
Thursday, 5 March 2020

Are Jews really responsible for feminism and the Sex Revolution as antisemites claim?

8:00  Being declared Noahide was a desired seal of approval.

9:00  Imagine if Chabad agreed with Vincent and said:

"America is not in fact Noahide so we must now withdraw the Jewish seal of approval. We therefore support Vincent Bruno's campaign to repeal legislation declaring America to be Noahide because this has caused great confusion making Americans and non-Americans think America is Noahide when in fact American government policies are satanic, which Muslims define as rebellion from God. It is after all America that is the source of Transnational Progressivism turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah doubtless attracting the same punishment from God. The Jewish seal of approval should never have been given to America in the first place. In fact, it should be withdrawn from all countries that regard themselves Christian because it is established Jewish opinion that Christians practise idolatry. Jews are not in fact allowed to enter churches because they are places where the abomination of idolatry is practised, while they are allowed to enter mosques.

Obviously, it is Supreme Idolatry and Extreme Blasphemy to declare that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of Hashem. Christians do not even deny that this is in fact what they do, because their Doctrine of the Trinity requires this. T
he narrative of their idolatrous religion is that Sanhedrin wanted Christ executed for blasphemy, and the New Testament confirms that Christ did indeed say that he and God are one.  
Disgracefully, Christians have not been admonished either by Muslims or Jew for their idolatry for centuries. Muslims are commanded by to admonish Christians, but they have been too frightened to do so. Jews have been no better either, going along with the whole Trinitarian tripe because it has been so profitable doing business with the British and American imperialists with their global empire. It is now time for Jews, Christians and Muslims to express collective remorse for intentionally, recklessly or negligently failing to obey their own religious principles, and this neatly explains why global business is so bad, with one thing after another, and now the Coronavirus. 
In a global act of Jewish repentance, rabbis globally should collectively declare all countries that have legalised gay marriage to have flouted the Noahide prohibition against sexual morality. This would be the best way for Jews to make up for centuries of neglecting to fulfil their religious obligation to the gentile of promoting the Noahide laws, recommend Islam to Westerners and generally set and maintain standards which was what God chose them to do in the first place."

11:00  The average Westerner is more likely to be an antisemite than Christian.

13:00  Alison Chabloz being treated as guilty of Holocaust Denial even where there are no laws against Holocaust Denial laws in the UK.

14:00   Holocaust memorials will be perceived as Jewish triumphalism and provoke vandalism and criminal damage.

14:30  Jews are not really that clever. Like most gentiles, most Jews are liberal and liberalism is about to fall out of fashion in a big way very soon because of the failure and disaster of liberal policies, especially that of liberal parenting.

16:00  It is impossible to be a good Jew and a good liberal. Jews should no longer be allowed to have their cake and eat it. It is also impossible to be a good Christian and a good liberal nor a good Muslim and a good liberal. Liberalism in the 21st century only means sexual liberation and all the five world religions forbid sexual immorality. Sexual immorality is defined as extramarital sex.

17:00  Thoughtcrime only provokes more thoughtcrime.

18:00  The formerly working classes of the West no longer have a role and are now the clients of the welfare state. Because they are no good to man nor beast but politicians fear to offend them because need their vote every election, the political establishment currently give them welfare to stop them rioting, but use immigrant labour to replace the social function of the white formerly working classes. They are in fact being warehoused for extinction because they are now being enticed with gay marriage and transgenderism as a lifestyle choice to stop this parasitic class from increasing in number and adding to the tax burden of the productive.

19:00  Why do Jews rule? Why do clever and rich people rule?
20:00  Jews don't care about gentiles. Do gentiles care about Jews?
22:00  Jews and gentiles are in a co-dependent relationship.
24:00  Love thy neighbour and scapegoating are Jewish ideas.
25:00  Envy is considered a deadly sin because it is socially divisive. At worst, it could cause a civil war.
26:00  People fight and kill for status.
27:00  Religion protects a group. Jews and Muslims are more powerful than the white working classes who are being warehoused for extinction.
28:00  Rabbi Harry Waton
30:00  Muslim behaviour
31:00  Slavery
32:00  Why the Labour Party prefers to solicit votes from Muslims to non-unionised white formerly working classes
33:00  The Western education system does not equip most school-leavers to become desirable employees.
34:00  No one is in charge.
35:00  What are Chabad rabbis even thinking of? Why would any rational gentile want his religion to be administered by rabbis who would be more concerned about Jews than gentiles? Noahides are basically ex-Christian Islamophobes who reject the Trinity but cannot accept Islam but are not prepared to accept the restrictions of Judaism.

