
Wednesday, 4 March 2020

My YouTube channel may be given a third strike because of the hysterical accusations of Church of Entropy


Two people have liked his comment. Was one of them Church of Entropy? I have disliked his comment at

John SevenWhat tf... Reported her stream

This man is of uncertain mental health and cannot express his thoughts clearly at all. Recently, he has  made odd suggestions to me on Facebook which I have ignored.

24 FEB 2020, 16:00
Dor Yace
hi Claire 🌼
it's John seven
Noooo... I wanted to send you a white flower
Dor Yace
I'm not active on social media a lot except Instagram.. Here's my IG: honeywood00 and I know you're going to judge me but you have to know that I'm ashamed of looking women's pictures and liking them
Fuk... I wanted to make a good first impression.. But I want to be honest with you more
25 FEB 2020, 15:02

Claire Khaw Khaw (@oneparty4all). Ask me anything on ASKfm
Get in touch with Claire Khaw (@oneparty4all) — 26616 answers, 819 likes. Ask anything you want to learn about Claire Khaw by getting answers on ASKfm.

25 FEB 2020, 16:18
Dor Yace
You're so mysterious... 😍
I think...
WED 15:10
Dor Yace
Did you just report me on askfm? Omg
WED 22:50
Dor Yace
Either you reported me because I wrote "gay" or the website decided to remove my account
Your account is also disabled? Wtf
No sorry I just entered the wrong link... So what do you want to do now?
THURS 08:55
Dor Yace
You think you're being smarter by just seeing my messages and not responding, but it just made me lose interest in you..
SAT 08:24
Dor Yace
Hi Claire... I think I finally figured why you don't want to respond to me... Because you KNOW I don't want to debate with you
But I want you to know that I'm a good listener... And I'm starting to think you're a genius
SAT 16:23
Dor Yace
So I just listened to the Livestream where I talked
So you think you could make sense out of me better than anyone else
And you wanted them to kick me off the stream?
So you have mixed feelings towards me... So we share the same feelings towards each other
I think we have a lot in common... We just need to bond over something
You're British so we can bond over drinking tea.. or food or sex or going to the movies

Claire Khaw
What for? I said Jen was not guilty of idolatry as far as I was concerned because as far as I know, yoga worships no idols. Even if she were, Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief with Secular Koranism is a one size fits all legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists while restoring the patriarchy. If my channel gets another strike, it will be because of you maliciously reporting me.



Jen, everything you don't like to hear is a death threat. I heard you accuse Doooovid numerous times of this on your most recent Week In Review. No rational person regards the consideration of hypothetical situations a death threat, as you do in your hysterical way. The possibility of any government becoming an Islamic State executing idolaters is remote indeed, since there is no verse in the Koran that prescribes the execution of idolaters and the nearest Muslim country near to you ie Indonesia and Malaysia are known to have many idol-worshiping citizens and temples of idol worship. Muslims already know that even Jews and Muslims praying correctly could be guilty of hidden idolatry.

With that fact in mind, Muslims know it is not the place of Muslims to execute anyone else.

You may be too much under the influence of Vincent Bruno, another antisemitic hysteric who campaigns as if Israel is about to become a Torah theocracy that would execute both Jews and gentiles for idolatry, blasphemy and sodomy.  My point is that Jews who want to live under a theocracy should adopt Secular Koranism which is technically Noahide and disapproving of idolatry, but does not in fact execute anyone for it. Secular Koranism for Israel too!


I may have been given a strike just by discussing this his conspiracy theory with him but I am currently appealing this. It seems odd that only I am given a strike for hosting Vincent but the bigger channels who do in fact unashamedly promote antisemitism are not.

I am glad that Church of Entropy has stopped hysterically claiming that I was making death threats against her and changed the title from claiming that I urged that she be beheaded. However, in the description of her video entitled Claire's not sure if I should be stoned to death, she falsely and maliciously claims:

But still is very interested in encouraging people to make death threats about me on her stream.

Beheading was just another word for execution anyway, because it was the quickest most humane mode of execution in Mohammedan times.

