument is victorious and supreme.

It is so supreme and victorious that no one will discuss it, because they wish to suppress it and deprive it of the oxygen of publicity. Their short term tactic is to ignore me, and their long term strategy is to wait for me to die of old age with no one else to prepared to propagate my message.

Livy wrote of a time when Romans could no longer bear their vices nor their cure, and so they did nothing until Rome fell. The Romans did not have the option of converting to Islam because Rome fell before Muhammad was born.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes our mothers are right, Claire

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