
Friday, 27 March 2020

James Goddard VS Mark Collett Debate | Civic VS Ethnic Nationalism

Mark Collett blames Jews for uncontrolled immigration.

James Goddard prefers to be alarmist about Muslims and Communism.

Who is British is who is a UK citizen.

14:00  MC is not married to the mother of his daughter.

25:00  MC paints a nightmare scenario of his daughter growing up in a Britain that is both black and Muslim and lists the people he wants expelled.

26:00  MC thinks of beating the LGBT agenda without using religion.

27:00  MC objects to the countryside being desecrated with housing developments to accommodate immigrants.

29:00  MC talks about Muslim grooming gangs and the loss of community of whites. That is because Christianity is kaput.

32:00  MC points out that an ethnostate does not mean there are no minorities.

34:00  MC talks about having non-white people on his show but he won't have me on his show. The last time I spoke to MC was in this video.

40:00  MC invites people to imagine Britain being run by blacks as whites in South Africa have a government run by blacks.

43:00  JG says Muslims are scarier than blacks.

44:00  MC paints a black picture of Africans heading to Europe and Britain.

46:00  JG talks about the evil of Islam.

50:00  But for immigration ....

52:00  MC conflates a failure of law enforcement with immigration.

53:00  JG proposes the repatriation of Muslims.

59:00  Boris Johnson and the NHS

1:00:00  Health tourism

1:01:00  Why can't we train our own doctors and nurses? Education, education, education.

1:02:00  Globalism and Islam

1:03:00  Traditional Britain

1:04:00  The enemies of white people

1:06:00  MC never once considers the failure of Christianity.

1:07:00  Globalist and nationalist Jews

1:08:00  The hypocrisy of Liberal Jews

1:09:00  Barbara Lerner Spectre

1:10:00  Porn, Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad,

1:11:00  Ezra Levant,, Tommy Robinson, Robert Maxwell, Prince Charles

1:13:00  Paedophilia

1:15:00  Islam, Communism and the political class

1:15:00  Fragmentation of the Right

1:16:00  The marginalisation of the white working class

1:19:00  Tommy Robinson

1:20:00  Israel First

1:21:00  JG is a Zionist.

1:23:00  Israel, America and AIPAC

2:16:00  The Islamophobia of James Goddard

Inclusive debates of this nature are moronic and a waste of time and energy. There should be a proposal of a particular course of action or a statement asserting the truth of something that can be affirmed or opposed. The participants would be the proposer and opposer. The debates I would favour are:

  1. Should the patriarchy be restored?
  2. Is patriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers?
  3. Is matriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers?
  4. In a war between a patriarchy and a matriarchy, which do you think is more likely to be socially cohesive and militarily efficient?
  5. Does feminism bribe men with fornication to keep them quiescent under their matriarchy?
  6. Do nationalists believe that extramarital sex is their human right?
  7. Do nationalists know that all the world religions forbid extramarital sex?
  8. Do nationalists know that there are more unmarried parents in Britain than there are married parents?
  9. Do nationalists know that the link between illegitimacy and criminality is well-established?
  10. If it is agreed that patriarchy should be restored, must sluts be shamed?  
  11. Are sluts women who have sex with men not their husband, especially if they are unmarried mothers?
  12. Should unmarried parents be treated as sex offenders as prescribes?
  13. If unmarried parents are to be shamed, what else but Secular Koranism would do the job?
  14. If you don't want to shame unmarried parents, is it because you are not a married father and do not plan to become one?
  15. If you are complaining about immigration but refuse to support restoring the patriarchy, are you in the dishonourable position of wishing to wound but being afraid to strike? 
  16. Only patriarchy would produce enough good strong men capable of defending the national interest. 
  17. In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother, including POTUS.  
  18. Is marriage eugenic and illegitimacy dysgenic? 
  19. What is the purpose of religion? 
  20. Is Christianity kaput?
  21. If Christianity is kaput, must it be replaced?
  22. If Christianity must be replaced because it is kaput, what should it be replaced by?
  23. If Christianity is not to be replaced by Islam, could it be replaced by Hinduism or Buddhism, which are even more alien to Western traditions? 
  24. Is Judaism divine ethno-nationalism?
  25. Is Islam divine civic nationalism?
  26. Is Islam "Judaism Lite"?
  27. Is Secular Koranism "Islam Lite"?
  28. To get to Ethno-Nationalism, it is necessary to go past Civic Nationalism.
  29. No society can remain in existence without a religion effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality. The minimum of sexual morality a religion ought to satisfy is ensuring most parents in your society are married parents.  
  30. Should Britain become a one party state? 

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