Let us hope sanity and good sense will prevail in the end, in her, Western Woman and the West. I have an important role in this as long as I am not silenced, because allowing me to speak is the only peaceful way of resolving the most important issue of the day: gender relations, marriage and the rearing of the next generation. I urge YouTube to give my channel special consideration when I am so often anonymously and maliciously reported because people find my ideas threatening for they have an important and, dare I say it, crucial contribution to the debate that we must have, sooner rather than later, because all my methods of peaceful. I need someone at YouTube to have a policy of carefully considering the motivation of the people who have reported any stream on my channel and ask themselves why they are doing so, taking into account the history of my relationship with them and their probable political motivations in trying to get my channel deleted.

If my channel goes down because of the actions of her supporters which she encourages by making hysterical claims against me and others, bad things may happen to her channel too, I suspect. I do not want anything bad to happen to either Church of Entropy or her channel, but invite all concerned to ask themselves whether someone with her history of mental health should be allowed to rouse men of weak character thirsty for female attention to harm me or my channel to gain favour with her to act with impunity while I, who speak sense and have an important message, am silenced by false and malicious accusations.

She hates me now because she cannot win the argument using Truth, Logic and Morality and now refuses to engage further with me, for fear of losing the argument again and being seen to lose it.

I am now in the position of getting a strike even when I challenge the views and correct people like Vincent Bruno - who has become famous after being featured on my channel - while the people who do think everything is a Jewish conspiracy such as Church of Entropy gain ever more subscribers. For all I know, she is encouraging people to boycott and report me. (I forgive her though, because I know she is mentally ill because she cannot abide by the rules of Truth, Logic and Morality and concede that I have the better argument. Puffed up with pridefulness and narcissism, she will insist that she is the world's best debater while refusing to ever engage with me again in a debate.

It is time for

1)  Jews and gentiles
2)  Muslims and non-Muslims
3)  supporters of the status quo (ie supporters of globohomo indifferent to the parenting of the next generation) and supporters of the restoration of the patriarchy (ie supporters of married parents)

to have a final showdown on the subject of free speech and human rights.

Fall of the Ottomans & Rise of the Khilafah

DEBATE: Does God Exist - Part 2, Claire Khaw

National Conservatism
What is nationalism but government in the national interest?
What is government in the national interest?
What is it that Conservatives are trying to conserve?
Social Justice Warriors

10:00  Yoram Hazony
12:00  Nationalism
13:00  National interest
14:00  Mark Collett, Millennial Woes and Secular Koranism
15:00  What is religion for?
16:00  Jon Vance
17:00  A conspiracy of silence to suppress my ideas
18:00  Jews and Muslims
19:00  Religion
20:00  Hizb-ut Tahrir
21:00  Vincent Bruno and Adam Green of Know More News
22:00  Religion and politics
24:00  Noahide laws, David Duke, Mark Collett
25:00  Civic Nationalism v Ethno-nationalism
26:00  Equality and Human Rights Commission and tokenism
27:00  Jonathan Bowden
30:00  Religion
40:00  Buck-passing and accountability
41:00  One party theocracy
42:00  Clarification and crystallisation
43:00  Revelation
44:00  Political activism and Church of Entropy
46:00  Secular Koranism
47:00  Delusions
48:00  Church of Entropy's Oral Tradition
49:00  Church of Entropy appears in the chat.
52:00  Yoga and the personality particle
53:00  Minimum moral standard
54:00  Claire Khaw of YouTube
55:00  Quasi-celebrity status and humouring the patient
58:00  Omar joins.
1:01:00  Sufis
1:04:00  Bitter medicine
1:05:00  Omar speaks.


Mark Smith
​they fear the Khaw!

half- galician
​COE got upset w me for making fun of yoga

Freiherr von Ungern-Sternberg
​Sad for her, really

Mark Smith
​yeah she got lil r00kie to gas his old friends 😃

half- galician
​She blocked me from chat when i said i'd get her a dispensation to do yoga even if it was idolatrous once Noahide laws are imposed

Church of Entropy
​claire supremely BTFO!

Church of Entropy
​reduced to complete laughing stock!

Church of Entropy

Church of Entropy
​if the roles were reversed youd have banned me off your chat long ago @half- galician

Church of Entropy
​you are allergic to truth, so some truth you couldnt face, i dont know or care

half- galician
​'I cannot praise a cloistered virtue' John Milton. I'm against censorship.

Matt Young
​CoE bans all of her critics from the chat

Church of Entropy
​sure you are @half- galician

Church of Entropy
​you just deny it bc youre a liar

half- galician
​I'm still a fan, COE. I have a high pain threshold.

