
Wednesday, 1 April 2020

I restate my support for herd immunity

28:00  I join.
The only problem is the disposal of corpses.
20:00  NEETs and bedblockers
30:00  Sacrifices will have to be made.
31:00  Independent businesses
33:00  The end of civilisation as we know it
33:30  The end of American exceptionalism
34:00  Effeminate, cowardly, unmanly
35:00  The orphans of Western civilisation
36:00  Periodic clearout
37:00  Europeans went on to achieve great things after the bubonic plague.
38:00  Dying with dignity
38:30  The West is a geographical as well as a political expression.
41:00  Boomer remover
42:00  Prioritising the national interest
43:00  Is there a duty to strive officiously to keep alive?
46:00  Senescent Italy
48:00  Islamic consultation
49:00  India, Mexico, Brazil and Sweden
51:00  Covid-19 deaths in Sweden
51:30  Spanish flu
52:00  It's not what happens to you, but how you deal with it.
52:30  The divine punishment narrative
53:00  The Abrahamic God
53:30  The Ancient Greeks
54:00  The slaves of God
55:00  Prometheus
56:00  Alexander Fleming
56:30  Israel means wrestling with God.
57:00  Biblical and rabbinic responses to suffering

Throughout the literature of Jewish piety, the idea is found of accepting suffering in love and faith in God. The Mekhilta [a midrash on the book of Exodus] to the verse: “Ye shall not make with Me gods of silver and gods of gold” (Exodus 20: 23) comments: “Do not behave towards Me as heathens behave to their gods. When happiness come to them, they sing praises to their gods, but when retribution comes upon them they curse their gods. If I bring happiness upon you give thanks, and when I bring sufferings give thanks also.”

58:00  People on the whole are not interested in learning. 

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