
Friday, 6 March 2020

No way out for unprincipled antisemites and Islamophobes who don't think they need a religion

29:00  There is no way out for people who won't even accept that they need a religion to protect their group

I am happy to discuss Secular Koranism on this channel.
35:00  Patriarchy

Even the Hungarians are not replacing themselves.

36:00  Halsey has repeatedly refused to discuss Secular Koranism with me.
37:00  I have spoken to E Michael Jones twice.

Christianity is idolatrous anyway. Idolatry is forbidden by the Noahide laws.

Protestantism was the manifestation of incipient nationalism.

I have a cunning plan to change to introduce Secular Koranism with the help of Jews and Muslims using the Noahide laws.

50:00  Patriarchy is mentioned again by Halsey.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers. Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried indifferent to the parenting of their casually conceived illegitimate offspring.

55:00  You don't need to disenfranchise women just because they are women, you could make a rule of no representation without taxation and repeal all anti-discrimination legislation. A one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism is the solution, and I would be very happy to defend my position.
White Nationalism + Islam = Secular Koranism?

1:03:00  The First Amendment was derived from the Koran.

1:07:00  The right just has to use my ideas and needs to launch a full-on attack on the matriarchy.

1:11:00  It not safe for men to marry until no fault divorce is abolished.

1:14:00  The Torah for Jews, the Koran for gentiles.

1:15:00  Not even Christians claim the New Testament is written by Christ, let alone by God. Both the Torah and the Koran are believed to come from God.

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