
Sunday 22 March 2020

Church of Entropy shouts at me three times to "Shut up!" at 1:32:00, 1:56:00 and 2:01:00

3:00  Costco at Thurrock
4:00  Coronavirus COVID-19 - Science & Karma with Church of Entropy - Appreciation for Health Providers
7:00  Philosophical discussions on deductive and inductive reasoning reasoning
8:00  France's Macron threatened UK entry ban without more stringent measures - report
9:00  How Italy became the ground zero of Europe’s coronavirus crisis
Italy has more cases of Covid-19 and more deaths than anywhere outside of China, despite being one of the first countries in Europe to institute a travel ban. What went wrong?
13:00  The U.K. backed off on herd immunity. To beat COVID-19, we’ll ultimately need it.
14:00  Having our numbers thinned
15:00  Gay marriage and transgenderism
17:00  Covid-19 cannot be contained.
18:00  Reasons for God's punishments
19:00  Philosophical discussions
20:00  What is to be done?
21:00  Church of Entropy appears in the chat.


My comments under the video:

The HardKhaw Prawn
@Stefan Molyneux I would like to challenge you with the proposition "A one party theocracy is the antithesis of the status quo, therefore a one party theocracy is the solution to the problems of Western government."

I actually thought the debate was a waste of time. I imagine that the Tower of Babel was built on the Word Salads of J F Gariepy and others of his ilk.

It is logically impossible to rape a woman who commands you to rape her. As for whether there could be a rule where women are routinely raped, this would only happen in war when a country is invaded by marauding soldiers when people expect this sort of thing to happen. It is unthinkable that there would ever be a rule amongst men that women are routinely raped in peacetime, since to allow that to happen to the women of other men would mean that you would allow that to happen to your own women too. It is unthinkable that anyone owning property would agree to the theft of their own property unless the concept of communal property were to take hold which requires rules and their enforcement. The Noahide laws are the universal minimum standard of morality.

A should or shouldn't debate would have been more productive than a "WTF are you talking about?" debate.

They couldn't agree on the definition of morality, and that was why it went awry.  Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group together and apart from others.

JF was basically saying that he subscribed to no moral system on any permanent basis. If he felt he had to kill you, steal from you or commit sexual offences on you or your women, he would do so if he felt the circumstances justified it or felt he could get away with it.

Now all we have to do is decide for ourselves who we would rather choose as our leader.

Universal - applicable to all decent and rational human beings.

@Stefan Molyneux May I suggest you frame the rematch in the form of a leadership contest? Then we will have no doubt who will be the winner!

32:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
38:00  Why aren't we doing better?
41:00  The Black Death was pretty global.
42:00  Sin attracts God's punishment.
43:00  Italy as Ground Zero
58:00  Former Scottish Government official defends 'barbaric' claim coronavirus could be 'useful' in killing off bed blockers
Prof June Andrews faced a social media backlash for arguing that a pandemic could help the NHS by clearing record delayed discharge levels
1:01:00  Passport
1:04:00  Everything happens for the best and we live in the best of all possible worlds.
1:05:00  These things are sent are try us.
1:06:00  An Islamic attitude to death in the time of the Black Death
1:07:00  Christianity is kaput, therefore politicians are corrupt.
1:08:00  Before we die, we should try to make sense of what went wrong with our lives and society.
1:11:00  Church of Entropy were in a stream this week at
1:12:00  Stefan Molyneux and J F Gariepy's debate on Universally Preferable Behaviour v Moral Nihilism.
1:13:00  Redefining nationalism as government in the national interest
1:14:00  Pandering to the hatred and ignorance of low information, low status and low education mentally ill people abandoned by their government because they were singly-parented badly-educated NEETs with no purpose.
1:15:00  The tactic of waiting for me to die of Covid-19 rather than engage in an honest and rational debate with me about why Christianity is kaput and the distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference and why the only rational and moral choice is a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism to restore the patriarchy while guaranteeing freedom of belief with

1:18:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
1:19:00  Yogi
1:20:00  We discuss the Molyneux/Gariepy discussion on Nihilism v Universally Preferable Behaviour. Church of Entropy is angry and incoherent.

Randall McMurphy
​she's afraid of you Claire and your cunning
Randall McMurphy
​deep down she knows she's inferior to you
Randall McMurphy
​and here you are in her chat
Randall McMurphy
​not talking about me
Randall McMurphy
​Claire she needs you MORE than you need her
Randall McMurphy
​and sitting in the audience watching it is almost like what serial killers do when they revisit their kill
Randall McMurphy
Randall McMurphy
​@The hardkraw prawn how did it feel to win? getting ppl to do what you want 😂
Randall McMurphy
​Yogi Bear
Randall McMurphy
​is this person certified in yoga?
Randall McMurphy
​that's just your opinion
Randall McMurphy
​I'm sure they say the same about you
Randall McMurphy
​it depends on the person and THEIR perception of it
Randall McMurphy
​yet Claire can still get you to do her bidding
Randall McMurphy
​because CLAIRE is master and you are grasshopper!!!
Randall McMurphy
​but Claire wins because you do her bidding
Randall McMurphy
​@The Hardkraw Prawn call her grasshopper
Randall McMurphy
​CLAIRE you are master of her mind!
Randall McMurphy
​maybe.. maybe not grasshopper
Randall McMurphy
​you can not advance until you snatch the stone from her hand
Randall McMurphy
​grasshopper you need to learn your lesson otherwise you will be consumed by bigger predator
Randall McMurphy
​your weaknesses show

1:39:00  Church of Entropy thinks Randall McMurphy is Jay Walker.

1:41:00  The best way for Molyneux to win the debate

1:42:00  SPACEPAN joins.

1:45:00  Axioms
1:46:00  The Noahide laws
1:48:00  Christians are not Noahide.
1:51:00  The debate lacked a proposition so it ended in the nihilist refusing to concede the premise of the absolutist ie that there are Universally Preferable Behaviours.

1:53:00  The difference between a valid and sound argument

1:55:00  The Theist/Deist debate everyone said I lost

Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?

Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement of what you believe to be a sound argument?

1:57:00  Spacepan speaks on valid and sound arguments.

1:58:00  A formal debate

1:59:00  Spacepan helpfully explains the Lincoln-Douglas debates.


2:01:00  Vincent Bruno's not interested in argument, only in showtime.

2:04:00  Invalid arguments, valid arguments and sound arguments

2:05:00  The debating rules Spacepan helpfully suggested

2:08:00  Spacepan liked


2:11:00  The logical necessity of a Hypothetical Supreme Being

2:16:00  What is not forbidden is allowed.

2:17:00  What society is Church of Entropy modelling herself on?

2:21:00  What is "Talmud for gentiles"?

2:22:00  Christianity is right at the bottom of the ranking of Noahide-observance because of its idolatry and supreme blasphemy.

2:23:00  Christ was crucified for blasphemy and idolatry is a Jewish idea.

2:24:00  Idolatry

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