36:00  Gentiles grabbing Jews by their skirt

37:00  Jubilee

39:00  Joseph

40:00  Liberalism came from the French Revolution
43:00  Nigerian scammers and damsels in distress
44:00  Neurotic women imposing their preferences on the rest of society
45:00  Democracy is stupid and Christianity is kaput.
46:00  Are white people mad and silly because their religion is kaput and their political system is crap?
47:00  All religions are closed system favouring their own adherents.
48:00  Hinduism
50:00  Joseph crashed the economy in Egypt, according to Vincent.

51:00  I confuse my Pharaohs.

Judaism is the pilot scheme that Jews were part of. Islam is the full-scale project for the rest of us.

53:00  New Testament

54:00  If everyone became Jews, then Jews would lose their identity and be victims of cultural appropriation.

56:00  If Israel wanted to become a theocracy to fulfil its role as God's Chosen People, chosen to be light unto the nations and setting universal standards, which would it choose - a Torah theocracy or a Koran-based theocracy? I advise them not to attempt to start running before they can crawl. If Islam is Judaism Lite, then Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. If they really want to acquire Greater Israel peacefully, that is what they should adopt, because Secular Koranism is technically a theocracy more likely to put them in good standing with God than the Transnational Progressivism that it imposed on them by America.

57:00  HIndus who want to be Noahide
59:00  Rabbi: Jews Should Choose Death Over Allowing LGBTQ Lessons in School
1:00:00  Jews are not choosing their job as the Chosen People chosen to be light unto the gentiles.
1:02:00  Why Jews have to sell their hametz to gentiles at Passover to remind them of their duty to set minimum moral standards amongst gentiles.
1:02:00  Jewish assimilation terrifies gentiles.
1:03:00  The godless Jew is a danger to mankind.
1:04:00  Jews don't know their own strength while playing the victim card, and this infuriates gentiles. Jews are regarded by gentiles as already privileged by anti-discrimination legislation against religious and racial discrimination asserting even more privilege over them by playing the victim card.
1:05:00  Jews who have difficult and broken marriages with gentiles predictably fan the furnace of antisemitism.
1:06:00  OV and Brundle
1:07:00  Leftism and liberalism
1:08:00  International Communism and National Conservatism
1:09:00  Classical Liberalism.  Polytheism is pluralism
1:10:00  Conservatism

1:11:00  OV joins. The Roman pantheon is discussed.

1:16:00  Jizya
1:18:00  The city of Rome finally fell in 476 AD. Muhammad was born in 570 AD.
1:19:00  The inclusiveness of empires
1:22:00  Jews exploit the loopholes of liberalism to benefit themselves SHOCK HORROR
1:25:00  Who is responsible for the Liberal Jew? The Liberal Gentile, of course.
1:27:00  Sheldon Adelson
1:28:00  The more sodomy is suppressed, the more people want to do it.
1:35:00  The best way to abolish usury is to ban it globally with Islam.
1:31:00  Liberalism is not Jewish.
1:33:00  The Noahide laws are undeniably Jewish.
1:34:00  John Calvin
1:35:00  The Bank of England
1:36:00  The Netherlands, the Rothschilds and the Napoleonic Wars
1:37:00  OV pretends that Jews are the only people who ever committed crimes and no gentile ever did anything wrong until the Jews came along, subverted and then destroyed Christianity with - guess what - Liberalism!
1:38:00  "Jewish behaviour"
1:39:00  Karl Marx
1:40:00  Leftism. France, Britain and Russia are empires. All empires are necessarily and logically multicultural and multiracial.
1:43:00  Disraeli
1:44:00  Blaming Jews for the French Revolution
1:46:00  What Jews do
1:47:00  Secular Koranism
1:48:00  Who is a Jew?
1:49:00  Only Judaism is a religion of a race.
1:50:00  Racial determinism
1:51:00  The Babylonian Talmud
1:52:00  The Talmud is rabbis arguing with each other about Judaism.
1:53:00  The traditionalism and social conservatism of Judaism
1:54:00  Too clever for their own good
1:55:00  Jewish assimilation the cause of antisemitism.
1:59:00  The wandering Jew
2:00:00  Magnus Hirschfeld  of Weimar Germany
2:02:00  OV blames Jews for normalising sodomy.
2:03:00  Transgenderism and Desmond is Amazing
2:05:00  Jews disproportionately involved
2:06:00  The Pink Swastika
2:07:00  Why Jews identify with minorities
2:08:00  Separating Jews and gentiles
2:09:00  Balkanisation
2:10:00  The Samson Option
2:14:00  The Chosen People and their sense of superiority
2:16:00  The Noahide laws are entirely Jewish.
2:17:00  The Jewish view on idolatry and blasphemy
2:19:00  Shituf
2:21:00  The cure is worse than the disease.
2:22:00  ADL and 13/50

2:23:00  The Sex Revolution established a matriarchy that does not care about men who are married fathers or men who want to be married fathers.