Church of Entropy
​you should be thanking me for correcting your disgusting behaviour (heresy)

Church of Entropy
​people are allowed to make reasonable counterargumetns, but there arent any valid counterargs against my position

Church of Entropy
​claires lying, she said the quantum periodic table was an idol. bc she cray

Cringe Nazi
​stfu coe you are a few levels of idiot above claire

Mark Smith
​get jen on

Church of Entropy
​claires sad bc she couldnt live up to my mininum moral standard

It's okay to be a self hating jew
​jenny shadow banned me xD

Mark Smith
​jen without a white knight?

Church of Entropy
​no ad hom no ascribing motive no fueling paranoia are minimum standards for asylum (lowest) tier of acceptance

Church of Entropy
​claire cant even get into the asylum, sad

Church of Entropy
​people are in this chat coping bc they cant even comply to a standard that would allow them to not be kicked out of an asylum

Mark Smith
​jen get on and establish parameters

Church of Entropy
​ive already told her that mark

Church of Entropy
​shes too stupid/dishonest to acknowledge/respect them, its been established long ago

Church of Entropy
​my streams are a school

Rune Skyttsing
​It is about time to get Jennifer Scharf on this stream... We have to set things straight

Church of Entropy
​me going on other streams is me being a doctor so asylum standards apply

Matt Young
​get on Jen I thought the oral tradition was superior

Church of Entropy
​calling the doctors credentials into question = hurts other patients - cant be tolerated

Church of Entropy
​this fact has been repeated numerous times, the fact you guys have memory loss is proof your minds are ill

Church of Entropy
​basically this is how claire works: she tries to get you to agree to her noahidism under false pretenses

half- galician
​dialogue leads to englightenment

Mark Smith
​can you guys remember erika and her excellent moderation?

Church of Entropy
​then when that fails, as it fails most of the time, she will resort to ad hom, gaslighting and railroading

Church of Entropy
​its not worth my time to engage w such people

Church of Entropy
​yes claire bow to your masters

Rune Skyttsing
​I have been wondering about whether or nor not The Most Honorable Claire Khaw is a member of the NAQSHBANDI MUJADDIDI SUFI ORDER.

Rune Skyttsing
​You know the ones who are running the Singapore Sufi Center-Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Order

Church of Entropy
​every single person in this chat is a troll

The Great Adversary
​I'm not.. I like you claire

Church of Entropy
​mental illness speaks

Church of Entropy
​claire begging me to come on for 30+ min

Church of Entropy
​25 ppl want to watch me humiliate claire from the chat for some reason

Church of Entropy
​anyone else find it weird that claire can never remember why i refuse to engage in her bullshit

Rune Skyttsing
​Claire Khaw doesn't have any screws loose — in other words, Claire Khaw is free of mental illness and in a reasonable state of mind. She is a sane person and is of sound mind and is mentally healthy.

half- galician
​Jen, the crowd demands you debate Claire.


Christine Ramsay said...

"Church of Entropy didn't say anything new" Lol! Each of your broadcasts is the same thing rehashed: Noahide, sexual offender, executed revolutionary, motherhood and apple pie....blah blah blah Millennial Woes, tie me up and bind me Jen ...blah blah blah complete freedom of belief, look I'm licking the carpet Jen, minimum moral standard. Sluts! Sluts! Sluts!!

Claire Khaw said...

And you just love it and can't get enough of me.

That Woman said...

Top notch stream

Claire Khaw said...

So glad you liked it. I didn't expect Church of Entropy to appear in the chat and was surprised and delighted. I could hear my voice trembling with emotion and affection. Omar was comic genius - Domingo at his best! I hope people noticed how quickly I anticipated what people who dislike Church of Entropy would say and headed them off at the pass by saying I didn't think she was guilty of idolatry at all, and even if she were, no one would be punished for idolatry under Secular Koranism which guarantees freedom of belief with

Christine Ramsay said...

Lol! It's better than Saturday Night Live or the Catherine Tate Show. Claire is comedy gold. Every utterance is lunacy with added Lesbian desperation. I'll miss the freeform batshittery when she finally gets banned.

Claire Khaw said...

It especially gratifying to be appreciated by one's sworn enemies.

The Citizen Reporter said...

I liked his you played it Claire and drew her out of the lurking crowd to respond lol

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...