
Wednesday, 1 April 2020

A challenge to Stefan Molyneux to debate on how and whether to restore the patriarchy on

1:00  Don't bother watching this. Instead, ask me a question about Stefan Molyneux and his possible reasons for avoiding a debate with me on a libertarian theocracy at

4:00  The religious narrative
5:00  A moral nihilist is a self-confessed sociopath eg J F Gariepy, Church of Entropy. 
6:00  Never debate with a nihilist. 
7:00  Most atheists are nihilists.  
8:00  Never debate with anyone who at least says he submits to Truth, Logic and Morality.
8:30  Defining morality
9:00  No religion, no identity. 
10:00  Teleology
11:00  Stefan Molyneux and I discussed theocracy. 

11:30  Stefan Molyneux debating with JF

14:00  Mormonism
17:00  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference. 
17:30  Five stages of grief

21:00  Herd immunity
22:00  The Covid-19 way of death
24:00  "Bumping into" someone who had Covid-19
26:00  Living apart together
27:00  Kevin Michael Grace gets it about patriarchy and matriarchy.

28:00  My expedition to the supermarket
30:00  Men and women react differently to lockdown.
31:00  Men suffering from cabin fever are more likely to commit acts of domestic violence.
33:00  Consultation 
35:00  Herd immunity
36:00  Men have become women.
37:00  My Covid-19 conspiracy theory
39:00  Modi thinks India can larp as a First World Nation.
40:00  Hindu nationalism my arse.
41:00  Inductive/empirical and deductive/rationalist reasoning.  
42:00  Mexico and Brazil are not going to larp as First World countries.
43:00  Unprincipled leaders
49:00  Church of Entropy appears in the chat. 
54:00  Millennial Woes on libertarianism

1:02:00  The failure of libertarianism
1:03:00  What is liberty?
1:04:00  What are the necessary laws?
1:05:00  Setting the parameters of the debate between Stefan Molyneux and me
1:06:00  Interpretation is a function of power and your nation should control the interpretation.
1:09:00  Britain needs a one party theocracy. 
1:11:00  People who have avoided the truth all their lives
1:12:00  The Torah is so harsh that Jews have diluted its principles to keep up with the times while the Koran can be interpreted literally without violating reason and humanity.  

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