2:26:00  Protected characteristics of protected groups

2:28:00  Feminism and the Sex Revolution
2:29:00  Increasing sexual liberation
2:30:00  Paedophilia
2:31:00  The parenting of Desmond Napoles
2:33:00  The difference between castration and circumcision
2:35:00  Desmond Napoles
2:42:00  Extramarital sex should be discouraged.
2:43:00  Child beauty pageants
2:44:00  Should happiness be pursued in the American Way?

2:46:00  G K Chesterton:

“When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing — they believe in anything.”

2:47:00  America has an education system that does not encourage learning. 
2:48:00  The seductiveness of the American Dream
2:49:00  The culture of the American High School
2:50:00  The studio system of Hollywood
2:51:00  Abortion
2:53:00  A Polish Jewess
2:54:00  Gentile stupidity
2:55:00  Sheeple
2:56:00  Kevin Grace on the American High School from 2:33:00

2:57:00  High school massacres committed by Jews
3:00:00  The Feminist Revolution was also the Sex Revolution.
3:01:00  Groups with disportionate influence
3:02:00  Friends - the sitcom
3:03:00  The power of the media
3:04:00  Censorship
3:05:00  The Jewish prohibition against fornication
3:06:00  The Noahide laws
3:08:00  Sex-addicted gentile male antisemites forever complaining about Jews only want to continue being bribed with fornication by fornicatresses. They now refuse to give up the idea of extramarital sex being their human right.
3:10:00  Western Man does not worship God, he worships immoral women.
3:11:00  Western Man will not give up Free Love. Livy: "We can neither bear our vices nor their cure."

3:12:00  Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption, moral corruption leads to intellectual corruption, and intellectual corruptions means that that society's corrupt, hypocritical and cowardly politicians can no longer co-operate with each other to maintain minimum standards of morality because they fear the wrath of immoral women who will withhold sexual access from them. Men, being primarily motivated by sex, will do anything for sex, including marry and pay for the children of their wife. They will also think, speak and behave like women in order to maintain their access to sex, which explains why they can no longer bring themselves to criticise immoral and parasitic unmarried mothers who casually conceived and badly parent their illegitimate offspring.

3:13:00  Westerners never believed in Christianity anyway. They were forcibly converted into Christianity.

3:15:00  Why did the Americans the church from their state?

3:16:00  If the Americans really believed in Christianity, they would have said no to feminism and the Sex Revolution, but their belief was at best weak, and the belief that it was the right thing to do to separate the church from their state made them even less likely to follow the Christian prohibition against fornication. In just the same way Catholic Ireland fell to gay marriage, so did America and the rest of the West fall to the Sex Revolution after The Pill was invented.

3:17:00  Deuteronomy 19:15 is supposed to protect any man accused of a historic sexual offence from being convicted on the uncorroborated testimony of a possibly lying witness, but the overwhelming majority of Americans no longer have a common narrative that is their Judeo-Christian heritage because they are no longer Christian or know their Bible.

3:18:00  The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents
How We Ended Up With 40 Percent of Children Born Out of Wedlock
The Whites have become Black

By 1996, 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers. Seventy-two percent of juvenile murderers and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes. Seventy percent of teenage births, dropouts, suicides, runaways, juvenile delinquents, and child murderers involve children raised by single mothers. Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous and more likely to end up divorced. A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.

3:19:00  The Sex Revolution and Hollywood
3:21:00  Al Goldstein
3:22:00  ACLU
3:23:00  Christianity
3:24:00  Marriage and family values
3:25:00  There are no longer any laws that support the married father, only laws and practices that undermine the very institution of marriage itself eg the civil partnership, gay marriage, condoning underage sex, promoting a culture of sex and shopping.

3:26:00  The average age and the more powerful sex will dictate the nature of the national character. The average age in the West is now 40. This means that the national character of the West will be the personality and preferences of the 40 year old single mother who will have a grudge against all the men who have pumped and dumped her. 

3:27:00  Why the alt-right won't talk about abolishing no fault divorce

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...