
Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Western Man and his conspiracy of silence

You suffer from degeneracy if most parents in your society are unmarried. If most parents in your society are unmarried, it means your religion is kaput, because the least any religion ought to be doing is to ensure that most people marry before having babies.

When most men who complain about the government cannot discuss solutions because they fear each other too much to do so, you know the political system is broken. If your religion is broken then your politicians will be corrupt and cowardly voted into office by even more corrupt and cowardly voters who are in denial about the state of their nation.

Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic. White Nationalists won't discuss restoring the patriarchy with marriage using slut-shaming Secular Koranism. Yet when I ask them what they think religion is for or what solution they propose other than kicking out and killing people, they fall mysteriously silent. What could be the matter with them?

Centuries of Christianity has rotted their minds away.

Christians either really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God, or only pretend to do so.

If they really believe this absurdity, they are stupid and weak.

If they only pretend to believe it, they are corrupt and weak.

That is why Western Man is morally rotten.

It is a toxic mixture of arrogance and ignorance and their innate chauvinism, of course. Because they think they have nukes and have nuked Japan twice, they think they are superior. But military superiority is not permanent. They don't seem to understand that either, or do not wish to discuss it, because they are cowardly and dishonest. The ones who think they are superior because they used to rule the world are only living on borrowed time, borrowed money and are a dead man walking.
And there are some who use the fact that God has not appeared before them like a genie in a lamp as an excuse to deny the necessity of theocracy.

Faith is very simple really: we just choose to believe.

If you see the wisdom of God's laws, you would feel morally obliged to obey them. If you obey them, you incline towards belief and want the rest of society to obey them and therefore the solution of theocracy is both moral and logical.

If you wish to flout His laws, you would deny God's existence because it makes no sense at all to believe in God while flouting His laws and fearing His punishment.

There are those who affect to be intelligent and sceptical, who studied philosophy as undergraduates, but who cannot answer me when I ask them what they think religion is for. I suppose they intend to go to their graves refusing to answer the question. When your religion no longer works, grown men who have studied philosophy as undergraduates refuse to answer philosophical questions because they refuse to acknowledge that their idolatrous and blasphemous religion and their apparently inerrant political system is at fault. Apparently, it is not their job as thinking political activists to consider such questions.

If black people do have lower IQ than white people, it is because more of them are the product of unmarried parenthood.

White men in denial that they are living in a degenerate matriarchy cannot bear to discuss restoring the patriarchy. If they disagree that restoring the patriarchy is not the answer to the oppression of living in a matriarchy, what better idea do they have other than killing and kicking people out which most of them, want deep down, but dare not say it?

The fact that the West is a matriarchy means Christianity is kaput. So the next question arises: should Christianity be replaced if it is kaput?

Presumably they don't want to admit that Christianity is kaput because they don't want to consider whether it should be replaced.

They don't want to discuss whether it should be replaced because they have already heard of my solution, which they cannot bring themselves to discuss because they already know Christianity is kaput.

These men are often political activists with degrees, not ignorant folk who never consider such things. Some of them have even studied philosophy as undergraduates. It would appear that not only is Christianity kaput, Western philosophy is also a heap of hooey because it offers no solutions.
Are they taking the position that white people don't need a religion effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality because their magic white skin is going to save them from degeneracy and the matriarchy? It would appear so.

Do such men who have retreated into infantilism deserve to live in an advanced civilisation? I would say not.

If people deserve their government, what does a nation of men afraid to offend unmarried mothers deserve, especially if they are hypocrites who once pretend that they cared about their own racial hygiene?

A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their casually conceived illegitimate offspring. Britain is undeniably matriarchy. In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother. Andrew Sabisky is now gone because he offended unmarried mothers and their representatives.

What self-respecting man lives in a matriarchy without protest? 

But if he protests he would be immediately crushed and ostracised by his slut-fucking associates. So even if a man agreed with me, he would be too cowardly to be seen to agree with me. 

Only under a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest and the men I speak to cannot bear for the obvious to be pointed out. This means they cannot accept the truth, much less logic or morality.   

One of the reasons why fewer and fewer men are married now is because marriage is no longer a good bargain for men. Men, being primarily motivated by sex, will do anything for sex, including marry and pay for the children of their wife. Since they no longer need to marry in order to have sex with women, they ask themselves "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" The only way to make marriage a good bargain for men again is to abolish no fault divorce and shame sluts with but lily-livered men who have no investment in the next generation or concern for posterity prefer to keep quiet to avoid upsetting their political associates who will invariably be other slut-fucking men who will have sired bastards.

Not only is Christianity kaput and Britain no longer a God-fearing country, it is now a matriarchy and its men overwhelmingly slut-fearing. 

Have you noticed how not even men who complain about feminism even want to restore the patriarchy by reintroducing slut-shaming?  It is because even discussing the subject honestly and rationally is more trouble than its worth to these men. They will not engage with me on the subject other than to say that their collective tactic of refusing to engage with me on the subject means it will never be discussed, let alone addressed.   

These men refuse to risk anything to address the most urgent issue of the day, presumably because they think they stand a reasonable chance of going to their graves without having to admit the error and disaster of feminism. Do such men deserve to live in advanced civilisation? 

The reason why they are so indifferent to the interests of the next generation is because most of them are not married fathers. There are even those of them who are married fathers who won't discuss that either, presumably because they do not feel they owe their legitimate children even the trouble of discussing the importance of the institution of marriage in oiling the wheels of your civilisation to keep your civilisation going.

This has happened before, for it was Livy the Roman historian who said "We can neither bear our vices nor their cure."

The Romans had the excuse of not having Islam to adopt because Islam came after Rome. We do not. We even have Secular Koranism, which is "Islam Lite".

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