
Friday 28 February 2020

Why Gay Hindu Vincent Bruno wants the Noahide laws repealed

3:00  The Noahide laws are a universal minimum standard of morality
4:00  The biggest empires of the world are Christian and Islamic. China had the Mandate of Heaven which is arguably an Ancient Chinese apprehension of the Abrahamic God to whom emperors must eventually answer to.
5:00  The Thucydides Trap of Britain and America
6:00  The rule of law accompanies all great empires and civilisations.
7:00  If you are interested in maintaining your empire as Constantine the Great did, you would have to adapt to new circumstances and change your religion and identity in order to survive.
8;00  Gay Hindu Vincent Bruno would obviously not relish being executed as a sodomite under the Noahide laws, but those would only apply to him if he were living in Israel and convicted of sodomy. Israel is very far from becoming a sodomite-executing theocracy.
9:00  Being Noahide is a universal seal of appeal.
10:00  Some Hindus want the Noahide seal of approval others do not. Some rabbis think Hinduism should get their seal of approval, others don't. My point is that Islam is the most proximate religion to this standard, closer than Buddhism, Hinduism or Christianity.
13:00  Why do Jews always boast about their wonderful religion with laws that they never follow while claiming superiority over you?
14:00  I speculate on the reason why the Koran has lighter and fewer punishments than the Torah.
21:00  Maimonides
22:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
24:00  Deuteronomy 12:3
25:00  Abraham
26:00  This injunction only applies to the defined borders of Israel.
31:00  Outsourcing the job of Noahidising the world to Muslims
32:00  There will be no global Jewish jihad against idols.
33:00  Jews are meant to be back in Israel.
35:00  Vincent Bruno
37:00  Israel has to be a Torah theocracy first for gentiles to be executed for idolatry and sodomy.
39:00  Illegal to proselytise Christianity in Israel.
40:00  Greater Israel
42:00  National Religious Party
43:00  Idolatry is a Jewish idea.
44:00  Ticklist of the Noahide laws
45:00  Islam or rabbinically-administered Noahidism for gentiles?
46:00 on Trinitarianism
49:00  Christianity
50:00  Noahidism
56:00  Islam
57:00  Religious community
59:00  Regular place of worship
1:00:00  Noahides tend to be ex-Catholics, Texans or Canadians
1:01:00  Noahides are basically neglected by rabbis who care more about their own fellow Jews than Noahides.
1:02:00  Bishop Williamson
1:03:00  European architecture
1:04:00  Analogy
1:05:00  Boiler
1:06:00  Richard Spencer's views on Islam
1:10:00  Christianity
1:11:00  Blasphemy laws, Michael Servetus, John Calvin
1:13:00  Restoring the patriarchy
1:14:00  The rearing of the next generation
1:17:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
1:18:00  Noahides
1:19:00  What constitutes religiosity
1:25:00  Noahidism began in the 1960s
1:26:00  Scary Muslims
1:27:00  Secular Koranism
1:28:00  What Vincent is trying to achieve
1:29:00  Using Vincent's homosexuality against him
1:30:00  Idolatry and Steven Anderson
1:34:00  Hidden idolatry
1:39:00  The Vatican
1:40:00  Babies in purgatory
1:41:00  Infant baptism
1:43:00  Lip service
1:44:00  National Day of Prayer
1:46:00  Jews would lose their chosen status if everyone became Jews
1:47:00  Judaism is an exclusive club, Islam a political party in a one party state.
1:48:00  Jews are held to a higher standard.

Church of Entropy, who has blocked me on Hangouts again, deleted my comment which said:

The Noahide laws are a universal moral minimum containing the 7 tick boxes you need to check before you can declare yourself to be Noahide-observant. Vincent could only tick 4 because he won't forbid idolatry, blasphemy or sexual immorality, while Secular Koranism ticks all 7.

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