
Friday, 27 March 2020

JF Gariepy on the Coronavirus / COVID19 & the Revolutionary Phenotype

33:00  JF and I agreed on the possibility of getting the worst of both worlds: destroying the economy and dying.

39:00  Physical and moral laws converge in Covid-19?

41:00  No open borders in the time of the Black Death, only trade routes.

42:00  War, famine and pestilence are generic terms.

42:30  Morality is about good or evil, according to JF. Yes, but who decides what is good or evil? The hypothetical supreme being believed to have given us His laws in two revealed scriptures ie the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles would be the final arbiter on these matters.

Church of Entropy says morality is an analgesic.

I take the teleological view of morality and believe its purpose is to keep the group subscribing to that moral system together and apart from others.

1:04:00  The shutdown is a crisis of political correctness.  Political correctness is the matriarchy in denial.

Boris Johnson, because he is an unprincipled Etonian shit infamous for siring bastards, cannot stick to any principle because he has none. Why is Eton infamous for producing unprincipled Etonian shits like Cameron and Johnson? Because Christianity is kaput. Too bad Doooovid won't help me in propagating this message because Doooovid submits more to liberalism than Judaism and is therefore also an unprincipled coward only interested in prevaricating and muddying the waters with pointless ideas like his Multiple Truth Hypothesis, as if gentiles needed any more encouragement to fudge and mudge their way through their pathetic unprincipled lives.

1:10:00  Reproduction is the process through which life perpetuates itself. Morality is the process through which society decides who is allowed breeding rights. Any ideology that promotes sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting thereby cheapening the price of sex will cause degeneracy.  Feminism is about bribing men with fornication to make them forget their traditions and desecrate the achievements and acquisitions of their ancestors. The consequence of this is that more people will die without offspring while living as unprincipled atheistic nihilists who don't give a damn about posterity because they have no biological investment in the next generation. It will be a vicious circle of ever more unprincipled politicians being voted for by ever more degenerate and morally corrupt parasitic voters. Eventually the parasites will overwhelm its host and end up consuming each other as cannibals.

In the meantime, Jews continue to pretend that God chose them for no particular reason and they have no duty at all to promote the Noahide laws. It is a law of nature that the more Jews neglect their religious obligation to promote the Noahide laws amongst gentiles, the more they will be hated. The more they are hated, the more they will suffer.

In the meantime, Doooovid will continue to promote his pointless Multiple Truth Hypothesis and fret about the pangolin while neglecting his religious and moral duty to ask himself the purpose for which Jews were chosen. The Noahide laws are after all not politically correct, and the Judaic obligation of Kiddush Hashem is too troublesome for a liberal Jew guided by a female rabbi who will have no view at all on the Noahide laws.

1:25:00  "This virus teaches us nothing." Actually, Covid-19 will be what led to the unforced error that led to the Western matriarchy into shooting itself in the foot and then the head.

R selection = bastards casually conceived and casually parented by irresponsible immoral and promiscuous women.

K selection = children of married parents.

Secular Koranism would bring about all the conditions necessary for the patriarchy to be restored, but Doooovid will not co-operate to give the idea the oxygen of publicity because he does not want to share the limelight or discuss the issues i want to discuss, probably out of personal rivalry or moral cowardice.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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